AEW Dark's 109th episode was loaded with 14 matches as the company continued its march towards Grand Slam week. The episode ran for over 90 minutes and every bit of it was packed with action.
With such a huge number of matches announced, many big names were part of the card. Eddie Kingston headlined the show while Lance Archer destroyed another opponent. Santana and Ortiz and FTR picked up big wins.
With 14 matches to look ahead to, let's see what happened on AEW Dark in detail.
Wardlow vs JDX on AEW Dark
Wardlow delivered a short promo before the match. JDX threw some arms and got in a superkick as he made a quick start but Wardlow kicked him in the midsection to stop his opponent's charge.
MJF's bodyguard hit a massive powerbomb before following it up with another one. Wardlow kneed JDX in the midsection before hitting three more powerbombs. Wardlow had JDX on the top rope and delivered the Casualty of War and the referee called for the bell.
Result: Wardlow def. JDX
Grade: C
Allie Katch vs Big Swole on AEW Dark
Big Swole made her debut in the AEW zone. Katch backed Swole into the corner and floored her opponent. The AEW debutant locked Swole in a chinlock but she fought out. Swole hit a rolling elbow out of nowhere on Katch for a quick win.
Result: Big Swole def. Allie Katch
Grade: D
Chaos Project vs Santana and Ortiz on AEW Dark
Santana and Serpentico got us underway with headlocks, arm drags and shoulder tackles. Santana hit an enziguiri and got a knife-edge chop before tagging in Ortiz. He backed Serpentico into the corner and Proud N Powerful hit a number of tag team moves.
Luther intervened only to get superkicked to the outside. Ortiz tried to hit a suicide dive but Luther threw Serpentico into the Inner Circle member to prevent the dive. Luther tagged in officially and kicked Ortiz in the corner. Luther hit a vicious knee to Ortiz's face and got a nearfall.
Santana ducked Serpentico's kicks and tagged in his partner, who took out both members of the Chaos Project. Santana hit the Three Amigos on Serpentico. Santana went for a frog splash but the masked star moved out of the way and hit a flatliner.
Luther tagged back in but ate a superkick from Serpentico. Ortiz tagged back in and got the win for the Inner Circle members.
Result: Santana and Ortiz def. Chaos Project
Grade: B-
Dillion McQueen vs Joey Janela (w/Kayla Rossi) on AEW Dark
Joey Janela mocked Ric Flair's gait as the AEW fans booed him. The two men locked up, but Janela grabbed a handful of McQueen's hair and launched him in the corner, face-first into the turnbuckle. Janela went for a senton, but McQueen got his knees up and hit a knee to the Bad Boy's head. Kayla Rossi ambushed McQueen with the referee distracted, and Janela finished him off with the Death Valley Driver.
Result: Joey Janela def. Dillion McQueen
Grade: D
Marina Tucker vs Tay Conti (w/Anna Jay and -1) on AEW Dark
Marina Tucker was making her AEW debut. Tay Conti started with some judo throws and hit multiple hard kicks on her opponent's chest. Tucker rolled outside, but the Brazilian star followed her. Tucker caught Conti with a hard right and hit a sliding clothesline for a two-count inside the ring.
Tucker locked Tay in a headlock, but the former NXT star fought out with elbow strikes. Tay hit three pump kicks in the corner and won the match with the hammerlock DDT.
Result: Tay Conti def. Marina Tucker
Grade: C-
Brock Anderson and Lee Johnson vs Luke Curtis and Cameron Stewart on AEW Dark
Brock Anderson immediately went after Luke Curtis' leg, who tagged in Cameron Stewart. Lee Johnson tagged in, took Stewart down with a shoulder tackle and followed it up with a moonsault.
Big Shotty hit a dropkick, but Curtis and Stewart hit a double hip toss to get the momentum. Johnson hit a backdrop on Stewart and got the hot tag on Brock, who hit a huge spinebuster. Lee Johnson tagged in and hit the frog splash for the win.
Result: Lee Johnson and Brock Anderson def. Luke Curtis and Cameron Stewart
Grade: C
FTR vs Stallion Rodgers and Anthony Greene on AEW Dark
This was Stallion Rodgers and Anthony Greene's AEW debut. Rodgers and Cash Wheeler started the match, but Wheeler outwrestled his opponent and locked in a hammerlock. Dax Harwood and Anthony Greene tagged in, and Harwood grounded Greene with a side headlock.
Anthony escaped, but Dax hit a scoop slam. Wheeler tagged in, as did Rodgers. Wheeler hit a power slam and a back elbow before tagging in his partner. The former AEW Tag Team Champions combined to take Rodgers down. In the corner, Wheeler stomped on his opponent's chest and hit a running elbow on the same area.
Dax tagged in and got a two-count with a suplex. Rodgers and Harwood traded chin locks as Wheeler tagged back in. Rodgers dodged a corner splash, but Cash tagged in Dax. Greene came in and unloaded on the former Champions. He hit a corkscrew crossbody on FTR, and Rodgers got a close nearfall with a jackknife roll-up. Cash Wheeler hit a backbreaker and suplex combination to pick up the win for FTR.
Result: FTR def. Stallion Rodgers and Anthony Greene
Grade: A-
Xtina Kay vs The Bunny on AEW Dark
Xtina Kay made her AEW debut. After trading wrist locks, Kay rammed her shoulder into Bunny's midsection in the corner, but the HFO member stomped on Kay using the ropes as leverage.
The Buffalo native hit a running knee lift before hitting a sliding elbow in the corner. The Bunny hit the Rabbit Hole for the win.
Result: The Bunny def. Xtina Kay
Grade: D
Marcus Cross vs Lance Archer on AEW Dark
Marcus Cross got a few moves in to start the match, but Lance Archer hit a suplex, chokeslam and Blackout for the win.
Result: Lance Archer def. Marcus Cross
Grade: D
Ryan Nemeth and Peter Avalon vs Alex Reynolds and John Silver on AEW Dark
The Wingmen and Dark Order squared off on AEW Dark as Alex Reynolds and Peter Avalon started the match. Cezar Bononi's distraction allowed the Wingmen to attack the Dark Order member. Silver tagged in and hit a double hip toss on Avalon with Reynolds. An uppercut from Silver got a nearfall.
The Wingmen hit a double dropkick, and Avalon hit a knee drop. The Hollywood Hunk tagged in and showboated in the ring, but Silver hit a double suplex on his opponents, allowing him to tag his partner in.
Reynolds hit a knee to Avalon's face, but Ryan Nemeth interfered and hit a DDT. Silver hit an enziguiri and Reynolds followed it up with a rolling elbow, and a stunner. Silver got the win with a German suplex.
Result: Dark Order def. The Wingmen
Grade: C+
Daniel Garcia (w/2point0) vs Alan '5' Angels on AEW Dark
Leg sweeps, arm.drags and headlocks got us started. Both men traded chest chops as the AEW fans cheered 5 on. Angels hit a dropkick as Garcia rolled out and dodged a suicide dive. Garcia ran Angels into the ringside apron, but the Dark Order member reversed a suplex attempt on the outside.
Angels hit a running senton from the ramp on to 2point0 and Daniel Garcia. Red Death used a distraction from Matt Lee to take control of the match and stomped on Alan Angels. Garcia grounded his opponent with a methodical offense on Angels' back.
Alan tried to fight back but Garcia maintained control. Both men collided in the middle of the ring mid-air as they struggled to get to their feet. Angels hit an enziguiri and hit a standing Spanish fly for a nearfall. Garcia hit a shotgun dropkick after dodging a top rope stomp for another nearfall.
Angels got a flatliner and locked Garcia in a Koji clutch, but Daniel fought out with hammer blows. Matt Lee distracted the referee and Jeff Parker struck Angels to allow Daniel Garcia to lock in the sharpshooter for the win.
Result: Daniel Garcia def. Alan Angels
Grade: B+
The Factory vs Darian Bengston, Cole Karter and Sean Maluta on AEW Dark
Bengston and Solow started the match as AEW fans jeered the Factory member. Solow hit a spinning enziguiri and asked Cole Karter to tag in. Aaron immediately struck him in the head and tagged in Nick Comoroto. Karter hit a running knee but Comoroto turned him inside out with a lariat.
QT Marshall tagged in and floored Karter in the corner. Solow tagged himself in as he combined with Comoroto to wear down Karter. Sean Maluta tagged in and chopped Comoroto who asked for more.
Maluta hit a thrust kick but Comoroto caught him for a modified powerbomb. QT Marshall finished him off with the Diamond Cutter.
Results: The Factory def. Darian Bengston, Cole Karter and Sean Maluta
Grade: C-
JD Drake vs Colt Cabana on AEW Dark
Both men tried to outwrestle each other as we saw a lot of shoulder tackles and headlocks to start off the match. The Wingmen distracted Cabana to allow JD Drake to take control. Drake hit a Manhattan drop and a scoop slam got a two-count.
He wore the Dark Order member down with another headlock and hit a Belly to Belly suplex for a nearfall. Both men traded chops and forearm shots and Colt Cabana finally got Drake off his feet with a shoulder tackle. Cabana hit three straight elbow shots to the head for a nearfall as AEW fans chanted 'Boom Boom.' He hit a Flying Apple splash in the corner, following it with a scoop slam for another nearfall.
JD Drake countered a Chicago skyline attempt and hit a rolling senton in the corner for a nearfall. Drake went to the top rope but Cabana moved out and hit a moonsault for another win for a Dark Order member on this AEW Dark episode.
Result: Colt Cabana def. JD Drake
Grade: B
Bear Bronson (w/Bear Boulder) vs Eddie Kingston on AEW Dark
The AEW Dark main event saw Mad King Eddie Kingston take on Bear Bronson. Kingston hit his signature missile chops in the corner, but Bronson overpowered Eddie with a fallaway slam. Kingston rolled out of the ring, and Bear hit a suicide dive.
Bronson wore Kingston down with headlocks and got a nearfall with a senton in the middle of the ring. Eddie moved out of a splash attempt from Bronson in the corner and hit a front leg sweep as both men struggled to get up. They traded slaps and strikes as the match broke down into a slugfest.
Kingston hit a leaping enziguiri. Bronson got a Bossman slam for a nearfall and followed it with a rolling senton in the corner. Bear hit a massive lariat for another nearfall as the match settled into another slugfest. Both men traded exploder suplexes. Eddie Kingston hit a spinning back fist for the win in the AEW Dark main event.
Result: Eddie Kingston def. Bear Bronson
Grade: B