-Batista‘s return: After promotional material leaked advertising Batista’s return for next year, it was believed that maybe WWE leaked the news to generate some buzz for his return, but officials were reportedly very upset at the leak and are keeping quiet on Batista’s return. Any mention of his return has been pulled.
-WWE Fans Poll: A poll conducted by WWE website had fans vote which member of The Shield is most likely to become WWE World Heavyweight Champion first. With over 31,000 votes cast, Seth Rollins is leading with 41% of the vote. Roman Reigns has 33% and Dean Ambrose has 26%.
-Superstars: WWE apparently is no longer posting Superstars on WWE.com or on their Youtube channel, which were earlier posted every Friday, but have been given a miss this week. However, this week’s episode is available on Hulu. Some Superstars and Divas have been plugging free Hulu Plus trials this week.
-Birthdays: The original Sin Cara turns 31 years old today while former WWE and TNA star Drew “Luke Gallows/DOC” Hankinson turns 30.