AEW Dark: Elevation Results - Surprise appearances, Kenny Omega left stunned after announcement, New faction emerges

Miro, Paul Wight, and Kenny Omega.
Miro, Paul Wight, and Kenny Omega.

The grand premiere of AEW Dark: Elevation is in the books, and it was an action-packed episode that had several surprises. All Elite Wrestling offered a stacked match card that featured fourteen bouts. AEW Dark: Elevation also had Tony Khan make a rare special appearance for a big announcement.


Paul Wight made his debut in AEW's commentary booth alongside veteran Tony Schiavone.

Let's not waste any more time and get to the first match of AEW Dark: Elevation.

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Danny Limelight vs. Jungle Boy on AEW Dark: Elevation


The crowd was pumped up for the first match, and it all got underway with a headlock. Jungle Boy looked confident in the early going as he knocked Limelight down with a shoulder tackle.

Paul Wight was vibrant in the commentary booth as he spoke about the days when he could pull off a kip-up.

Limelight executed an arm drag and mocked Jungle Boy with his dance moves. The match followed a back-and-forth pattern as both men traded strikes and targeted the upper body.


Limelight got a one-count with a reverse cutter and followed it up with a back-body suplex. He was in the driver's seat and connected with a kick and a double stomp on the chest. Limelight went for the senton, but Jungle Boy got his knees up.

The member of The Jurassic Express reversed a head scissors takedown into a side backbreaker. He connected with a series of elbow strikes before turning Danny inside-out with a lariat.


Limelight avoided a few strikes, took Jungle Boy's leg and rolled over into a single-leg Boston Crab. The member Of The Jurassic Express broke the hold, but the damage had already been done.

Jungle Boy blocked a move on the apron, and both men exchanged punches and kicks. They canceled each other out until Limelight sent Jungle Boy down with a hurricanerana on the apron. The action moved back in the ring. Limelight walked on the middle rope and caught Jungle Boy with a modified DDT.


His opponent kicked out, and Limelight looked stunned. Danny lifted himself out of the corner with a running knee strike.

Jungle Boy reversed a hammerlock DDT into a brainbuster. He then hit a double-underhook powerbomb before ending the match with the Snare Trap.

Result: Jungle Boy def. Danny Limelight on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: B+

Miro & Kip Sabian vs. Baron Black & Vary Morales on AEW Dark: Elevation


Sabian and Morales got the match rolling. SuperBad got off to a quick start with a kick to Morales' gut.

Sabian delivered a snap suplex but missed the follow-up as Morales executed a flurry of kicks. Baron Black was tagged into the match, and he sinched in the chops.

Sabian fired back with a couple of chops of his own. Black managed to lock in a single-leg Boston crab, but Miro came in and pushed him away. Baron maintained control for his team, and Morales got the tag. Vary hit a clean suplex followed by a kick to the face.


Sabian responded with a kick and a gutbuster. Miro called the shots from the corner as Kip stomped away on Morales. He positioned Morales on the top turnbuckle. A forearm shot from Morales knocked Sabian down, and Vary followed it with a massive missile dropkick.

Sabian still made the tag to Miro, and the former WWE Superstar went after the illegal man in Black. Miro had snapped, and he punished Morales while screaming, ''you're wasting my time".


Miro ragdolled Morales before tagging in Sabian, who came in and hit the Time-Turner for the win on AEW Dark: Elevation.

Result: Miro & Kip Sabian def. Baron Black & Vary Morales on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: C



QT Marshall was asked about his issues with The Nightmare Family and he intelligently deflected the questions away.

Big Swole vs. Skyler Moore on AEW Dark: Elevation


Swole and Moore engaged in a collar and elbow tie-up. Swole outmuscled Moore to the mat before focussing on the arms.

Swole got hold of Moore's back as she attempted a few takedowns from the waistlock position. Moore executed a snapmare takedown.

Swole rocked Moore with a running back elbow, which sent Skyler outside. Swole sent her opponent crashing into the steel railings a few times before rolling her back into the ring.


Skyler used the ropes to sweep Swole off her feet. Moore landed shots from the top and added a few stomps to the sequence. She taunted Big Swole a lot and was in a dominant spot in the match.

Moore kept Swole grounded with a chin lock. However, the comeback was just around the corner. Swole fought her way to her feet and connected with a few strikes.

Moore used her power to lift Swole before dropping her down with a press slam. Swole created some separation with a roll-up, and she began to pick up the momentum with a few kicks.


Swole hit 'Dirty Dancing' out of nowhere for the win on AEW Dark: Elevation.

Result: Big Swole def. Skyler Moore on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: D

A fascinating video package aired next that featured Kenny Omega and several AEW stars in a casino.

QT Marshall vs. Marko Stunt on AEW Dark: Elevation


Before the AEW Dark: Elevation match began, Paul Wight was quick to highlight QT's size and power advantage over Marko, and the discrepancies were quite noticeable in the early stages of the match.

Marshall manhandled Marko Stunt by tossing him around in the ring. The Jurassic Express member didn't back down without a fight and connected with a punch.

Marko executed a brilliant spinning head scissors takedown followed by a dropkick. He went up, but QT caught Marko on the way down.


A series of reversals ensued, and QT ended the sequence by spinning Marko in mid-air and dropping him down into a backbreaker. Marshall showed off his in-ring prowess with a delayed vertical suplex, but Marko sneaked out and connected with an enziguri.


QT, however, stunned Marko with a massive uppercut. Marshall was amused that Stunt managed to get his shoulder up in the pin. QT looked for the cutter, but his opponent escaped and hit a chin buster. Stunt showed remarkable resilience by using his quickness to create decent situations for himself.

The Jurassic Express member even got a near fall with a crossbody and running knee strike. Marko almost pulled off an upset, but QT wasn't letting it happen as he kicked out of another pinfall on AEW Dark: Elevation.


Marko was on a roll as he reversed a backdrop into a Canadian Destroyer, and he got yet another near fall. Stunt looked for his finisher, but QT held him in mid-air before twisting him into the cutter.

Result: QT Marshall def. Marko Stunt on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: B+

Ryan Nemeth, Cezar Bononi, and Peter Avalon attacked Marko Stunt after the match. Luchasaurus made the save, and the heels retreated.


Lee Johnson spoke about his AEW journey, his first victory in the promotion, and a lot more in a video package that aired next.


Tay Conti vs. Ashley Vox on AEW Dark: Elevation


Brodie Lee Jr. was in Tay Conti's corner. When the match got underway, Ashley Vox landed a few kicks.

Conti took control of the proceedings with a cross-arm breaker on the ropes.

The former NXT star used the judo throws to stay on top of Vox. However, Ashley was no newbie as she used her experience to read the situation and send Conti outside.

Tay jumped up to the apron and stopped Ashley Vox from delivering a tope.


Conti hit a punt kick, but Vox fired back with a barrage of clubbing blows. The action was stiff on the outside as Ashley hit a running kick. The former NXT star responded with a spinning backbreaker. Both women were finally back in the ring, and Conti hit a pump kick, followed by another running pump kick in the corner.

Conti then hit the Hammerlock DDT for the win on AEW Dark: Elevation.


Result: Tay Conti def. Ashley Vox on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: C

Mike & Matt Sydal vs. Jorel Nelson & Royce Isaacs on AEW Dark: Elevation

Mike Sydal started the match and was instantly on his back following a double leg takedown by Royce.

Mike fired back with a few flips and a follow-up dropkick. Matt got the tag, and the Sydals executed a double-team move.


Matt stretched out his opponent on the mat, but Isaacs hit a kick and a scoop slam before making the tag to Jorel Nelson. The former WWE star was ready as he executed a deep arm drag on Jorel.

Mike Sydal got the tag, and he came in with a double stomp. Matt hit a deep snap mare, and followed it up with a standing moonsault. Mike connected with an overhead kick, which forced Royce to rush in and break the pin.


A brief distraction helped Royce blindside Mike. Nelson and Isaacs started to dominate the match with a series of double-team sequences.

Nelon and Isaacs got a two-count with a suplex-powerbomb combo. Mike still tagged Matt, and the former WWE star took on both his opponents with a quick offensive streak.

Matt got a two-count with a twisting standing moonsault. The Sydals smartly ejected Isaacs out of the ring, and they hit the 'Double Lighting Spiral' on Nelson for the victory on AEW Dark: Elevation.


Result: Mike & Matt Sydal def. Jorel Nelson & Royce Isaacs on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: B


Alex Marvez interviewed Hook and Powerhouse Hobbs backstage ahead of the latter's Elevation match.

Dani Jordyn vs. Red Velvet on AEW Dark: Elevation


The usual collar and elbow lock-up began the AEW match. Red Velvet executed two headlock takedowns and followed it up with a single-leg kick.

Jordyn slammed Red Velvet's face into the middle turnbuckle before taking the match to the ringside area. Dani wore Red Velvet down, but she briefly got caught in a roll-up in the ring.


Jordyn got a warning for a hair-pull takedown. Red Velvet started her comeback with a few clotheslines. She partially hit the standing moonsault for a two-count.

Velvet ducked a few incoming strikes, connected with a spinning back fist, hit the ropes, and delivered her 'Just Desserts' finisher for the win.

Result: Red Velvet def. Dani Jordyn on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: C

Kenny Omega appeared on AEW Dark: Elevation by interrupting Alex Marvez's interview with the Sydals. The AEW World Champion was scouting for talent to appear on Wednesday night.


The Cleaner revealed that if Matt Sydal beat Michael Nakazawa, he would face Kenny Omega for the AEW Championship.


Dante Martin vs. Max Caster on AEW Dark: Elevation


Max Caster's latest diss verse had a line about Dante Martin's mother, and that indeed made this match a more heated affair.

Martin and Caster canceled each other out with some intricate sequences.

Dante tried the top-rope plancha, but Caster moved out. Dante swept Max off his feet on the outside before going back into the ring. Caster stopped Martin from delivering a high-flying move, and Dante crashed face-first on the top turnbuckle.


Caster delivered an innovative twisted wristlock slam and continued to work on Dante's left arm. He positioned Martin on the top rope and executed a cutter.

Caster went for multiple pinfall attempts, but Martin was kicked out. He wasn't backing off as he went right back to the forearm shots.

Max, however, missed a running knee. Martin delivered a standing lariat, followed by a couple of dropkicks. The comeback was real, and the pace of the match was just about to pick up.


Martin executed an insane tope suicida. Back in the ring, he got a two-count from a springboard crossbody. Martin then took the boombox, but the ref was never going to let him use it.

Caster used the distraction to kick Martin in the neither region. The referee didn't know about the cheap shot, and Caster hit the Mic Drop from the top for the win.

Result: Max Caster def. Dante Martin on AEW Dark: Elevation


Grade: B

Abadon vs. Ray Lyn on AEW Dark: Elevation


Ray Lyn was predictably uncertain about how to approach the AEW Dark: Elevation match as an intimidating Abadon stared her down.

A shot to the back from Lyn angered Abadon, who executed a backbreaker and began to stamp her authority in the match. While Lyn did connect with a few strikes, Abadon no-sold most of them, and they just increased her rage even more.

She slammed Lyn on the back of her head near ringside. Abadon finally put Lyn out of her misery with the Cemetery Drive.


Result: Abadon def. Ray Lyn on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: C

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Brandon Cutler on AEW Dark: Elevation


Hobbs isolated Cutler in a corner. Brandon, however, used his quickness to get in a few punches.

Hobbs' power came to the fore when he caught Cutler mid-air and sent him crashing into the corner. To Brandon's credit, he managed to get Hobbs on the ground with a basement dropkick and a springboard splash.

Cutler went for a crossbody from the top, but Hobbs grabbed him and hit the powerslam for the win.


Result: Powerhouse Hobbs def. Brandon Cutler on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: D

Diamante vs. Leila Grey on AEW Dark: Elevation


Grey had just five months of in-ring experience in comparison to Diamante's 12 years in the business. Leila hit two deep arm drags, and Paul Wight was impressed with the execution.

Grey got a two-count with a crossbody. Diamante, however, got back into the match with a stiff left-hand lariat. Sheconnected with three vicious crossface forearms.

Diamante executed the Three Amigos, with the final suplex happening right up against the turnbuckles. She hit the shotgun running dropkick in the corner for the two-count. Diamante wore Grey with a chin lock.


It didn't take time for both women to exchange shots in the middle of the ring, and it was Diamante who got the better of the striking battle. She then hit the Code Red for the win.

Result: Diamante def. Leila Grey on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: C

Carlie Bravo, Dean Alexander, Brick Aldridge & David Ali vs. The Butcher, The Blade, & Private Party on AEW Dark: Elevation


The Butcher and The Blade wasted no time as they attacked their opponents and singled out Carlie Bravo for extra punishment.

David Ali and Isiah Kassidy were the legal men after the initial beatdown. Private Party showed off great tandem wrestling by laying out David Ali.

They executed a sequence that included a double atomic drop and dropkicks. Ali tagged Aldridge into the match, but Butcher knew when to come in and keep his team's momentum.


Bunny and Matt Hardy attacked Aldridge on the outside while the referee was distracted.


Blade unleased a series of brutal strikes on Aldridge in the corner. However, the big guy created some separation and tagged Ali back into the match.

All hell broke loose as the competitors brawled in the middle of the ring. David Ali was the only man left in the ring for his team as The Butcher & The Blade hit their finisher for the win. Matt Hardy celebrated the victory with his formidable new faction.


Result: The Butcher, The Blade, & Private Party def. Carlie Bravo, Dean Alexander, Brick Aldridge & David Ali on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: C


The Matt Hardy Empire is the newest faction to emerge in AEW, and the group's current goal is to end The Dark Order and takeover All Elite Wrestling.

Michael Nakazawa vs. Matt Sydal on AEW Dark: Elevation

Michael Nakazawa.
Michael Nakazawa.

Nakazawa, with an apple in his hand, attacked Matt Sydal before the AEW match began. Kenny Omega's good friend used his ID card as a weapon. He completely ignored the ref's count to break the chokehold due to the headset.


Sydal fought back with several kicks, but Nakazawa countered with a fallaway slam. Sydal reversed a move, pulled Nakazawa's pants down, and hit a head kick for the win.

Result: Matt Sydal def. Michael Nakazawa on AEW Dark: Elevation

Grade: D


Kenny Omega attacked Matt Sydal after the match. The AEW World Champion used Nakazawa's Macbook to inflict more damage on Sydal. Omega then grabbed a microphone to cut a promo.

Omega was ready for the title match right now, and he immediately hit the One-winged Angel on Matt. The ref completed the three-count, and Omega's music began to play. It should be noted that the bell never rang.

Tony Khan walked out and was not happy with Kenny Omega's actions. The AEW owner announced that Sydal would face Omega nine days from tonight on AEW Dynamite. Matt Sydal will get an AEW World title match if he beats The Cleaner.


Main Event: Maki Itoh vs. Riho on AEW Dark: Elevation


Itoh and Riho kicked off the main event of the evening with a tie-up.

Riho escaped a pinfall attempt with her trademark stand-up. Maki Itoh was fired up as she headbutted the turnbuckle. Maki popped the fans with another headbutt to Riho's mid-section. The Cutest Girl in the World delivered the punches in the corner, followed by a Bulldog.

Maki Itoh used the ropes to trap Riho, and she ran in for a forearm shot. Itoh had the former AEW Women's Champion in a tough spot, but Riho showed her ring awareness by breaking a headlock by touching the bottom rope with her leg.


Riho hit a great dropkick, followed by a crossbody from the apron to the floor. 'Riho' chants echoed around the arena as she got a two-count in the ring.

The former AEW Women's Champion cartwheeled her way out of an incoming kick and leg-tripped Iroh. Riho hit the 619, followed by another crossbody for a two-count.

Maki Itoh blocked a shot and hit a quick DDT. Itoh locked in the Boston Crab, but Riho countered it inside-out into a pinning predicament. She scored a two-count with a bridged Northern Lights suplex but missed the double stomp as Itoh moved out of the way. Maki then got up and hit a Tornado DDT.


The referee began the ten-count as both women were down on the mat. Itoh initiated the slugfest with a big punch. Riho fired back with a forearm, and a back-and-forth exchange ensued.

Riho hit a standing double stomp. She followed it up with a similar move from the top. Itoh shockingly kicked out, and the former AEW Women's Champion was naturally left perplexed.

Itoh countered a running Riho with a hard headbutt. The latter, however, returned for another kick. Itoh still managed to catch Riho in a single-leg Boston Crab submission at the third time of asking.


Itoh hit the Kokeshi headbutt on Riho's lower back. Itoh had her opponent in a very painful-looking submission move, but the former AEW Women's Champion crawled her way to the ropes.

Itoh pounded away with punches before going to the top. She missed the diving headbutt as no one was home. Riho then hit the running double knees out of nowhere for the win.

Result: Riho def. Maki Itoh on AEW Dark: Elevation


Grade: B+


You can watch the first episode of AEW Dark: Elevation above. What are your reviews of AEW's newest show? Let us know in the comments section.

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Edited by Alan John
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