Paul Wight and Tony Schiavone welcomed fans to the second episode of AEW Dark Elevation. A Triple main event card headlined this week's edition and it featured ten matches in total.
Justin Roberts did the pre-match introductions as we went to the first match of the AEW Dark: Elevation show episode.
Tay Conti (w/ -1) vs. Ray Lynn on AEW Dark Elevation
Ray Lynn taunted Conti to begin the AEW Dark: Elevation match. Lynn broke Tay's arm-control sequence with a hair pull. Conti, however, used her Judo background to execute a few takedowns.
Lynn fired back with a dropkick, and she earned a one-count. Lynn and Conti exchanged spinning back fists before crashing into each other in the middle of the ring. Aubrey Edwards began the 10-count, and Conti connected with the first of many forearm shimmers.
Lynn and Conti traded big shots. They reversed Full Nelsons, and Tay executed a cutter followed by a round-the-world backbreaker. Conti hit a penalty kick on Lynn from the apron.
Ray crashed face-first into the steel ring post, and Conti got the action back into the ring. Conti missed a top-rope move but managed to catch Lynn with a viscous pump kick. She connected with a running knee strike, followed by her Hammerlock DDT finisher. "The DDTay" or "TayKO"? Which sounds better?
Result: Tay Conti def. Ray Lynn on AEW Dark Elevation
Grade: B
Lee Johnson (w/ Dustin Rhodes) vs. Adam Priest on AEW Dark: Elevation
Lee Johnson and Adam Priest kicked off the match with a collar and elbow tie. The agile wrestlers put together a slick sequence of holds in the early goings of the contest.
Lee maintained headlock control for a good few seconds, but Priest was no slouch on the mat as he tried to outwork Big Shotty. The sequence ended in a stalemate.
Priest didn't react favorably to Johnson's handshake offer, and the match took a heated turn. Priest began to connect with his strikes and took over the proceedings, and he got a one-count with a snap suplex.
Dustin Rhodes urged Johnson to focus on the comeback, but Priest expertly trapped him in a hold and executed a modified neckbreaker.
Johnson reversed an Irish whip and connected with a chop in the corner. Adam Priest responded with an enziguri followed by a quick belly-to-back suplex for a two-count.
The crowd chanted for Johnson as Priest looked for another German suplex. Johnson blocked and hit a jumping neckbreaker out of nowhere. He began the comeback with two lariats. Adam Priest was then sent outside, and Johnson followed through with a tope.
Adam Priest got rolled back into the ring, and he reversed the buckle bomb into a pinfall.
Johnson eventually connected with the Buckle Bomb, followed by his finisher, 'The Brain Dog,' also known as the Ushigoroshi - a modified shoulder neckbreaker/ fireman slam.
Result: Lee Johnson def. Adam Priest on AEW Dark: Elevation
Grade: B+
Dasha Gonzalez interviewed Ryan Nemeth, and The Hollywood Hunk had some choice words for Orange Cassidy ahead of their match.
#3 Varsity Blonds vs. Jake St. Patrick & Fuego Del Sol on AEW Dark: Elevation
Garrison was quite aggressive early on in the AEW Dark: Elevation match as he slammed Del Sol into the mat. The luchador was getting outwrestled by Garrison, who used his large physical frame to maintain control.
Garrison wiped Del Sol out with a huge clothesline. Jake St. Patrick got the tag, and so did Brian Pillman Jr. on the other end. Pillman did eat a few kicks, but he connected with two elbows and tagged Garrison back into the match.
The Blonds worked in tandem, and the outcome was Patrick being sent outside with a big boot. They executed an assisted slingshot senton and a follow-up slingshot leg drop on Patrick.
Garrison got a two-count on Patrick after a three-move combo that ended with another leg drop.
Patrick was trapped in a single leg Boston crab, and he tried to power his way out of it. He did so successfully and rolled over for the tag to Fuego Del Sol.
Del Sol was just too quick as he laid out both his opponents. Del Sol created a perfect setup before hitting the Tornado DDT on Pillman. He couldn't, however, complete the pin as Pillman rolled out of the ring.
Garrison eventually hit Del Sol with the Discus Clothesline for the win on AEW Dark: Elevation.
Result: Varsity Blonds def. Jake St. Patrick & Fuego Del Sol on AEW Dark: Elevation
Grade: C+
Max Caster vs. Ryzin on AEW Dark: Elevation
Max Caster dissed Ryzin before the match, and it all kicked off with a tie-up. Ryzin dropped Caster down with a shoulder tackle. He caught Caster off guard again with a good kick that seemed to have injured Max's knee.
Caster, however, got back with a monstrous lariat. The impact was nasty! Max worked on Ryzin's injured left hand.
Ryzin fought back with a takedown, but Caster escaped and executed a slam. Ryzin kept the contest a back-and-forth affair with a few occasional strikes and pinfall attempts.
Caster planted his opponent's face into the mat, but Ryzin kicked out of three pinfall attempts as a frustrated Max tried to develop another way to finish the match in his favor.
Ryzin executed a Dragon Screw leg whip to set Caster up for his finisher. Ryzin bounced off the middle turnbuckle for a springboard moonsault, but Caster got his knees up.
Max then connected with a modified neckbreaker before going back to working on Ryzin's arm. Caster was having trouble with his knee, and that gave Ryzin some time to recuperate.
Caster, though, hit a brainbuster-styled suplex. He went up and delivered 'The Mic Drop,' aka the elbow drop for the win.
Result: Max Caster def. Ryzin on AEW Dark: Elevation
Grade: C+
The next AEW Rising Star feature focussed on Red Velvet. A video package highlighting her career aired next on AEW Dark: Elevation.
#5 Leva Bates & Madi Wrenkowski vs. Big Swole & Red Velvet on AEW Dark Elevation
Bates and Velvet started the AEW Dark: Elevation match with a polite handshake. They exchanged arm drags in what was a competitive opening to the contest.
Wrenkowski was tagged in and she got wrist control on Red Velvet. Velvet connected with a lariat before making the tag to Swole.
Big Swole connected with a diving Russian uppercut to the back of Bates for a two-count. Bates created the separation with a jawbreaker. Bates and Wrenkowski were now back in control.
Swole shrugged off Madi and hit a facebuster for a two-count. Swole had her opponent in a straightjacket lock, and she took it one step further with a few powerful rotations.
Madi, however, dropped Swole into a split and hit a running knee strike. Wrenkowski ignored the referee's count and attempted to choke out Swole on the mat.
Bates, though, wasn't happy with Madi. Wrenkowski hit Bates with a book, and Leva walked out on her partner.
Wrenkowski was left all alone as Red Velvet and Swole looked set to finish the match. Velvet hit a spinning heel kick, followed by the 'Just Desserts' finisher for the win.
Result: Big Swole & Red Velvet def. Leva Bates & Madi Wrenkowski AEW Dark Elevation
Grade: C
Jade Cargill, Nyla Rose, and Vickie Guererro showed up on the ramp after the match. Red Velvet and Big Swole were ready for a fight, but the heels retreated.
Dasha interviewed Ethan Page backstage before the show's next match.
Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs (w/ Hook) vs. Jorel Nelson & Royce Issacs on AEW Dark Elevation
As noted rightfully by Paul Wight, Jorel Nelson and Royce Issacs have been quite impressive in their recent AEW appearances. However, tonight was a different test altogether as they were up against the members of Team Taz.
It's unsurprising to note that Hobbs asserted his dominance on Jorel Nelson.
Nelson went for a top-rope move, but Hobbs just swatted him down mid-air. That was insane, and even Issacs looked stunned! Ricky Starks was also seen marking out in his corner!
Starks got the tag, and Nelson found it easier to navigate to his corner and make the tag to Issacs.
Starks hit a running forearm shot followed by a high knee lift to the chin. Issacs created some separation with a Stunner, and Nelson followed through with a big crossbody for a two-count on Starks.
Hobbs got involved in the match, and he cleared the ring. Hook tripped Nelson's feet, and it helped Starks hit the Roshambo (sit-out dominator) for the win on AEW Dark: Elevation.
Result: Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs def. Jorel Nelson & Royce Issacs on AEW Dark Elevation
Grade: C
#7 Danny Limelight vs. Baron Black on AEW Dark: Elevation
The usual collar and elbow tie-up got the AEW Dark: Elevation match underway. The highly-rated in-ring workers showed off their technical skills with a high-quality sequence.
Limelight sent Black outside and hit a corkscrew plancha. Black, however, caught a leaping Limelight back in the ring, and he hit a neck breaker. He followed it up with a spinning lariat and a T-bone suplex for a two-count.
Black pulled his straps down and connected with a few kicks. He then had Limelight in a straightjacket lock, but Limelight reversed and hit a double stomp in response.
Limelight evaded several incoming strikes and flipped over to the top. A few reversals ensued, and Danny hit a nice German suplex. He was fired up and executed the kip-up. Black shut Limelight down with a Texas cloverleaf.
Limelight crawled his way to the rope and broke the hold. Both men were now perched on the apron, and Danny sent Black face-first into the steel ring post.
Limelight hit a brutal kick followed by a springboard double stomp near ringside. Black was sent back into the ring, and Limelight went for the rear-naked choke, aka Morir Soñando as Limelight calls it. Black tapped out and ended the AEW Dark Elevation match.
Result: Danny Limelight def. Baron Black on AEW Dark: Elevation
Grade: B+
#8 Main Event 1 - Ryan Nemeth vs. Orange Cassidy on AEW Dark: Elevation
Ryan Nemeth didn't let Orange Cassidy settle down, and The Hollywood Hunk went straight for the takedown attempt.
The match had all the classic Orange Cassidy mannerisms. Nemeth was frustrated as Cassidy nonchalantly dominated the proceedings. The hands were in the pocket, and Nemeth was livid.
Nemeth reversed the Orange Punch by catching Cassidy in mid-air and delivering a belly-to-back suplex. Nemeth produced a series of strikes from the top.
The Hunk was finally in his element during the match as he showboated after every move. Nemeth connected with knee-lifts in the corner on Cassidy. Dolph Ziggler's brother started to work on Orange Cassidy's left arm. Schiavone noted that Cassidy used his right hand for the Orange punch, which might render Nemeth's gameplan useless.
Cassidy fought back with a few punches, followed by a crossbody block from the top rope. Orange's left arm gave him several problems, and Nemeth took advantage to regain control of the match.
Nemeth had the injured arm in a hammerlock. Back on the feet, Nemeth connected with a dropkick. However, he missed the second kick as Cassidy reversed it into a DDT. The pinfall attempt was weak due to the injured left hand. Nemeth's strategy worked after all.
Nemeth got a near fall with a rolling DDT. Cassidy reversed the neckbreaker into the mousetrap pinfall for the win on AEW Dark: Elevation.
Result: Orange Cassidy def. Ryan Nemeth on AEW Dark: Elevation
Grade: B
An infuriated Nemeth laid out Cassidy with a neckbreaker after the match on AEW Dark Elevation. Chuck Taylor ran in for the save, but JD Drake followed him into the ring to assist Ryan Nemeth.
#9 Main Event 2 - Ethan Page (AEW Dark: Elevation Debut) vs. Alan "5" Angels of The Dark Order
Ethan Page has wrested twice for AEW already, and he made his debut on AEW Dark: Elevation on the latest show.
The former IMPACT Wrestling star wasn't too happy with 5 tapping him on his forehead at the start of the AEW match, and it was the Dark Order member who enjoyed the control.
Angels executed a nice hurricanrana before going for the 5 punches in the corner. He hit a dropkick, but Ethan Page answered with a bulldozing running shoulder block.
Page trapped Angels' arms on the ropes, and he hit a big chop. Angels reversed with a Russian leg sweep for a two-count. Page played possum, and forced his opponent into the bottom rope. Page executed a double underhook backbreaker before targeting the ribs and back area of Angels.
"5" broke out of the hold with a few elbows and punches. He then connected with a barrage of kicks to the chest and back of Ethan Page. He followed it up with a crossbody.
Angels hit the sliced bread for a near fall. Page blocked the wing snapper and responded with a spinning kick to the head. Page executed a gut wrench tilt-a-whirl slam for a near fall.
Angels countered the Ego's Edge by jumping to the top turnbuckle. Angels didn't connect cleanly with the spinning back kick. Page sent The Dark Order member crashing to the mat with a lariat, followed by a massive Ego's Edge (Crucifix Powerbomb Throw) to win on AEW Dark: Elevation.
It was a very impressive AEW Dark: Elevation debut for Ethan Page.
Result: Ethan Page def. Alan "5" Angels of The Dark Order on AEW Dark: Elevation
Grade: B
Ethan Page took the microphone and sent a warning to the entire AEW locker room. He also had a message for the fans at home, and he told everyone to get used to his face as All Ego intended to be All Elite for a very long time.
#10. Main Event 3 - Ryo Mizunami vs. Leyla Hirsch on AEW Dark: Elevation
The clash of two different in-ring styles was one of the most significant selling points of this unique matchup. Hirsch tried to chop her way through Mizunami, but the Japanese star was one tough lady as she called for more offense.
Mizunami dropped Leyla with a shoulder tackle. Ryo was fired up as she did the Ultimate Warrior shtick with the ring rope. Hirsch was equally tough as she challenged Mizinami to step up the striking game.
Both women were having a great time punishing each other, and the audience loved every bit of it. Mizunami got a two-count with a leg drop.
Ryo had Hirsch in a crossface submission, which looked more like a Camel Clutch, but Leyla escaped and fired off a series of punches. Both women clashed heads, and the moment gave Leyla some time to mount her comeback.
Hirsch hit a hurricanrana off the top rope, followed by a German suplex. She attempted the cross-arm breaker, but Ryo countered the move by interlocking the fingers and getting to the ropes.
Mizunami hit two forearm strikes and a massive clothesline. Hirsch hit two clotheslines herself, but Ryo's response was just too powerful. The Japanese star got a near fall with a huge leg drop.
Hirsch blocked a head and arm triangle and transitioned it into the cross-arm breaker. Ryo rolled over, lifted Hirsch, and dropped her down with a powerbomb.
Hirsch, however, got back up and hit a quick clothesline for a two-count. She brought her up again for another clothesline.
Hirsch showed incredible strength with an Angle Slam that got her a near fall. Ryo locked in the head and arm-triangle choke, rolled over a few times, and the pressure forced Hirsch to tap on AEW Dark Elevation.
Result: Ryo Mizunami def. Leyla Hirsch on AEW Dark: Elevation
Grade: A
You can watch the full episode of AEW Dark: Elevation above. Don't forget to catch the results of tomorrow's regular broadcast of AEW Dark here on Sportskeeda Wrestling.