Why is alligator drag exercise a powerful full body workout?

The alligator drag exercise is a functional action that simulates the creeping motion of an alligator (Image via Men
The alligator drag exercise is a functional action that simulates the creeping motion of an alligator. (Image via Men's Journal)

The alligator drag exercise ticks all these boxes and more. This unique and dynamic workout engages the entire body, combining strength, endurance and coordination.

In this article, we explore the alligator drag exercise, its benefits and how to incorporate it in your fitness regimen.

What is the alligator drag exercise?

The alligator drag exercise is a functional movement that mimics an alligator's crawling motion.

It involves using the arms to pull the body forward while keeping the legs extended and off the ground. By imitating this reptilian movement, you engage your core, upper body, lower body and cardiovascular system, making it an intense full body workout.

Benefits of alligator drag exercise

The alligator drag necessitates the simultaneous coordination of several muscular groups. (Image via Youtube/DARE fitness)
The alligator drag necessitates the simultaneous coordination of several muscular groups. (Image via Youtube/DARE fitness)

Full body engagement: Unlike many exercises that target specific muscle groups, the alligator drag requires the coordination of multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

It works the arms, shoulders, chest, core, glutes and legs, leading to comprehensive muscle development.

Core strengthening: Maintaining a stable plank position during the alligator drag puts a tremendous load on the core muscles. These muscles work hard to keep the body aligned and prevent sagging, effectively strengthening the core and improving stability.

Cardiovascular endurance: The alligator drag is a fabulous cardiovascular exercise that gets the heart pumping. As you move across the floor, the body is under continuous tension, elevating heart rate and improving endurance.

Functional fitness: The alligator drag exercise closely mimics real-life movements, making it a functional exercise. It enhances the ability to crawl, push and pull, which can be beneficial in various daily activities and sports.

Versatility: Alligator drags can be performed using various tools, like resistance bands, sliders or towels, making them adaptable to different fitness levels and environments.

How to perform the alligator drag exercise

The alligator drag exercise is a tough but effective full body workout. (PIERRE DUCHARME/THE LEDGER)
The alligator drag exercise is a tough but effective full body workout. (PIERRE DUCHARME/THE LEDGER)

Step 1: Set up

  • Clear an open space on the floor. If you're using resistance bands or towels, ensure that they have enough room to stretch without hitting any obstacles.
  • Position yourself in a plank position with your hands directly under your shoulders and body in a straight line from head to heels.

Step 2: The drag

Using sliders or towels:

  • Place a slider or towel under each foot.
  • Engage your core, and maintain a plank position.
  • Slowly drag one foot forward, and bring the other foot forward to meet it. Continue the crawling motion for a set distance or time.

Using resistance bands:

  • Loop a resistance band around your ankles.
  • Assume the plank position, and ensure that the band is taut.
  • Begin crawling forward, maintaining tension in the band throughout the movement.

Step 3: Form tips

  • Keep your core tight and back flat throughout the exercise to protect your lower back.
  • Control your movements and avoid jerking or using momentum to drag yourself forward.
  • Breathe steadily throughout the exercise to ensure adequate oxygen supply to your muscles.
  • Start with short distances or time intervals and gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable with the movement.

The alligator drag exercise is a challenging and effective full body workout that offers numerous benefits, including improved strength, core stability and cardiovascular endurance.

Its versatility allows you to adapt the exercise to your fitness level and available equipment. Incorporate the alligator drag in your fitness routine to add variety and excitement.

Watch as it transforms your body into a powerful, agile machine reminiscent of its namesake reptile.

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