I’ve lost count of how many times people pass comments like “Couldn’t you find a cycle your own size?”, “Lol Cycle!” I never knew there was a way to laugh which comes across as LOL, trust me there is. I’m often tempted to point out the difference between wheel sizes leading to a better workout and better control. But I’m too busy running. A BMX is probably the safest two wheeler you can ride. Smaller wheels allow for better mobility and it makes for faster acceleration than top of the line mountain bikes, some of which cost more than motorcycles.
That’s a buddy of mine who’s too lazy to ride along on my BMX and sticks to his mountain bikes and does Parkour on them. Prateek Singh, Editor of MTB Mag India. He’s the one who got me into cycling. Funny story that was.
I was covering the Kolkata Cyclothon press conference, and he along with another rider were supposed to come in and do some stunts at the press conference. The other rider called in sick. I thought I’d try my hand at doing something.
I almost asked Avon to gimme that bike for the stunt I pulled, but thought better of it and purchased one myself. That moment of improvisation, learning to balance the bike on a pedal in a hour, was the rebirth of my love for cycling. Soon after purchasing a BMX I realized that I’d rather not spend three hours daily trying to learn to do tricks. And then the better use of a BMX came to mind.
I’ve been asking around for cyclists to accompany me while I run, but I wouldn’t want to make them go at such slow speeds. A cyclist enthusiast typically rides at a slowest speed of 20 km/hr. And the fastest marathon runners go at that pace. Obvious solution being to buy a bike which has wheels so small that it gives a great workout to the rider while keeping them slow enough that you can run along with them.
While writing this, I thought of how fun it would be if there could be races of this kind. A cyclist and a runner on one team. Idea being to get from one end of the city to another. Each team scouts the best possible routes for themselves and tries to beat the other.
It’ll require chemistry among the teammates, the one rule in this being that the runner and cyclist must finish between 5 minutes of each other and the race isn’t won by a team if either one crosses the finish line first, both have to do it together.
Races are inherently reckless but this one is less so provided the number of teams are few. Ideally no more than 10 teams for a congested road. It’s not really reckless if you are going at the slow speeds of under 20 km/hr and place civic sense above speed. Have teams which race rashly be disqualified.
Of course the above is assuming that there is traffic on roads. Will be fun if this race can be done on a Car free day, or have the roads cordoned off.
Even if a race between teams is unsafe, one can still go along for a run with someone on a BMX and make a great workout of it. If the idea strikes a chord with you, feel free to drop a comment and get in touch with others who feel the same.
If you need convincing that you ought to cycle, give this one a read:https://www.sportskeeda.com/2012/08/14/why-cycling-is-frowned-upon-in-india/