Wrestlers on the AEW roster have some of the most devastating finishing moves in the business. The move sets of a professional wrestler are their identity, and the finisher is the most important move in their repertoire. In fact, the finisher is also a 'preserved' move, which means that an opponent usually doesn't fight back after he or she is fed a finisher move.
Finishing moves have sometimes been embroiled in controversies, and in some cases, wrestlers tend to assign a special name to simple wrestling moves once they adopt it as their finisher.
However, almost every wrestler changes their finishing move from time to time, and that makes them create an arsenal of devastating moves that attain cult status among fans.
AEW is nearing its half-decade anniversary, and the finishing moves of some of the wrestlers have not evolved.
Here's a list of all the wrestlers who should look for a new finisher:
Chris Jericho (Judas Effect)
The master of trash-talking has always had some incredible moves in his arsenal. When he debuted the Judas Effect back in 2019, it was a fresh new move, and the crowds were firmly behind it. We are nearing the of 2023, and it's time it becomes a signature move and not a finisher.
Sting (Scorpion Death Lock)
Yes, it's a classic, yes, it's a treat to watch, but it has been in use for too long. Sting has used the finisher as recently as 2023, most recently when he and Darby Allin defeated FTR.
A little research turned up the fact that Sting has used the Deathlock in WCW, Impact, WWE, and now in AEW, making it his go-to move to finish off feuds for three or more decades. No wrestling fan in their right mind would want him to retire the move, but it's time to make it a rare one, like the Undertaker's top rope walk.
Bryan Danielson ( Heel Hook)
Bryan Danielson is heralded as the greatest technical wrestler of current times. His moves are mostly aimed towards tiring out the opponent. He has mixed that well with his quick in-ring movements, and has used the bicycle kick as an alternate finishing move in AEW, Since 2018, he's been using the Heel Hook, making it yet another contender for the 'finishers that have finished' list.
Christian Cage (Killswitch)
Christian Cage's finisher, called the Killswitch, has been the same since the time he started wrestling in 1994. He used the frog splash as a tribute to Eddie Guerero and the Spear as one to his friend, Edge. In AEW, he's used the Killswitch, which is just another name for The Unprettier. It's time to reserve this move for rare bookings to evoke nostaligia.
Big Show (KO Punch)
There's talk of the Big Show returning to in-ring competition in the AEW. Fans are definitely looking for a few more rounds of the KO. However, The Largest Athlete in the World has used the KO punch for over a decade now. When the move debuted, it gained mass popularity, akin to Randy Orton's 'Outta Nowhere.' If and when Big Show lands a new booking, it would make sense for him to dish out something new.
Fans wouldn't want their favorites to change their fighting style or discard popular moves, but we ought to remember that change is constant, and in the end, one should do what's best for the evolution of the business.
What do you think about the moves on the list? Tell us in the comments section.