Why do you crave sugar after eating? Here’s a scientific explanation

Understanding why you crave sugar after eating (Image via Unsplash/Denny Muller)
Understanding why you crave sugar after eating (Image via Unsplash/Denny Muller)

Did you ever crave sugar after eating certain foods? If you have, you're not alone.

Sugar cravings are a common phenomenon that many people experience. Cravings after eating are generally caused by the release of dopamine, which is the "feel good" hormone.

For some people, eating certain foods can trigger dopamine release and cause intense cravings for more of the same food or other sugary foods.

Cravings for sugar can occur after eating, but you may not realize it

Often signals intense hunger (Image via Unsplash/Yes and Studio)
Often signals intense hunger (Image via Unsplash/Yes and Studio)

The human body is an amazing machine. It's designed to take care of us and keep us healthy, but sometimes it can get confused. Sometimes the signals it sends are wrong, or they don't happen at the right time or in the right amounts.

One of these signals is hunger or perhaps more accurately, cravings for food. If you've ever had a craving for something specific (like chocolate), you know how strong it can be and how quickly it comes on.

The good news is that there are ways around these kinds of cravings so they don't get in your way when trying not only lose weight but also maintain healthful habits overall.

Don't eat high-sugar foods every day; that may cause your body to crave more

Eating more sweets might make you crave sugar after eating everyday (Image via Unsplash/ Joanna kosinka)
Eating more sweets might make you crave sugar after eating everyday (Image via Unsplash/ Joanna kosinka)

You may be surprised to learn that eating too many sweets regularly can cause your body to crave sugar after eating. The more often you eat high-sugar foods, the more your body will want them and the less satisfied it will feel after each meal.

That's because sugar floods the body with glucose (sugar), which triggers insulin production. This hormone causes us to store fat and makes us feel hungry again soon after eating.

So we're likely to reach for another sweet treat in order to satisfy those cravings.

Cravings for sweets are often a sign that you need to take in more fiber or protein

Eat somethin filled with proteins (Image via Unsplash/Nature Zen)
Eat somethin filled with proteins (Image via Unsplash/Nature Zen)

If you crave sugar after eating can be a sign of low blood sugar, so it's important to get enough fiber and protein in your diet. Fiber helps slow down digestion, giving you a steady source of glucose for energy.

Protein helps build muscle mass, which burns more calories than fat does. So if you want to lose weight by burning off fat stores instead of muscle mass, make sure you're getting enough protein in your diet.

If you crave sugar after eating, try swapping it with protein or fiber

Crave sugar after eating - Eat your fav healthy fruit (Image via Unsplash/i z)
Crave sugar after eating - Eat your fav healthy fruit (Image via Unsplash/i z)

Protein helps the body digest food and feel full, so you eat less.

Fiber helps the body process sugars and may even reduce cravings for sugar by slowing down how quickly those sugars are absorbed into the bloodstream. Both of these things can help curb cravings for sweets after meals.

Fruits are an excellent source of both fiber and protein and they're also packed with vitamins. You might consider pairing one up with some nuts or seeds on the side (or in place of dessert).

Craving sugar after eating can be a symptom of the sleep-wake cycle

Too much sugar disrupts your sleep wake cycle (Image via Vecteezy)
Too much sugar disrupts your sleep wake cycle (Image via Vecteezy)

Its normal to crave sugar after eating, but it can be caused by many factors. One of the most likely culprits is your circadian rhythm.

Light and dark signals from your eyes tell the brain when to release hormones that affect appetite and blood sugar levels. These include cortisol (a stress hormone) as well as insulin, which helps turn nutrients into energy.

This process also works in reverse: when you eat something sweet, these same hormones increase production of glucose in order for it to be used as fuel or stored as fat.

Eating high-sugar foods can make you feel tired and sleepy in the afternoon (and early evening)

Crave sugar after eating - Can make you more tired (Image via Unsplash/sydney sims)
Crave sugar after eating - Can make you more tired (Image via Unsplash/sydney sims)

That's because sugar is a simple carbohydrate, which means it's quickly broken down into glucose by the body. Glucose is the primary source of energy for the body.

When it's released in the bloodstream at an accelerated rate, it can cause a spike in blood sugar level that leaves you feeling jittery and anxious not exactly ideal if you're trying to unwind after work.

If this sounds familiar: don't worry.You don't have to give up your favorite treats completely; instead try swapping out those sugary snacks with healthier alternatives like fruit or nuts instead.

It's important to understandwhy you crave sugar after eating and how you can manage them. If you find that your cravings are related to other factors like sleep-wake cycles or stress, it may be a good idea to make sure those areas are addressed before dealing with the food itself.

You might also want to try eating more protein-rich foods at dinner time instead of sweets so that they keep you full longer into the evening hours when these urges tend appear most often.

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