Bear Country vs. Private Party (w/ Matt Hardy) on AEW Dark: Elevation
Bronson used his power to knock Kassidy down to the mat in the AEW match. Bronson executed a release suplex, and Marq Quen entered the ring after the tag.
Bronson continued to run through his opposition. He tagged Boulder into the match, and they swatted Quen down in the corner. Boulder hit the short-arm lariats. Quen, however, created some separation with a punch, followed by a dropkick.
Boulder hit a big boot and tagged Bronson. Bear Country worked on Marq Quen, which forced Kassidy to interrupt. Private Party used a referee distraction to blindside Bronson.
Private Party were on top now, and they worked on Bronson in the corner. Matt Hardy also got a piece of the action with a cheap shot while Aubrey Edwards wasn't looking. Bronson ate many kicks as Private Party's synergy started to click.
Bronson began to work his way back into the match, and he made the hot tag to Boulder after a back body drop. Boulder had both Private Party members in the corner, and he ran in for a double splash.
Boulder then caught both Bear members mid-air and sent them flying across the ring with the SOS throw. Kassidy kicked out at two, but Bear Country looked for the finish.
Matt Hardy tried to influence the match, but Marko Stunt stopped the veteran. Bear Country didn't want the help, and they were visibly annoyed with Marko.
Kassidy used the distraction to roll-up Bronson for the win. Marko apologized to Bear Country, but the situation started getting hostile. Luchasaurus and Jungle Boy rushed out, and an all-out brawl broke out in the ring between Bear Country and Jurassic Express.
AEW refs ran out and stopped the brawl.
Result: Private Party def. Bear Country (w/ Matt Hardy) on AEW Dark: Elevation
Grade: B+
Scorpio Sky vs. Mike Sydal on AEW Dark: Elevation
Both men kicked off the final match of the show with a lock-up. Mike Sydal hit a good dropkick followed by two deep arm drags.
Sky taunted Mike and created a scenario to exploit. Sky hit an enziguri and took control of the proceedings. Scorpio connected with some nasty punches in the corner, followed by the forehead rake with the feet.
Sky stretched Sydal out in the middle of the ring before shoving him out. Sky remained patient and waited for Sydal to get back inside the ring on AEW Dark: Elevation.
Sky timed his kick to perfection and followed it with a vicious backbreaker. Scorpio then held onto Sydal and worked on the back. Sydal, though, countered with a dropkick, a slap, and a step-up enziguri.
Mike Sydal executed a brilliant splitting leg sweep, followed by a standing moonsault for a two-count. Sky blocked a suplex but ate a shin. Sky managed to complete three German suplexes, and he signaled for the finish.
Sydal reversed the TKO and a follow-up German suplex. Sky targeted Sydal's knee and locked him in a modified kneebar for the win. Sky didn't break the hold despite the tap, and Matt Sydal was forced to make the save on AEW Dark: Elevation.
Result: Scorpio Sky def. Mike Sydal on AEW Dark: Elevation
Grade: B
Ethan Page followed through and hammered away on Matt Sydal. A visual of Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky's new alliance ended the episode.
You can check out the entire episode of AEW Dark: Elevation above.