Reka Tehaka vs. Julia Hart (w/Varsity Blonds) on AEW Dark
Julia Hart took on Reka Tehaka who is yet to get a win in AEW, hitting a hip toss and a dropkick before missing a moonsault knee drop. Hart hit a single leg sweep and connected with a standing moonsault this time.
Tehaka hit a couple of vicious headbutts and clubbed Julia Hart in the corner. Hart ducked a clothesline and hit a lariat of her own. Hart went to the top rope and hit a diving body press, followed it up with a running bulldog and got the win. She celebrated with the Varsity Blonds after the win.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
Result: Julia Hart def. Reka Tehaka
Grade: D
Jameson Ryan and Brick Aldridge vs. Bear Country on AEW Dark
Bear Bronson and Jameson Ryan started the match and Bronson immediately tagged Boulder in. Boulder hit a splash on his opponent as him and Bronson hit some tag team moves. Ryan powered out of a slam attempt from Bronson and tagged in Brick Aldridge.
Aldridge and Ryan kept Bronson in their corner and continued to wear him down with shots to his midsection. Bear hit a double crossbody and tagged in Boulder. Boulder scoop slammed both his opponents and hit a middle rope moonsault but Ryan moved out.
Brick, the legal man, hit a a huge belly to belly suplex for a nearfall. Boulder stacked his opponents up on top of each other and tagged Bronson in. Bronson hit a cannonball on both men and covered Ryan for the win.
Result: Bear Country def. Jameson Ryan and Brick Aldridge
Grade: C+