Reka Tehaka vs. Julia Hart (w/Varsity Blonds) on AEW Dark
Julia Hart took on Reka Tehaka who is yet to get a win in AEW, hitting a hip toss and a dropkick before missing a moonsault knee drop. Hart hit a single leg sweep and connected with a standing moonsault this time.
Tehaka hit a couple of vicious headbutts and clubbed Julia Hart in the corner. Hart ducked a clothesline and hit a lariat of her own. Hart went to the top rope and hit a diving body press, followed it up with a running bulldog and got the win. She celebrated with the Varsity Blonds after the win.
Result: Julia Hart def. Reka Tehaka
Grade: D
Jameson Ryan and Brick Aldridge vs. Bear Country on AEW Dark
Bear Bronson and Jameson Ryan started the match and Bronson immediately tagged Boulder in. Boulder hit a splash on his opponent as him and Bronson hit some tag team moves. Ryan powered out of a slam attempt from Bronson and tagged in Brick Aldridge.
Aldridge and Ryan kept Bronson in their corner and continued to wear him down with shots to his midsection. Bear hit a double crossbody and tagged in Boulder. Boulder scoop slammed both his opponents and hit a middle rope moonsault but Ryan moved out.
Brick, the legal man, hit a a huge belly to belly suplex for a nearfall. Boulder stacked his opponents up on top of each other and tagged Bronson in. Bronson hit a cannonball on both men and covered Ryan for the win.
Result: Bear Country def. Jameson Ryan and Brick Aldridge
Grade: C+