#3 Varsity Blonds vs. Jake St. Patrick & Fuego Del Sol on AEW Dark: Elevation
Garrison was quite aggressive early on in the AEW Dark: Elevation match as he slammed Del Sol into the mat. The luchador was getting outwrestled by Garrison, who used his large physical frame to maintain control.
Garrison wiped Del Sol out with a huge clothesline. Jake St. Patrick got the tag, and so did Brian Pillman Jr. on the other end. Pillman did eat a few kicks, but he connected with two elbows and tagged Garrison back into the match.
The Blonds worked in tandem, and the outcome was Patrick being sent outside with a big boot. They executed an assisted slingshot senton and a follow-up slingshot leg drop on Patrick.
Garrison got a two-count on Patrick after a three-move combo that ended with another leg drop.
Patrick was trapped in a single leg Boston crab, and he tried to power his way out of it. He did so successfully and rolled over for the tag to Fuego Del Sol.
Del Sol was just too quick as he laid out both his opponents. Del Sol created a perfect setup before hitting the Tornado DDT on Pillman. He couldn't, however, complete the pin as Pillman rolled out of the ring.
Garrison eventually hit Del Sol with the Discus Clothesline for the win on AEW Dark: Elevation.
Result: Varsity Blonds def. Jake St. Patrick & Fuego Del Sol on AEW Dark: Elevation
Grade: C+
Max Caster vs. Ryzin on AEW Dark: Elevation
Max Caster dissed Ryzin before the match, and it all kicked off with a tie-up. Ryzin dropped Caster down with a shoulder tackle. He caught Caster off guard again with a good kick that seemed to have injured Max's knee.
Caster, however, got back with a monstrous lariat. The impact was nasty! Max worked on Ryzin's injured left hand.
Ryzin fought back with a takedown, but Caster escaped and executed a slam. Ryzin kept the contest a back-and-forth affair with a few occasional strikes and pinfall attempts.
Caster planted his opponent's face into the mat, but Ryzin kicked out of three pinfall attempts as a frustrated Max tried to develop another way to finish the match in his favor.
Ryzin executed a Dragon Screw leg whip to set Caster up for his finisher. Ryzin bounced off the middle turnbuckle for a springboard moonsault, but Caster got his knees up.
Max then connected with a modified neckbreaker before going back to working on Ryzin's arm. Caster was having trouble with his knee, and that gave Ryzin some time to recuperate.
Caster, though, hit a brainbuster-styled suplex. He went up and delivered 'The Mic Drop,' aka the elbow drop for the win.
Result: Max Caster def. Ryzin on AEW Dark: Elevation
Grade: C+
The next AEW Rising Star feature focussed on Red Velvet. A video package highlighting her career aired next on AEW Dark: Elevation.