Excalibur, Veda Scott, and Taz kicked off the latest episode of AEW Dark by welcoming the fans to the show, which boasted of eleven matches.
#1. Stu Grayson & Evil Uno of The Dark Order vs. Fuego Del Sol & Rembrandt Lewis on AEW Dark
Del Sol began the match with the Hurricanerane and an armbar. Sol was fast, and Grayson didn't anticipate the quickness right off the gate.
Lewis got a piece of the action, and he got in a kick before Grayson slammed him to the mat with the Urinagi. Evil Uno got tagged in, and the Dark Order isolated Lewis in the corner and resorted to some classic tag team wrestling. Chops and kicks landed on Lewis.
Grayson confidently allowed Del Sol to get into the match. Sol got rocked with a Pump Kick followed by a Night Fall. Evil Uno came in and delivered the Flatliner for the three-count in the first match on AEW Dark.
Result: Stu Grayson & Evil Uno of The Dark Order def. Fuego Del Sol & Rembrandt Lewis on AEW Dark
#2. Christopher Daniels vs. Ricky Starks on AEW Dark
Both men began the match with the usual lockup. Starks got control of the proceedings by pushing Daniels into the corner and connecting with the body shots. Starks got in a clothesline, but Daniels responded with right-hand strikes. They exchanged arm drags.
Starks missed a crossbody attempt to get taken out by Daniels with the Moonsault Press, which earned him a two-count. Daniels sent Starks into the corner and connected with the forearm smash. The action briefly spilled to the outside before Starks rolled Daniels back into the ring.
They exchanged forearm strikes in the middle of the ring before Starks got in the neck breaker for a near fall. Daniels reversed a few incoming kidney strikes with a T-Bone Suplex. Daniels kept up the pressure with the clotheslines followed by an STO.
He wasn't done just yet, as he slammed Starks into the mat with the Powerbomb for a near fall. Starks countered an Angel's Wings attempt. They exchanged a few pinfalls before being laid out on the mat. Starks and Daniels got up at seven. Ricky then hit Daniels with the arm drag before connecting with the Spear for the win on AEW Dark.
Result: Ricky Starks def. Christopher Daniels on AEW Dark
#3. The Butcher & The Blade vs. Puf & Calvin Stewart on AEW Dark
The Butcher and The Blade attacked their helpless opponents even before the bell was rung. Puf was dumped out of the ring, and Butcher focussed on punishing Calvin Stewart in the ring, which began with a backbreaker. Blade got into the action, and the match finally got underway.
Stewart was on the receiving end of some hard-hitting offense until he created some separation with a dropkick and tagged Puf in.
Puf came in hot and connected with the elbows on Blade. Butcher got tagged in, and he got sent to the corner. Puf, however, got rocked with a big boot. Butcher connected with a crossbody. They finished the match by executing The Full Death.
Result: The Butcher & The Blade def. Puf & Calvin Stewart on AEW Dark
#4. Will Hobbs vs. Serpentico on AEW Dark
Serpentico started hot as he took the fight to Will Hobbs on AEW Dark. However, Hobbs is a tank, and his power was just too much for Serpentico to overcome. Will sent Serpentico flying over the top rope before sending him crashing into the barricades.
Hobbs was in control as he slammed Serpentico at will. Serpentico did mount a comeback with some strikes and kicks - one of which sent Hobbs to the outside. Serpentico connected with two double stomps, for which he got a two-count.
Serpentico kicked Hobbs in the head as the latter attempted to get back on his feet. Serpentico went for the running crossbody only to get swatted in mid-air by Hobbs, who finished the match with a massive spinebuster on AEW Dark.
Result: Will Hobbs def. Serpentico on AEW Dark
#5. Dontae Smiley & Maxx Stardom vs. The Lucha Brothers on AEW Dark
Stardom and Fenix kicked off the fifth match on the latest AEW Dark episode. The Lucha Brother got out the Camel Clutch to begin the bout. Penta came into the ring following a tag and Stardom was sent flying over the ropes. The Lucha Brothers made a few tags before Penta landed a double foot stomp from the top.
Penta continued to work on Stardom, and he had the man in his control with a Snapmare takedown before tagging in Fenix. Chops and forearm smashes came in from Fenix. Stardom finally fought back before making the hot tag to Dontae Smiley.
Dontae took on Fenix and Penta. He laid out Penta with the Manhattan Drop. Stardom also looked to attack Penta from the top rope, but the Lucha Bro got his foot up at the right time. He then hit Stardom with a pump handle driver.
Stardom was hit with the Package driver for the finish.
Result: The Lucha Brothers def. Dontae Smiley & Maxx Stardom on AEW Dark
#6. Ryzin & Xander Gold vs. Dark Order's 5 & 10 on AEW Dark
Five and Gold kicked things off in the match with an arm drag stalemate. Five delivered a Lariat to get control.
Ryzin and 10 got into the ring after the respective tags were made. Ryzin got some early success with a heel kick. 10 responded with the chops.
5 and 10 got down to the basics and kept Ryzin in their corner with some outstanding tag team wrestling. Ryzin, however, had some fight in him as he hit a falling neck breaker. He, however, missed a moonsault but it was enough to get 5 and Gold into the ring.
An athletic Gold leapt over 5 before hitting him with a spear. Gold hit the ropes, but 10 blind tagged himself into the match and hit Ryzin with a spinebuster. 10 caught Gold in mid-air while he was attempting a crossbody. 5 then hit the diving stomp before transitioning to the power slam for the win.
Result: Dark Order's 5 & 10 def. Ryzin & Xander Gold on AEW Dark
#7. Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss vs. Kevin Blackwood & Daniel Garcia on AEW Dark
Joey and Garcia kicked off the match with a lockup in the middle of the ring. The back-and-forth feeling-out process ended with Janela hitting the running back elbow.
Kiss came in, and they hit the double team arm drag move. Kiss then dropped Garcia with an Atomic Drop. Kevin Blackwood got the tag and squared off against Kiss. They missed a few kicks, but Kiss landed a dropkick to get the better of the exchange.
Garcia got tagged in and gained the momentum for his team by laying out Kiss. Blackwood entered the ring after another tag, and he connected with a running uppercut.
Garcia and Blackwood worked on Sonny Kiss, who was locked in a bow and arrow stretch. Kevin and Daniel wore down Kiss, who finally created an opening by fighting out of a single-leg crab to tag Janela into the match.
Joey hit the Death Valley Driver on Blackwood. He sent Garcia and Blackwood to the outside before taking them out with a diving crossbody off the top. Janela connected with a brainbuster on Blackwood in the ring, which got him a two-count. Kiss got the tag. Janela laid out Garcia with a slam before Sonny executed the diving split leg drop for the three-count.
Result: Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss def. Kevin Blackwood & Daniel Garcia on AEW Dark
#8. Billy & Austin Gunn vs. M'Badu & Cruz on AEW Dark
The Gunn Club are the stars of AEW Dark, and Billy Gunn kicked off his Dark match for the week against M'Badu.
The former WWE Superstar took M'Badu out with the shoulder tackle. Billy attempted a backslide pinfall, but M'Badu kicked out and sent the veteran into the corner. Billy cracked M'Badu with an uppercut followed by a clothesline. Austin Gunn was tagged in, and he hit the head scissors. Cruz got tagged in, and Austin tried a sneaky roll-up. Cruz dropped Austin with a big clothesline, and he followed it up with an elbow drop. M'Badu got the tag, and he landed strikes on Austin, who ended up getting laid out with a power slam. M'Badu unfortunately missed a big splash and Billy Gunn, who was tagged in, capitalized on the mistake to the hit the Fame-Asser for the win over Cruz on AEW Dark.
Result: Billy & Austin Gunn def. M'Badu & Cruz on AEW Dark
#9. Kilynn King vs. Serena Deeb on AEW Dark
While she has wrestled a handful of AEW matches before, this was Serena Deeb's first match since officially signing with AEW. The oft-repeated lockup started the match and King got the early advantage with some wrist control on Deeb.
Serena managed to take King down to the mat, but she got caught in a pinfall. King dropped Deeb with a shoulder tackle before stretching her out. Serena replied with a body slam followed by an arm drag. Deep got hit with a double knee strike.
Deeb was in all kinds of trouble as King targetted her neck. The former WWE Superstar finally tipped the scales of the match by delivering a neck breaker on King. Deeb got into the groove as she rocked King with lefts, before following it up with a running knee. Another neck breaker then followed a lariat. King responded with the kicks and went for the German Suplex. Deeb reversed it and forced King to tap out with a single-leg submission move on AEW Dark.
Result: Serena Deeb def. Kilynn King on AEW Dark
#10. Ben Carter vs. Lee Johnson on AEW Dark
This one was expected to be good considering the talent involved.
Both men kicked off the match with some swift exchanges. Carter and Johnson jockeyed for position, and the wild opening sequence ended with a double kip-up and a handshake in the middle of the ring.
They attempted dropkicks, but it was Johnson who managed to connect one on Carter. He followed it up with a running uppercut. Carter wasn't getting dominated though as he sent Johnson's face into the middle turnbuckle. They exchanged chops before Carter hit a snap suplex. Johnson somehow got caught in an STF, and he had to slither his way to the ropes to force the break on AEW Dark.
Carter set Johnson up on the top turnbuckle for a suplex. Johnson, however, fought off the attempt. Carter still managed to connect with a dropkick followed by a suplex. Both men were down on the mat following a double pump kick.
They both got up to their feet, and Johnson got the advantage with an uppercut followed by a Blue Thunder Bomb, which earned him a near fall. Carter responded by rocking Johnson with an Enziguri on the apron. Carter went for the moonsault on the outside, but he missed. Johnson went on to land a flip over the top. Carter responded with a flip of his own. This was incredible!
Carter failed to hit the Phoenix Splash, and Johnson managed to deliver the Death Valley Driver for a two-count. Johnson got another near fall before going up to the top turnbuckle. Carter met him up top and delivered the Spanish Fly, for which he earned a two-count. Carter made his way up before coming back down with the Frog Splash on Johnson. Pinfall...1...2...3!
This was a bonafide show-stealer of a match!
Result: Ben Carter def. Lee Johnson on AEW Dark
#11. Eddie Kingston vs. Brian Pillman Jr. on AEW Dark
The lockup began the match, and Kingston got in the first proper offensive move - the toe pick! Pillman got in the headlock, but Kingston sneaked out.
Pillman sent Kingston into the ropes, and he got him with a crossbody, and a few follow-up arm drags. Kingston took some time to regroup on the outside, but it was just a trap to lure Pillman, who was sent into the barricades after he went to catch his opponent.
Kingston was now in control back in the ring as he laid out Pillman with a body slam. He followed it up with big chops. Eddie dominated the match as he wore down Pillman with many different strikes. Pillman, however, delivered the Sunset Flip for a near fall. He tried the Crucifix but got dropped on his back by Kingston.
Pillman was starting to feel it as he hit an uppercut on Kingston, who responded with a blow to the back of the head. Pillman got a near fall with a Springboard clothesline.
Kingston got a near fall himself with a Jawbreaker and a suplex. Pillman hit the pump handle driver for another near fall. Kingston, however, ended the match with a massive spinning back fist.
Result: Eddie Kingston def. Brian Pillman Jr. on AEW Dark
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