Debatable Decisions – Week 32 & 33


I started drafting this blog at 8.30, I finished at 10.35. Two hours, 15 pages of Microsoft Word and almost 7,000 words to tell you all you need to know about the performance of referees in the Premiership during weeks 32 and 33. Enjoy, while I take a well earned rest.


Chelsea – Wigan

Wigan Penalty Shout For Cahill Handball

Simon M – It’s far too close and Cahill’s arm is out as he dives through the air, rather than unnaturally out. Also, not entirely convinced it strikes his arm.

Ben – You can’t give a penalty for that, Cahill’s hand is up but I think it’s a genuine attempt to block the ball.

Ant – Not a penalty, it doesn’t hit Cahill on the outstretched part of his arm and it looks like a genuine attempt to block the ball.


Mike – I find this one very tough to call. We know it’s not deliberate and we know Cahill stands no chance of getting his arm out of the way at that kind of proximity. But we also know referees have been given a directive to award handballs for arms in an “unnatural” position. Although Cahill is sliding in, does he need to impersonate a windmill in doing so? I feel that it perhaps should have been a penalty, but I can understand why it wasn’t given.


Simon F – Cahill’s arm is up, but I’m not actually convinced that the ball struck his arm, it seemed to deflect more off his side for me, so no penalty.

Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Ivanovic Goal Potentially Offside

Simon M – He’s clearly offside, not even a shadow of doubt about this one so I’ve no idea how the assistant referee missed this one.

Ben – Ivanovic looks to be offside here and it’s another one of those where I think that the linesman should be getting this right.


Ant – This is a terrible decision from the linesman Ivanovic was clearly offside.

Mike – Ivanovic is clearly offside when the ball is played in and the goal should not have stood. Very poor officiating indeed.

Simon F – One of those inexplicable decisions. Clearly offside and one that Wigan have every right to be irate about.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Mata Goal Potentially Offside

Simon M – This is a little tighter, so I do have some sympathy for the linesman, but it’s stll offside and they should still be getting decisions like this right.


Ben – This one looks much tighter and a tougher decision but I think Mata is just about off as well. I might be being harsh but if the linesman is in the correct position, he should be able to get this one right to as his position should be superior to the television angle that we’re judging off.

Ant – Not as bad as the Ivanovic one but still a poor decision from the linesman.


Mike – When Torres catapults the ball into the post, Mata is certainly offside. It’s another one the assistant referee needs to be spotting, really. Very poor stuff.

Simon F – Not as blatant as the Ivanovic one, but Mata does stray offside and is the next player to touch the ball, so the goal should not have stood.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Bolton – Fulham

N’Gog Penalty Shout

Simon M – I can’t quite make out whether Riise gets a touch on the ball or goes through the man to get a touch on the ball. Gonna side with the officials here.


Ben – Correct if FK was given. The foul happens outside of the area, no penalty.

Ant – This was a free kick pretty clear the contact is made outside the area.

Mike – I really feel there is a foul here, but I don’t think it was a penalty. I think it takes place outside the box. It’s CORRECT in that a penalty wasn’t awarded, although I do feel there should have been a free-kick.


Simon F – As a Liverpool fan I remember N’Gog’s ability to fall over well, it’s about the only thing he’s good at. This was a simple case of two players going shoulder-to-shoulder and Riise came out the winner.

Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

West Brom – Blackburn

Modeste Red Card

Simon M – You can’t do that and expect to get away with it. Petulant and a bizarre decision because there didn’t seem much in the original tackle.


Ben – Going by the letter of the law, it’s the correct decision as Modeste did kick out at the Baggies man. It’s one of those which possibly could have been a yellow and a ‘don’t be stupid’ from the referee but players do need to know that they can’t kick other players.

Ant – I would have like to have seen the referee give a yellow card here and a warning. It doesn’t look that bad and more of a soft push than anything.


Mike – It’s a half-kick out by Modeste at Jones, really. It’s silly and unnecessary, but there’s not much in it. I can’t help but feel a yellow card would have been enough.

Simon F – He kicked out at Jones and can have no complaints about being shown a red card.

Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Norwich – Everton

Pienaar lying on ball in build up to Everton goal

Simon M – He’s definitely affecting play and it’s definitely unsporting. What is the referee playing at? Everyone stops; he’s clearly said or indicated something and then let Everton play on. No idea what he’s upto here.


Ben – Although I’m going to say that the goal shouldn’t have stood – Everton should have still kept possession in the form of a free-kick. It looks to me as though Pienaar was fouled so a FK should have been the result. After getting that wrong however, I think Norwich should have had a free-kick for Pienaar laying on the ball. Either way, play should have been stopped but it was the referee’s multiple errors that allowed the goal to happen.


Ant – I think that Pienaar is fouled and Everton should have had a free kick, the referee did not indicate he was playing advantage so he got this one wrong.

Mike – It’s really hard to tell if Pienaar actually lies on the ball as such. I thought it looked more like he lay down, but the ball was between his legs rather than underneath him. Because of this, I can’t be certain there’s too much wrong with it.


Simon F – For me this should have been a booking for ‘unsporting behaviour’. By lying on the ball Pienaar makes it impossible for a Norwich player to win the ball without fouling him, and like the Norwich players, I thought he should have been penalised for it.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Aston Villa – Liverpool

Liverpool Penalty Shout For Herd Handball

Simon M – Far too close and would have been very harsh.


Ben – Like the earlier handball from this week’s matches, you can’t give a penalty for this one either. There is no unnatural movement, it’s not deliberate therefore no penalty.

Ant – Herd never handballed it on purpose and his hands were not in an unnatural position so no penalty.

Mike – It does strike Herd’s arm but it’s another of those we see all the time where his arm is low and tucked in and there’s nothing he can do about it.


Simon F – Like so many we judge, the ball is hit from close range and as Herd is trying to get his hand out of the way, this isn’t a penalty for me.

Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Suarez Penalty Shout

Simon M – He’s clipped and it’s the kind of clip that will bring a player bursting into the area down. I would have awarded this.

Ben – From the TV angle, it looks a definite foul. I will partially side with the ref here though and say that from his position, he couldn’t be sure whether the touch that moved it to Suarez’ right was from him or the defender – I wasn’t sure either on first viewing. Having said that, it should have been a penalty.


Ant – In real time I didn’t think this was a penalty so can sympathise with the referee but the replays showed there was contact and a foul on Suarez.

Mike – The commentator says there’s “definitely a touch from Hutton”, but I’m not certain there is. I have to err on the side of caution and say the referee got it right.

Simon F – There is contact, but I’m not sure that it’s enough to send Suarez down. A borderline decision, but I’m erring on the side of the referee.


Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Kuyt Penalty Shout

Simon M – Poor defending followed up with desperate play in a bid to rectify his mistake. The referee could have given it for handball or the foul, to give neither is a horrendous decision.

Ben – This one is different, I feel either one of the linesman on that side or the referee should be calling this one. The defender doesn’t cover himself in glory here and when the ball floats over his head he’s scrambling to try and hold Kuyt back. There’s a handball which look deliberate to me but not just that, the Villa player also fouls Kuyt by blocking him off.


Ant – Could have been given for either the handball or the foul on Kuyt but either way it should have been a penalty.

Mike – There’s clearly a deliberate handball in there, and a slight tug on Kuyt as well. So two possible penalty claims dismissed. Both should have been given, in my view.

Simon F – There is absolutely no reason for the defender to have his arms out in the manner he does other than to gain an advantage by handling the ball or grabbing Kuyt. In the end he does both and should have conceded a penalty.


Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Caruthers Penalty Shout

Simon M – I don’t buy this as a penalty. There’s very little contact and he goes down far too easily and theatrically. I think the ref got this one right when booking him for a dive.

Ben – I’m a little hesitant to call this one but I think it’s a dive. I thought it in real-time because of the way Carruthers leaves his foot dangling back. I think he’s expecting contact but I actually can’t see any but he still hits the deck.


Ant – I wasn’t sure about this when watching the match as he looked like he went down easily and on seeing the replays there is no contact and it is a dive from Carruthers

Mike – It looks like there is a minimal amount of contact. Technically, this should be a penalty, although I’m not convinced Carruthers couldn’t have stayed on his feet if he wanted to.

Simon F – Agger clearly trips Caruthers and just inside the penalty area, so Villa should have had a spot kick.


Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Liverpool Shot Possibly Over Line

Simon M – We needed a zoomed replay, so no slight on the officials when I call this one incorrect, it was a very difficult one to call.

Ben – From the zoomed in angle, it did look over the line but it was marginal – could the linesman be certain? I’m not so sure.

Ant – This looks like it is just over the line but where the ball is and the GK it would be nearly impossible for the officials to award it as a goal. If they are not 100 percent sure then they should not award it but I have marked it incorrect as it was over the line.


Mike – It’s a hard one for the referee to call, but where is his assistant? It’s well over the line. Far further over than some are making out.

Simon F – I have a lot of sympathy with the officials on this one, and it’s another incident in favour of goal line technology, but the magnified shot on MOTD looked to show that the ball was over the line, so it has to go down as an incorrect decision.


Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Stoke – Wolves

Crouch & Walters Penalty Shouts

Simon M – Poor call from the referee. Stoke fall foul of their own style of play.

Ben – First of all, I’m not sure there is a foul on Crouch. There is a little bit of holding but I’m not sure if there is enough to warrant a penalty. I can see both sides of the argument though on this one.


As for Walters being fouled – well, he certainly is. He isn’t however being fouled when the ball is in play so I don’t think the penalty can be given for that either.

Ant – Not much in the Crouch one for me, Henry does foul Walters it’s obvious but he is doing it before the corner is taken.

Mike – There’s enough in the holding here for me to feel that either incident could have warranted a penalty. The fact that neither did constitutes two incorrect decisions, doesn’t it?


Simon F – The referee could have given a penalty for either of these incidents, and for both to be missed is poor.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Free Kick Awarded For Stoke Goal

Simon M – It’s a pretty rough tackle, not malicious, just desperate, but a definite free kick.

Ben – You’ll hear ‘he got the ball!’ being screamed at this one but that doesn’t matter. The tackle is still a dangerous one, not to mention the follow through.


Ant – There should not have been a free kick awarded here, it was a perfect tackle with full contact on the ball.

Mike – This is a good, strong, fair tackle for me. It’s perhaps borderline in terms of the atmosphere around physical challenges at the moment, but I don’t feel it’s a foul.

Simon F – Although Edwards wins the ball, his follow through on Pennant is reckless and deserving of a free kick.


Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Man Utd – QPR

Derry Red Card and Young Penalty

Simon M – How the FA didn’t rescind this red card I doubt we’ll ever know. It’s offside, it’s a dive, it’s not a penalty and it’s not a red.

Ben – Plenty to discuss in this ‘one’ decision. First of all there is the fact that Young is offside, something that the linesman should see. His position is excellent so there’s no excuse for missing this one.


Secondly, the actual ‘foul’. I’ve seen many mention that Young dived for this one and while I agree he went down easily, I still think there was a foul. I doubt myself because I’ve heard plenty of Man Utd fans disagree with this. The thing is, Young could probably have stayed on his feet but it’s not his job to do so if he feels he is fouled. If you have access to the slow motion view, watch how Young actually falls – it appears to me a little unnatural. The push does seem to knock him off course. Therefore I’d say that this actually was a foul.


Lastly, the red card. If it wasn’t for the offside – I’d have said it was correct as it was a goal scoring opportunity.

I’m prepared for a slating for the last two based on what I’ve read but none of it should count anyway because the linesman should have seen the offside rendering the debate absolutely pointless.

Ant – This is wrong for a couple of reasons, one is that Young is offside in the build up and two is that Young takes a really pathetic dive and cheats to get awarded a penalty. However it should not have come down to this as it was offside.


Mike – Firstly, Young is offside. So even if Derry thumps Young in the jaw, it’s not a penalty. But Derry lightly lays a hand on Young, and the rest is history. A horrible piece of officiating all round

Simon F – First of all, Young is clearly offside, and how the assistant misses it is beyond me. Secondly, there is the barest of contact from Derry, but nowhere near enough to send Young down. A clear dive for which he should have been booked.


Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision x 2

Arsenal – Man City

Van Persie Penalty Shout

Simon M – Kompany made ESPN’s team of the week this week, not sure how after this awful piece of defending. It’s a penalty all day long and a terrible decision from the ref.

Ben – I think this is a fairly tough on to call. Kompany is definitely the reason that Van Persie loses his balance but was it unfair? I’m not so sure, I think Kompany’s strength is the deciding factor in this one and so I’d side with the referee.


Ant – I don’t think this was a penalty it’s just a clash of players and awarding a penalty would have been very soft.

Mike – This is a stonewall penalty. Kompany just runs into van Persie and floors him.

Simon F – Kompany clearly bundles Van Persie over and Arsenal should have had a penalty.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Balotelli Foul On Alex Song (No Card)

Simon M – I’m lost for words about this tackle, it’s disgusting. Thoroughly digusting.


Ben – What an absolutely disgusting challenge. Balotelli has previous and how he gets away with this one as well is beyond me. Speechless.

Ant – Should have been a straight red, one of the worst challenges of the season and could have done some serious damage to Song. Hard to believe the FA are refusing to charge him for this terrible challenge.

Mike – I can’t understand what Balotelli was thinking. This kind of thing is so dangerous. He should have been sent off.


Simon F – An awful challenge, studs up on the knee and there is no question in my mind that it was deserving of a red card.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Balotelli Foul on Sagna (No Card)

Simon M – Another bad tackle, but not worthy of a red. Still, incorrect because he didn’t get a yellow and you think he would have known better having got away with the first tackle.


Ben – Another tackle which wasn’t particularly pretty. Nothing like the first one and should have resulted in a yellow card.

Ant – I don’t think there is much if any contact here, I suppose a card could have been given for dangerous play but not in my eyes.

Mike – I think the ball is at a height where both players had to wag their legs at it a bit. I’ll give Balotelli the benefit of the doubt here.


Simon F – A high foot, reckless, not as bad as the challenge on Song but worthy of a yellow card.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Balotelli Foul On Sagna (Yellow Card)

Simon M – Worthy of a yellow, late, but not as nasty as either of this other tackles.

Ben – Talk about consistency. This is a carbon copy of the previous decision (I actually thought it was the same one) so why wasn’t the first a yellow as well? This was the correct decision but it should have been a second yellow and red.


Ant – More than deserved caught Sagna on the follow through.

Mike – It’s true that Balotelli’s studs were showing, but I again think it was as much to do with the height of the ball. Sagna is just quicker to it. But as Balotelli’s studs were showing, a yellow card seems fair.

Simon F – Very similar to the challenge that didn’t earn him a yellow card, this time Balotelli got what he deserved.


Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Balotelli Foul On Sagna (Second Yellow)

Simon M – Got what he deserved. Perhaps the biggest debatable decisions here was Mancini’s decision to keep him on the pitch when everyone else knew he was going to end up seeing red.

Ben – Mario was trying to get sent off, right? This is another awful challenge and eventually the ref gave Balotelli his much deserved red card. It’s just a shame it took so long.


Ant – Here Super Mario proves how stupid he is and what a liability he is for Man City. To make a challenge like this when already on a yellow shows how stupid some football players can be.

Mike – This is so stupid. You’re on a yellow card, you’re losing 1-0, why do this? Easily a second yellow.

Simon F – This is clearly a reckless challenge and there can be no argument over the yellow card. How he’d stayed on the pitch long enough to make this tackle is a mystery.


Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Spurs – Norwich

Holt Penalty Shout

Simon M – A clear penalty and had it been given Spurs wouldn’t have scored their goal.

Ben – Quite clearly a penalty, it’s not subtle at all – the referee should see this one.

Ant – I think King hauls Holt down here and a penalty should have been given.

Mike – King drags Holt to the floor. At no point does he play the ball. That has to be a penalty.


Simon F – King is clearly pulling Holt’s shirt and Norwich should have been awarded a penalty.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision x 2

Kaboul Kick At Holt (No Card)

Simon M – Easily missed by the officials as play was moving forward, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t incorrect. He should have walked.

Ben – We’ve seen it quite a few times over the years, kicking out gets you a red. It’s similiar to the Modeste one, a yellow would maybe have survived but by the letter of the law? Red card.


Ant – Not sure if there is any contact but Kaboul should have been yellow carded for this sort of thing.

Mike – Holt is tugging away at Kaboul, so it’s possible Spurs should have had a free-kick. But Kaboul does aim a kick at Holt. It’s a more serious, forceful kick than Modeste’s halfhearted effort for Blackburn last week, and a red might have been fair. It’s a yellow card, minimum.


Simon F – A very similar incident to the one with Modeste for Blackburn, and one that should have had the same outcome with Kaboul shown a red card.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Wilbraham Penalty Shout

Simon M – I don’t think it’s intentional, but Adebayor basically pushes Wilbraham over. It’s a penalty.

Ben – Adebayor just uses his strength here – Wilbraham goes down easily so the referee got this one right.


Ant – I don’t think there is enough in this to award a penalty.

Mike – Both players are watching the ball, but Adebayor shows that he is no defender. He probably wants to outmuscle Wilbraham, but instead he just barges him over. Penalty.

Simon F – Adebayor clearly and deliberately knocks Wilbraham over and Norwich should, again, have had a penalty.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Newcastle – Bolton

Cisse Goal Potentially Offside

Simon M – Another close offside call, but he is only just offside and as usual, sympathy for the officials, but they did get it wrong.


Ben – The TV angle makes it look a little worse than it is but using the lines on the pitch, you can see that it was marginal but that’s enough.

Ant – Looks slightly offside from the replays.

Mike – It’s another one that leaves you wondering what the linesman was doing. It’s so obvious that Cisse is offside. He’s on fire at the moment and doesn’t need a helping hand like this.


Simon F – For the second week running Cisse benefits from a poor offside decision. The assistant is clearly up with play as well, so has no excuse for missing this one.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Fulham – Chelsea

Kelly Handball Shout

Simon M – The shot comes in from a decent distance out and for me Kelly could have moved in time, the fact he didn’t was poor judgement and it might seem harsh, but I would have awarded a penalty.


Ben – I don’t think Kelly could have got out of the way of this one, it even appeared that he tried to but failed.

Ant – The speed of this shot would have made it very hard to get out of the way, a penalty would have been extremely harsh.

Mike – I personally think is far enough away, and his arm outstretched enough, that he couldn’t complain if a penalty is awarded. He’s trying to get his arm in, but why was it out like that in the first place?


Simon F – The shot is hit from a good five or six yards away and Kelly’s arm is away from his body. It’s a borderline call, but I would have given a penalty.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Kalou Penalty

Simon M – I don’t think Murphy gets the ball, it’s a penalty. The referee caused the hassle about this decision by discussing Kelly’s involvement, which was minimal.


Ben – Murphy’s tackle is a dangerous one, not to mention incredibly poor. You’d expect better of someone with his experience. Having heard that this was given for a foul by Kelly however means the referee got it right – if for the wrong reasons. Kelly wasn’t guilty of a foul, there was only contact because of Murhpy’s tackle.

Ant – Murphy connect with the ball but does go in hard. On Sky the commentators said the referee awarded it for the foul by Kelly which I cannot see, so in my eyes this was not a penalty.


Mike – Murphy’s challenge looks okay to me. He doesn’t take chunks out of the ball, but he does win it. The referee says it was a penalty for a trip by Kelly, but I think that’s just a man trying to exonerate himself from a poor decision.

Simon F – A careless lunge from Murphy, why he feels the need to go in as he does I have no idea, and a penalty was rightly awarded for it.


Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Everton – Sunderland

Hibbert Challenge Before Corner For First Everton Goal

Simon M – It’s a good old fashioned shoulder to shoulder and Hibbert wins.

Ben – There’s no foul here, both players come together and the weaker loses out.

Ant – Colback needs to be stronger there is no foul by Hibbert.

Mike – The ball is getting away from two players who are chasing after it. Both move into each other, but Hibbert is much stronger. I see nothing wrong here. Colback needed to compete far harder.


Simon F – A simple case of two players going shoulder-to-shoulder and Hibbert proving to be the stronger. Certainly not a foul.

Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Aston Villa – Stoke

Collins Penalty Shout

Simon M – Shawcross is all over him. I wonder how refs miss this because the players bring their attention to it, is it because they don’t like being told how to do their job?

Ben – There is minimal amount of holding here – that’s what you call trying to win a penalty.


Ant – There is a bit of pulling but I think Collins pushes back into the Stoke player in an attempt to get a penalty.

Mike – These seems to be how Stoke defend set pieces, and if they’re going to get away with it, why shouldn’t they? This is a penalty all day long.

Simon F – Collins is backing into Shawcross a little, but it’s no surprise to see the Stoke defender pulling his man down. Another penalty which should have been awarded.


Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Free Kick For Stoke Equaliser

Simon M – No foul, a crazy decision from the officials because f they give this they should be giving dozens of free kicks each match.

Ben – Much like the Colback-Hibbert decision earlier on, it’s a case of strength winning the day – I don’t feel there was a foul here.

Ant – Little contact here, I just don’t see this as a foul.


Mike – Gardner protested, but he does rather barge Pennant in the back. It can only be a free-kick.

Simon F – There is a little nudge in the back, but Pennant doesn’t go down until he miscontrols the ball. Not a foul for me.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Sunderland – Spurs

Bardsley Possible Handball

Simon M – That’s a handball regardless of proximity. It’s a bizarre position to have your arm in and you’re asking for trouble when standing like that in a packed penalty area.


Ben – Based on the position of Bardsley’s arm, I think this could easily have been a penalty. The distance is short but Bardsley looks to have his arm in an unnatural position.

Ant – I think Bardsley moves his arm towards the ball hear and stops it so a penalty should have been given.

Mike – Bardsley’s arm is in such a strange position that, despite how close Adebayor is when he heads it, I feel a penalty for handball has to be given.


Simon F – The ball is headed at him from little more than a yard away, giving him no chance to get his hands out of the way. No penalty.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Parker Possible Handball

Simon M – I’m not even sure it hits his hand or arm.

Ben – Parker could do nothing about this one, a decent attempt at a tackle just forces the ball onto his arm.

Ant – The ball bounces up and Parker is unlucky, no intent and no penalty.


Mike – The ball is played onto Parker’s chest and it might graze his arm, but he does everything to try and avoid it. No penalty.

Simon F – As with Bardsley, the ball is hit at him from such close range that he has no time to react and therefore the referee was right not to give a penalty.

Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Wigan – Man Utd

Moses Disallowed Goal

Simon M – Caldwell is standing in front of De Gea, he’s not even touching him. Not sure what the officials have seen.


Ben – The cliche of goalkeepers being given too much protection applies here. I just don’t know what the referee has seen, a foul on De Gea? If that’s the case, I can’t see it. Really poor decision.

Ant – De Gea needs to be stronger here there is no way this should have been disallowed.

Mike – I can’t see a lot wrong with this. You see it all the time. Yes, the goalkeeper is somewhat impeded, but putting a player on the ‘keeper is common practice. There’s not really much of a push, as far as I can see.


Simon F – Do I really have to stick up for Gary Caldwell? Unfortunately I do as he has done absolutely nothing wrong here and the goal should have stood

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Corner For Wigan Goal

Simon M – A difficult one to call and replays aren’t even conclusive, but it looks to come off Beausejour last.

Ben – I’m tempted to say it’s a poor decision but the movement of the ball perhaps deceives the official who called it so it was perhaps an understandable error.


Ant – Poor decision as the ball clearly comes off the Wigan player and should have been a goal kick.

Mike – I can sympathise with officials in this kind of situation. In real time, that all happened so fast. Nevertheless, it should have been goal kick.

Simon F – It’s a very tight call, but I think the ball is still just in play when it rebounds into Beausejour and therefore should have been a goal kick.


Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Figueroa Possible Handball

Simon M – Blimey. That’s a shocker.

Ben – Quite clearly a handball, one of the officials has to see that.

Ant – This is clear handball, the ball comes from quite a distance away and I am not sure what Figueroa is trying to do.

Mike – Another one to leave you aghast. How is this missed? Do they think it’s an accident? Do they think he’s too close? If that’s not handball, nothing is. Terrible


Simon F – The distance the ball has travelled and the fact that Figueroa’s hand is away from his body suggest that this should have been a penalty to Manchester United.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Welbeck Penalty Shout

Simon M – A cynical foul, a definite penalty and a possible red card. United get all the decisions, yet again.

Ben – The foul just about begins outside of the area but once the ball is passed, the foul carries on into the box and the referee would have had every right to give a penalty.


Ant – I think Caldwell starts to pull Welbeck just inside the area the pulling goes on until they are outside and then back in, I think this should have been awarded.

Mike – It’s a definite foul. At first, I thought it originated outside the area, but you can see it starts inside the box, before they go out and come back in again. It’s a penalty. What a horrible performances by the officials at this match.


Simon F – Ahhhh, Caldwell reverting to type and being stupid. What he’s doing here I have no idea, and what is even more astonishing is that he gets away with it. Welbeck should have had a penalty.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

QPR – Swansea

QPR Penalty Shout For Handball

Simon M – He turns his back on the ball and has no idea where it’s going or whether his arm might be in the way. No penalty.


Ben – Apologies for repeating myself, but you can’t give a penalty for that.

Ant – Defender turns his back on play and makes no attempt to handball it, no penalty.

Mike – The problem here is that he raises his arm, seemingly in a protective reflex impulse. But you can’t claim an accident in this circumstance. It’s a handball.

Simon F – The defender’s arm clearly moves towards the ball, and even though it is to protect himself, it should have resulted in a penalty.


Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Wolves – Arsenal

Bassong Red Card and Walcott Penalty

Simon M – The referee had no choice and there wasn’t all that much argument from the Wolves players, which says it all.

Ben – I believe it’s accidental, but Bassong does foul Walcott. There’s no argument about it being a goal-scoring opportunity either so the ref got this spot on.

Ant – I don’t think this is a penalty, there appears to be no attempt to foul Walcott and it is just a coming together of two players.


Mike – It’s the kind of clumsy defending you sometimes get when a pacy forward gets the wrong side. No arguments on this one.

Simon F – Walcott has a clear goalscoring opportunity and Bassong clips him from behind. The referee had no choice but to award the penalty and show Bassong a red card.

Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Blackburn – Liverpool

Flanagan Possible Two Yellows (One Given)

Simon M – The second is a pretty nasty tackle and i’m not sure how he gets away with it. He should have seen red and there was still plenty of the match to go so who knows how that sending off might have affected the game.


Ben – As I said in my review of the match, Flanagan should have been sent off. Firstly, you’ve got a cynical foul after he lost the ball. Then a lunging, badly mistimed challenge which should have also been a yellow. Lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you look at it) to stay on the pitch long enough to sell his goalkeeper short.

Ant – Should have been red carded, the commentators said maybe the referee has it in his mind that he is only young that would be the worst excuse ever for not sending someone off.


Mike – The first one doesn’t look at all like a yellow card to me, while the second one is comfortably a yellow.

Simon F – Flanagan was very lucky to remain on the field, perhaps the fact that they came so close together saved him and caused the referee to give a final warning instead of the deserved second yellow card.

Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision

Doni Red Card & Hoillett Penalty

Simon M – I doubt even Liverpool fans could argue against this one.


Ben – The referee had no choice here, clearly the right decision.

It’s an incident which highlights the problem with the current punishment system. Doni is sent off, misses a match and a penalty is awarded, it’s a harsh way of dealing with incidents like this. If Doni stops playing, Blackburn score but he stays on the pitch and keeps his place in the team. It’s flawed logic and something that should be looked at.


Ant – Looks to me as if Hoillett is in control of the ball and would have scored, the GK deserved a red and it was a definite penalty.

Mike – This is an easy decision to make. The keeper just fells the onrushing Hoilett.

Simon F – Perhaps it would have been better for Liverpool if Flanagan had been sent off. He sold Doni short and the ‘keeper felt it necessary to bring down Hoillett. No argument over the penalty or the red card.


Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Jones Yellow Card and Yakubu Penalty

Simon M – Good decision from the ref to award the pen and limit it to a yellow. There was a lot of hype on Twitter about this incident and it seems a lot of people missed the covering defender that the commentator mentions.

Ben – Terrible goalkeeping here, a clear penalty. The colour of the card is a bit tougher however. I don’t feel that this is an obvious goal-scoring opportunity, the ball is running away from goal and Coates is coming back and would have at least contested the ball with Yakubu. Good officiating.


Ant – I think a yellow was right, Yakubu is not in control of the ball and I am not sure he would have got there before the Liverpool defender.

Mike – Liverpool have some bad luck of late, but they get a break here. Jones just pushed Yakubu away and there’s no question it would have been a clear goalscoring chance. The penalty is correctly awarded, but Jones had to go.


Simon F – On first viewing I thought that Brad Jones was very lucky to get away with only a yellow card, but the fact that Yakubu is heading away from goal means it wasn’t a clear goalscoring opportunity and the yellow was correct.

Overall Verdict – Correct Decision

Foul On Hansley In Build Up To Liverpool Winner

Simon M – Hansley causes this foul himself. He’s all over Skrtel and the Slovak reacts. If anything it’s an incorrect call because a penalty wasn’t awarded, but Liverpool got the goal Hansley deserved to concede either way.


Ben – Upon first viewing, I managed to miss the headlock that Hanley had Skrtel in and after seeing a foul on Hanley thought that Rovers should have had a free-kick. That headlock though looks like a foul to me so if anything a penalty should have been awarded to Liverpool.

Ant – I have watched this a few times, at first I thought that Skrtel was to blame. On further view I think that Hanley pulls over Skrtel and a penalty should have been given but that didn’t matter in the end as Hanley played everyone onside and Liverpool scored anyway.


Mike – Another lucky break for Liverpool. Skrtel clearly impedes Hanley, which makes it impossible for the young defender not to play Carroll onside.

My word, the last two weeks have seen some horrible officiating. I’m embarrassed. I actually think there might be a standards issue here. I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that the refs/linesman seem to be bottling it at this time of year.

Simon F – Not for the push on Hanley, but for Hanley’s foul on Skrtel which provoked the reaction. The Blackburn defender all but had Skrtel in a headlock as the ball came over and Liverpool should have had a penalty.


Overall Verdict – Incorrect Decision (Doesn’t affect score because Liverpool scored from the resulting play and wouldn’t have had the opportunity had a penalty been awarded)

***You can follow all five judges on Twitter; Simon M – @Deb_Decisions, Ben – @0Neji, Ant – @Acidburn81, Mike – @Mike7077 and Simon F – @SFurnivall.

Picture courtesy of JakeHarrison1992on Flickr.

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