AEW Dark: Elevation Results - 14-year veteran debuts against Jon Moxley, Christian Cage appears, New move revealed - 29th March 2021

Jon Moxley and Christian Cage.
Jon Moxley and Christian Cage.

The third episode of AEW Dark: Elevation kicked off with a Jon Moxley promo. Tony Schiavone and Paul Wight welcomed the fans as we shifted our attention to the evening's first match.


JD Drake & Ryan Nemeth vs. Orange Cassidy & Chuck Taylor of the Best Friends on AEW Dark: Elevation


Chuck and Nemeth started the match, and it was the Hollywood Hunk who got the early mat exchange.

Drake got the tag, and he executed a few arm drags before Cassidy came into the contest.

Cassidy wasn't impressed, and he tagged himself out. Taylor delivered a deep arm drag but got taken to the wrong corner. Nemeth came back in and connected with a few punches.


Cassidy was back in and he casually covered Nemeth three times. Drake and Taylor created a distraction to take control of the match. Nemeth and Drake worked on Chuck.

After being on the receiving end of some offense, Chuck created the much-needed separation with a drop toe hold, followed by a uranage on Drake.


Cassidy got the tag, and he popped the crowd with his 'hands in the pocket' shtick. The audience cheered for the kicks and the kip-up. Cassidy sent Drake over with a hurricanrana.

Cassidy got a near fall with a swinging DDT. Nemeth broke the pin and tagged himself into the match. Nemeth hit a dropkick and a DDT, which forced Taylor to come in and save his partner.

Drake fired back with a chop on Taylor and a T-Bone suplex on Cassidy. Cassidy hit Orange Punch on Drake, followed by Beach Break for the win on AEW Dark: Elevation.


Result: Orange Cassidy & Chuck Taylor of the Best Friends def. JD Drake & Ryan Nemeth on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: C+


Miro, Kip Sabian, and Penelope Ford came out after the match and cut a promo on the ramp. Miro and Sabian attacked Cassidy and Taylor towards the end of the post-match segment.


Bill Collier vs. Jon Moxley on AEW Dark: Elevation


Jon Moxley's debut on AEW Dark: Elevation got underway with a collar and elbow tie-up. Moxley got wrist control and tripped Collier down to the mat in the early stages.

Collier is a 14-year veteran of the business, and he got his first offense in with a big dropkick. He settled things down with a headlock.

Moxley was in control as he hit forearm crossface shots, which gave him a two-count. The former AEW Champion grabbed Collier by the nose, and the match started to feel like a typical Moxley contest.


Mox got a two-count with a snap suplex. He went to the left arm of Collier, who began the comeback with a punch. Moxley responded with three big kicks to Collier's chest and sternum.

Bill caught the fourth kick and hit a big forearm strike. Mox reacted with a quick German suplex. Collier, though, countered with a back body drop, followed by a boot.

The veteran connected with a Lariat, but he ate a few gut shots. Collier still got Moxley up for the fallaway slam. Bill's kip-up was impressive, but he got decked with a big lariat.


Mox hit a piledriver, and Collier surprisingly kicked out. Mox caught Collier in the Bulldog Choke for the victory on AEW Dark Elevation.


Result: Jon Moxley def. Bill Collier on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: B

Penelope Ford (w/ Kip Sabian) vs. Leila Grey on AEW Dark: Elevation


Penelope Ford didn't waste time as she took Leila Grey down with a quick arm drag. Ford zipped in a few chops in the corner, and Grey also countered with a couple of chops.

Grey got a one-count with a shotgun dropkick, but Penelope hit the chin buster, followed by a roll-up. Ford then connected with a spin kick, a knee lift and a shin kick on Grey.


Ford executed the handspring back elbow. She positioned Grey on the apron and came over the top with double knees to the gut. Grey kicked out at two, and Penelope Ford continued the dominance.

Leila had a brief spell of offense with a few strikes and a Lou Thesz press. Ford shut down the comeback attempt with a double-knee strike for the win.


Result: Penelope Ford (w/ Kip Sabian) def. Leila Grey on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: D

The Gunn Club vs. Rex Lawless & Milk Chocolate on AEW Dark: Elevation


Brandon Watts and Randy Summers, collectively known as 'Milk Chocolate,' were a highly-rated indie tag team, and there was some hype around their AEW debut.

Austin Gunn and Summers kicked off the match with a grappling exchange. Billy Gunn and Rex Lawless were the legal men now, and they had a staredown in the middle of the ring.

Billy knocked Lawless down with a kick, and he tagged in Austin for a double team move. Colten came in for a cutter, and it gave him a one-count. Austin got the tag, but he got laid out with a big boot.


Brandon Watts got into the match and his team isolated Austin Gunn in their corner. Austin hit an enziguri and made a hot tag to Colten Gunn.

The youngest of the Gunns hit a tilt-a-whirl slam on Watts and dropkick on Summers. Lawless broke up the pin, and Billy entered to clear the ring.

The Gunn Club hit the assisted backdrop neckbreaker combo (3:10 to Yuma) on Summers for the win.

Result: The Gunn Club def. Rex Lawless & Milk Chocolate on AEW Dark: Elevation


Grade: C

Thunder Rosa was interviewed by Alex Marvez backstage. Diamante confronted Rosa, and it seems like AEW is heading for an extended program between the two Hispanic wrestlers.


Joey Janela vs. Chandler Hopkins on AEW Dark: Elevation


Hopkins, who was making his AEW debut, had an MMA background and dropped Joey Janela during the early stages of the match. Janela and Hopkins engaged in a Greco-Roman knuckle lock.

Janela fought back with a series of chops and Hopkins responded with a head scissors takedown.

Joey took control of the match with a big Irish whip into the turnbuckle. Janela got a two-count with a back body suplex, and he extended his opponent's arms with a submission.


Janela felt good about himself as he hit a tope suicide. Hopkins took flight as well with a dive over the top. Back in the ring, Janela hit a press slam.

Hopkins still managed to use his unique offensive style to land a kick. Janela rocked his opponent with a forearm shimmer. Hopkins, though, responded with a standing Spanish fly. He also got a near fall with a big frog splash from the top rope.


Hopkins put on a solid performance on his debut and went up top for a shooting star press. Janela got his knees up and came running in for a monstrous lariat.

Janela hit the small package driver, but Hopkins was kicked out of the pinfall. Hopkins got a step-up enziguri. However, Janela hit a brainbuster-like move before going up for an elbow drop. Janela hooked the leg and got the win.


Result: Joey Janela def. Chandler Hopkins (AEW Debut) on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: A

Dasha Gonzalez interviewed TH2 backstage ahead of Jack Evans' match against Jungle Boy.


Alex Gracia vs. Thunder Rosa on AEW Dark: Elevation


Gracia and Rosa engaged in some mat wrestling to begin the match, and the exchange ended with the latter getting control with a side headlock.

They traded deep arm drags, but Rosa bridged her opponent for a quick pin. We saw more arm drags, and both women canceled each other out with double dropkicks. It was a stalemate thus far.

Rosa hit a dropkick for a one-count before locking in an arm-extension submission. The former NWA World Women's Champion continued to punish Gracia.


Rosa hit a deep Russian leg sweep, followed by a running strike in the corner. The double knees were out as well as Rosa gathered steam and looked for the finish.

Gracia connected with three kidney shots, but she got caught in the Fire Thunder Driver. Rosa got the three-count and picked up the win.


Result: Thunder Rosa def. Alex Gracia on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: C

Leyla Hirsch vs. Vipress on AEW Dark: Elevation


Hirsch executed a takedown within seconds, and the Russian-born wrestler tried to assert her dominance on the mat in the AEW match.

Vipress was in all sorts of trouble as Hirsch looked like the female equivalent of Khabib Nurmagomedov in the match's early goings. Vipress used the referee as a shield to get a cheap shot.

Hirsch suffered a storyline injury to the left arm, and Vipress began to exploit the weakness. Hirsch caught a kick and dropped Vipress with a big lariat.


Hirsch's left arm bothered her, but she fought through the pain and lifted Vipress with one arm. Vipress got a quick roll-up, but Hirsch kicked out.

Hirsch hit three release German suplexes with one arm before locking in the cross-arm breaker for the win on AEW Dark: Elevation.

Result: Leyla Hirsch def. Vipress on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: C

Danny Limelight vs. Frankie Kazarian on AEW Dark: Elevation


Limelight vs. Kazarian sounded like a great match on paper, and it began with a lock-up in the center of the ring. Kazarian used his experience to transition between different holds seamlessly.

Frankie grounded Limelight for as long as possible, but Danny used his athleticism to escape the early onslaught.

Limelight landed on his feet from a German suplex but couldn't avoid an incoming clothesline. Frankie connected with a few chops in the corner, followed by a few brutal knee strikes.


Kazarian hit a Russian leg sweep for a two-count before going for a modified armbar. Limelight got up to his feet and connected with a few forearm shimmers.

Danny almost got the win from a Frankensteiner. Frankie responded with a botched slam. However, he executed a clean follow-up belly-to-back suplex.

Kazarian threw Danny into the corner, and Wight praised the SCU member's technically-sound in-ring work. Kazarian executed another vicious Irish Whip, and he was enjoying himself thus far in the match.


Limelight, though, walked on the ropes and launched off it to hit a flying clothesline. Danny hit a few spinning front kicks to the chest and face of Kazarian.

Kazarian got a near fall with a bridged electric chair. Frankie reacted with a body slam and a guillotine leg drop from the springboard.

Danny countered the suplex attempt with a few strikes. He hit a springboard double stomp to Kazarian's back for a two-count, but Frankie blocked a tornado DDT and locked in the crossface chicken wing for the win.


Kazarian had promised to debut a new move, and he lived up to his word by debuting a new submission finisher in AEW.

Result: Kazarian def. Danny Limelight on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: B+

Christian Cage showed up on the ramp, and he clapped for Kazarian. Christian Cage and Kazarian will face each other in this week's Dynamite.

Fuego Del Sol vs. Ethan Page on AEW Dark: Elevation


Ethan Page didn't waste time as he connected with a few knee strikes on Del Sol.

Fuego took the fight to Page with a kick, followed by a spear in the corner. Del Sol went for the tornado DDT, but Page yanked him away and hit a massive shoulder tackle.

Page executed a backbreaker, followed by a big Irish whip in the corner. The former IMPACT Wrestling star methodically wore down Alabama's favorite Luchador with some grueling mat work.


Page delivered a modified backbreaker but stopped the subsequent pinfall. Page wanted to unleash more pain on his opponent, and Wight wasn't too pleased with the decision. The crowd chanted for Fuego Del Sol, and he began his comeback with a moonsault off the middle rope.


Ethan Page blocked the Tornado DDT. He used the top turnbuckle pad to deliver another backbreaker on Del Sol.

Page hit Ego's Edge for the victory on AEW Dark: Elevation.


.Result: Ethan Page def. Fuego Del Sol on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: B

#10. Hikaru Shida & Tay Conti vs. Jazmine Allure & Tesha Price on AEW Dark: Elevation


The AEW Women's Champion and the No.1 contender for the title teamed up together tonight, and it was quite an interesting dynamic.

Price and Tay got the match rolling. Conti and Shida isolated Allure in their corner and they surprisingly worked well together. Price got the tag, and Shida got rocked with a spinning back elbow.


Shida reversed the Full Nelson into a perfect vertical suplex. Allure came in, and Conti followed with a pump kick. The Champion and No.1 Contender showed brilliant chemistry to time their corner strikes. They executed a double hip toss and even locked in identical triangle chokes.

Conti finished the match with DDTay (Hammerlock DDT) on Tesha Price on AEW Dark: Elevation.

Result: Hikaru Shida & Tay Conti def. Jazmine Allure & Tesha Price on AEW Dark: Elevation


Grade: D

Jungle Boy vs. Jack Evans on AEW Dark: Elevation


Jungle Boy and Jack Evans got the match underway with the usual tie-up. The agile wrestlers predictably made it a high-flying affair early on.

Their first sequence ended in a stalemate with identical dropkicks. Angelico created a distraction, and Evans took advantage with a spin kick. The action moved to the outside, and Evans slammed Jungle Boy's head against the announcer's table.

Evans took the mic and talked trash at the crowd. He drove his knees into Jungle Boy's chin, followed by a Russian leg sweep.


Evans hit a flying elbow and a traditional suplex for a two-count. Jungle Boy got in a few punches, but Evans reacted with a brutal elbow.

Evans's body slammed Jungle Boy down to the mat and locked in an armbar. Jungle Boy reversed it into a sit-out powerbomb. Jungle Boy created the separation, and he capitalized on it by delivering a series of elbows and chops.

He came in with a looping lariat, followed by a vertical suplex attempt. Evans then executed the schoolboy on Jungle Boy for a two-count. Both men went over the top and were on the floor outside.


The referee started the ten-count. The back-and-forth action ended with Evans hitting a spinning heel kick from the apron. Evans rolled Jungle Boy back into the ring, and he went up to the top rope.

Jungle Boy stopped Evans and joined him on the top turnbuckle. Evans slipped down and launched Jungle Boy off the top. Jungle Boy, however, got turned inside-out and landed on his face.

Jungle Boy hit a German suplex for a near fall. Evans reversed a German suplex himself to trap Jungle Boy in a weird pinfall predicament. Evans then hit a Northern Lights suplex and a sit-out power slam for another pin.


Evans was back up again, but Jungle Boy caught the TH2 member in a Snare Trap out of nowhere. Evans tapped out on AEW Dark: Elevation.

Result: Jungle Boy def. Jack Evans on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: A

QT Marshall & Lee Johnson vs. Adam Priest & Aaron Frye on AEW Dark: Elevation


QT Marshall and Aaron Frye started the match. QT was aggressive from the get-go, and he landed a series of kicks and punches.

Lee Johnson came in and hit a great dropkick. QT got the tag, and a slight misunderstanding between the Nightmare Family members helped Frye take control of the match.

Frye hit a running knee strike and tagged Adam Priest, who came in and executed a huge German suplex. Priest connected with the chops and a step-up enziguri. QT somehow tagged Johnson, and Big Shotty was feeling it tonight.


QT was back in the match, and he sent Frye out of the ring before hitting the Diamond Cutter on Adam Priest for the win on AEW Dark: Elevation.

Result: QT Marshall & Lee Johnson def. Adam Priest & Aaron Frye on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: C

#13. KiLynn King vs. Ryo Mizunami on AEW Dark: Elevation


Mizunami vibed with referee Bryce Remsburg before the AEW match, and it was quite possibly the best moment of the entire episode. Mizunami has always been fantastic, and she began her match against the equally impressive KiLynn King with some fancy dance moves.

Both women locked up, and King used her size advantage to score an early takedown.

There were some mind games at play, and Mizunami wasn't falling for King's tricks. KiLynn still managed to knock Mizunami off her feet with a shoulder tackle.


King was fired up, but so was Ryo. King made fun of Mizunami's height, and the Joshi veteran flipped the switch. Ryo tried to flatten King by controlling the wrists and knuckles.


The back-and-forth test of strength ended with both women trading forearm shimmers. A groggy King was then sent into the corner, and Mizunami hit a running strike, followed by a barrage of chops.

Mizunami mimed the rope-pull, and the crowd popped for it. Mizunami hit three consecutive leg drops for a two-count. King connected with a big knee, followed by a stiff elbow across the chest.

King hit a front kick and a chop. Mizunami called for more, and King warmed up her hands before unleashing several chops. King put her hands behind the back and asked for Mizunami to bring it!


Mizunami chopped away on King before sending her face-first into the mat for a two-count. King escaped a modified anaconda choke with a rope break.

King got a two-count with a spine buster. Mizunami responded with a back-body suplex, followed by a big-time spear. Mizunami set King up near the corner before going up to the top.

Ryo hit the guillotine leg drop for the win on AEW Dark: Elevation.

Result: Ryo Mizunami def. KiLynn King on AEW Dark: Elevation


Grade: B+

Mizunami and King shook hands after a very entertaining match. King has improved leaps and bounds, and a push for her may be around the corner in AEW.

Alan '5' Angels & Preston '10' Vance of The Dark Order and vs. D3 & Vary Morales on AEW Dark: Elevation


D3 and Preston Vance started the match. Vance knocked D3 down with a shoulder tackle.

D3 paid the price for his showboating as he was laid out with a big punch. 5 got the tag, and he hit a big shotgun dropkick from the top rope.

Vary Morales got into the match, and he locked up with 5. The Dark Order member grounded Vary and executed a few arm drags to maintain mat control.


Morales and 5 exchanged open-handed strikes. Morales reversed the suplex for a gutshot, but he couldn't avoid a bell-to-belly suplex.

5 missed a second-rope moonsault, and Morales used that time to tag D3. Vance came in from the other end and ran through D3. Vance hit a flying lariat from the middle rope. He ate an elbow but responded with a spinebuster on D3.


Morales was taken down with a running lariat on the apron. Back in the ring, Vance hit a running pump kick and tagged 5 in.

5 hit a big crossbody, and Vance won with a Full Nelson (Flash to the Back) on D3.

Result: Alan '5' Angels & Preston '10' Vance of The Dark Order def. D3 & Vary Morales on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: C-

Dasha caught up with Ethan Page backstage, and 'All Ego' cut a typical heel promo on AEW Dark: Elevation.


The next edition of AEW's Rising Star spotlight focused on Bear Country.

Bear Country vs. Private Party (w/ Matt Hardy) on AEW Dark: Elevation


Bronson used his power to knock Kassidy down to the mat in the AEW match. Bronson executed a release suplex, and Marq Quen entered the ring after the tag.

Bronson continued to run through his opposition. He tagged Boulder into the match, and they swatted Quen down in the corner. Boulder hit the short-arm lariats. Quen, however, created some separation with a punch, followed by a dropkick.


Boulder hit a big boot and tagged Bronson. Bear Country worked on Marq Quen, which forced Kassidy to interrupt. Private Party used a referee distraction to blindside Bronson.


Private Party were on top now, and they worked on Bronson in the corner. Matt Hardy also got a piece of the action with a cheap shot while Aubrey Edwards wasn't looking. Bronson ate many kicks as Private Party's synergy started to click.

Bronson began to work his way back into the match, and he made the hot tag to Boulder after a back body drop. Boulder had both Private Party members in the corner, and he ran in for a double splash.


Boulder then caught both Bear members mid-air and sent them flying across the ring with the SOS throw. Kassidy kicked out at two, but Bear Country looked for the finish.

Matt Hardy tried to influence the match, but Marko Stunt stopped the veteran. Bear Country didn't want the help, and they were visibly annoyed with Marko.

Kassidy used the distraction to roll-up Bronson for the win. Marko apologized to Bear Country, but the situation started getting hostile. Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy rushed out, and an all-out brawl broke out in the ring between Bear Country and Jurassic Express.


AEW refs ran out and stopped the brawl.

Result: Private Party def. Bear Country (w/ Matt Hardy) on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: B+


Scorpio Sky vs. Mike Sydal on AEW Dark: Elevation


Both men kicked off the final match of the show with a lock-up. Mike Sydal hit a good dropkick followed by two deep arm drags.

Sky taunted Mike and created a scenario to exploit. Sky hit an enziguri and took control of the proceedings. Scorpio connected with some nasty punches in the corner, followed by the forehead rake with the feet.

Sky stretched Sydal out in the middle of the ring before shoving him out. Sky remained patient and waited for Sydal to get back inside the ring on AEW Dark: Elevation.


Sky timed his kick to perfection and followed it with a vicious backbreaker. Scorpio then held onto Sydal and worked on the back. Sydal, though, countered with a dropkick, a slap, and a step-up enziguri.

Mike Sydal executed a brilliant splitting leg sweep, followed by a standing moonsault for a two-count. Sky blocked a suplex but ate a shin. Sky managed to complete three German suplexes, and he signaled for the finish.


Sydal reversed the TKO and a follow-up German suplex. Sky targeted Sydal's knee and locked him in a modified kneebar for the win. Sky didn't break the hold despite the tap, and Matt Sydal was forced to make the save on AEW Dark: Elevation.

Result: Scorpio Sky def. Mike Sydal on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: B


Ethan Page followed through and hammered away on Matt Sydal. A visual of Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky's new alliance ended the episode.


You can check out the entire episode of AEW Dark: Elevation above.

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