The latest episode of AEW Dark got underway, with Taz, Excalibur and Mark Henry welcoming viewers from the commentary booth.
We wasted absolutely no time getting to the in-ring action as a singles match got the show rolling.
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Erica Leigh vs. The Bunny (w/ The Blade) on AEW Dark
The Bunny went on the offensive to begin the AEW Dark match as she ran all over her opponent. Bunny stomped Leigh with kicks in the corner. Leigh retaliated with a series of strikes, but she couldn't evade the hair toss towards the other side of the ring.
Bunny kept up the pressure with a kick to the back, followed by a choke against the ropes.
Erica fought out of a firewoman's carry position, but Bunny landed two back elbows and a knee lift. The veteran finished the AEW match by executing her 'Down the Rabbit Hole' finisher.
Result: The Bunny def. Erica Leigh on AEW Dark
Grade: C+
2point0 & Daniel Garcia vs. Pat Brink, Rayo & Kekoa (Trios Debut) on AEW Dark
2point0 and Daniel Garcia ambushed their opponents before the bell rang. The heels were on top as they methodically sent the baby faces outside the ring before isolating Rayo.
2point0 hit their 'Two for the Show' finisher before Garcia trapped him in the modified Scorpion Deathlock for another win on AEW Dark.
Result: 2point0 & Daniel Garcia def. Pat Brink, Rayo & Kekoa on AEW Dark
Grade: C-
Jeff Parker grabbed the microphone and began the post-match promo. Matt Lee ignored the 'square head' chants to send a message to Chris Jericho and the Inner Circle.
Lance Archer vs. Joe Keys on AEW Dark
Joe Keys was almost beheaded with a monstrous clothesline as Lance Archer looked to end the match quickly. Keys ducked under the strike and requested the referee for some time to strategize.
Archer connected with three back elbows in the corner before sending Keys across the ring with a snap suplex. Keys blocked a chokeslam attempt by rolling out of the ring.
Archer amped the fans up for a tope suicida but stopped at the very last minute, much to the crowd's disappointment. The Murderhawk Monster was doing some fine heelwork as he even found the time to scare a child in the audience.
Joe Keys landed a chop and absorbed a savage elbow strike in response. Archer played with the fans and continued to draw tremendous amounts of heat. He even sent a message to Hangman Page while dismantling Joe Keys, who was taken out with the Hellacoaster.
Archer finally ended the match with the Blackout. Pure dominance!
Result: Lance Archer def. Joe Keys on AEW Dark
Grade: B+
Archer was not done, though, as he landed one final ripcord clothesline to Keys before proceeding to the backstage area on AEW Dark.
"Legit" Leyla Hirsch vs. Janai Kai on AEW Dark
Janai Kai offered a handshake before the match, and Leyla Hirsch went on the offensive with a perfect gutwrench suplex.
Hirsch landed a vicious knee across the face and held up Janai Kai on the pinfall. She eventually got the submission win with the Legit Lock.
Result: Leyla Hirsch def. Janai Kai on AEW Dark.
Grade: C-
Hirsch will face Red Velvet on the Beach Break special of AEW Dynamite.
Gunn Club & The Acclaimed vs. Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds, Alan "5" Angels & 10 on AEW Dark
Max Caster and Anthony Bowens of The Acclaimed are genuinely one of the most popular acts in AEW as they got a massive pop tonight. Billy Gunn took the microphone to do the iconic 'suck it' catchphrase but was stopped by his son Colten at the last second.
Evil Uno and Anthony Bowens kicked off the match with a collar and elbow tie-up. Uno enjoyed the early success with a clean hurricanrana, followed by a cheeky rake to the eye.
Max Caster received the tag and got his legs swept off by Uno, who got Alex Reynolds into the match. Reynolds delivered a corkscrew uppercut and a dropkick, followed by a big elbow strike.
Caster got some help from his partner when he distracted the referee. The heels took control of the match as Austin Gunn asked for the tag. Caster proceeded to soften Reynolds up with a side suplex before tagging in an energetic Austin. A loud 'a** boys' chant echoed throughout the arena as Colten Gunn came in after his brother.
Colten got a two-count with a snap suplex and went straight for a chin lock right after. Reynolds' attempts to create some space finally paid dividends as he tagged out to Preston Vance.
The Dark Order powerhouse ran roughshod in the ring as he took out all four of his opponents with clotheslines, followed by pump kicks in the corner. Reynolds wiped out The Acclaimed with a suicide dive. Vance executed a spinebuster on Austin and mocked Billy Gunn with the 'suck it' gesture.
All hell broke loose as Austin connected with a high dropkick before getting rocked with a pump kick from Uno. Angels made the tag and hit a frog splash from the top. Austin Gunn kicked out at two as the action spilled over to the ringside area.
The Gunn brothers worked to deliver a hip toss-rolling neckbreaker combination over Angels. Austin hooked the Dark Order member's legs and picked up a massive win.
Result: Gunn Club & The Acclaimed def. Evil Uno, Alex Reynolds, Alan "5" Angels & 10 on AEW Dark
Grade: B+
Wheeler Yuta (w/ Chuck Taylor & Kris Statlander) vs. Penta El Zero Miedo (w/ Alex Abrahantes) on AEW Dark
Penta El Zero Miedo got a massive reaction from the crowd as he made his entrance for the highly-anticipated match.
Penta baited Wheeler Yuta with a handshake and rolled him down to the mat for a submission hold. Both men reset with a lock-up as Yuta got the upper hand of the exchange this time around.
Yuta worked his way to a bow and arrow stretch that affected Penta's lower back. Penta reacted with an ankle pick and a painful-looking back hold. The early submission wrestling was a treat to watch!
Wheeler locked in the flying octopus hold and transitioned to a pinfall. Penta kicked out and had a swift sequence of reversals with Yuta, which ended with a double kip-up. It doesn't get any smoother than this!
Penta had the audience in the palm of his hand as he took his right glove off to a great ovation. Wheeler then tripped Penta and followed it up with a dropkick. The Hispanic star, however, stopped the tope suicida with a kick. The back-and-forth action didn't end as Wheeler returned with a missile tope suicida.
The match featured several unique spots, and one of them was when Penta kicked a mobile Yuta towards the middle turnbuckle. Yuta got caught in the corner, but Penta missed the double foot stomp from the top. Wheeler got a near fall with a high crossbody.
Taylor and Statlander urged their partner on as he was in the driver's seat until Penta's well-placed superkick in the corner changed the match's momentum. Penta was relentless as he got another near fall following a backbreaker.
Penta silenced the crowd and executed a monstrous chop. The sound reverberated across the arena!
Wheeler reversed the Fear Factor finisher but ate a superkick. Yuta was a formidable performer as he got right back with a bridged German Suplex for a two-count. Wheeler still had the s-grip, but Penta blocked the suplex this time. A 'this is awesome' chant rightfully kicked off as Penta landed a sling blade, followed by the 'Made in Japan' (Penta Driver) for a near fall.
Yuta escaped the double-footed stomps and got a two-count with a side suplex. He headed up to the top for a big splash, but the Mexican star kicked out again. Phenomenal match!
Penta took the bout to a whole new level with a brutal DDT on the outside. Wheeler got spiked face-first on the floor before being rolled back into the ring. Penta signaled for the end and scored the win with his 'Fear Factor' finisher.
Result: Penta El Zero Miedo def. Wheeler Yuta on AEW Dark
Grade: A+
Penta shook Wheeler Yuta's hand and showed him much respect after the match. The post-match moment was just the icing on the cake!
AEW Dark Main Event: Jungle Boy vs. Nick Comoroto
QT Marshall interrupted Justin Roberts as he told the crowd to shut their mouths before cutting a typical heel promo. Marshall might be one of the most disliked bad guys in AEW as he received nuclear heat tonight.
Jungle Boy cut short QT's promo as he walked out to one of the loudest pops of the evening.
Jungle Boy used his quickness to catch his opponent off guard during the opening seconds of the match. Nick Comoroto, as expected, utilized his strength advantage to outmuscle Jungle Boy.
Jungle Boy missed a springboard arm drag but hit the mark with his step-up tiaras. He added a dropkick to send Comoroto to the ringside area. Jungle Boy even found the time to shove QT Marshall in the chest.
Marshall grabbed Jungle Boy's feet at an opportune moment and helped Comoroto call the shots in the match. Nick hit a vertical suplex for a two-count and continued wrestling at a slow but methodical pace.
Jungle Boy fought back with two back elbows and a comebacker lariat. The AEW World Tag Team Champion failed to lift Comoroto, but he settled for a roll-up.
Comoroto evaded the Snare Trap as Aaron Solo tried to distract Jungle Boy. Luchasaurus came in for an assist before Jungle Boy attacked Comoroto and Solo with a Tope Con Hilo.
Back in the ring, Comroto got a near fall following an Oklahoma Stampede over Jungle Boy. Nick Comoroto looked for the finish, but Jungle Boy leapfrogged over his opponent with relative ease.
Jungle Boy showcased a different side to his in-ring game by hoisting Comoroto up for a colossal chair drop brainbuster. The Jurassic Express member gave a glimpse of his underrated strength with the move.
Comoroto kicked out at two and sprang back up for a brawl. Jungle Boy chopped his rival to his knees before hitting the ropes for an elbow strike. Nick kicked out of the pinfall again, but he couldn't get away from the Snare Trap.
Result: Jungle Boy def. Nick Comoroto on AEW Dark
Grade: B+
The AEW World Tag Team Champions celebrated with the crowd as AEW Dark came to a close. Luchasaurus also got a piece of the action as he and Jungle Boy delivered their tag team finisher over Aaron Solo after the match.
You can check out the full AEW Dark episode above and share your reviews in the comments section below.
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