#7. M'Badu & Baron Black vs. Bear Country on AEW Dark

Baron Black and Bronson started things off for their respective teams in the AEW Dark match. Bronson enjoyed the early momentum with a big elbow and body slam.
Boulder came into the match and delivered a headbutt to Black's midsection. Black and M'Badu took advantage of a referee distraction to drop Bronson shoulder-first on the apron.
Black used the ring post to target the injured shoulder. M'Badu finally entered the match, and the big man took Bronson down with a diving shoulder block. M'Badu and Black worked in tandem to deliver an assisted sidewalk slam. The pin attempt was interrupted as M'Badu was not the legal man.
Black pulled down his straps, but Bronson saturated his opponent with a modified suplex. Boulder got the tag, and there were shoulder blocks all across town. Boulder rocked Black in the corner before sending M'Badu to join his partner.
Boulder executed a Samoan drop-fallaway slam combo on both M'Badu and Baron Black. Boulder missed a moonsault press, which allowed M'Badu to hit a strike from the top.
Black hit a backstabber, but Bronson broke the pin. He wiped out M'Badu on the outside with a tope suicida. Bear Country hit the finisher on Black for the win.
Result: Bear Country def. M'Badu & Baron Black on AEW Dark
Grade: B
Butcher and the Blade hit the ring and attacked Bear Country after the match.
#8. The Dark Order vs. Levy Shapiro, John Skyler & Ryzin on AEW Dark

Colt Cabana and Skyler kicked off the tag team match, and it was Colt who took control of the proceedings. Evil Uno came in and connected with a chop.
Skyler reversed an Irish whip and followed Uno for a strike in the midsection. Evil Uno dropped Shapiro with a shoulder tackle, followed by a Manhattan Drop. Alan Angels got the tag and he was dominant against Shapiro.
Brodie Lee Jr. gave his inputs from the ringside area as The Dark Order punished Shapiro in their corner. Shapiro eventually broke away and tagged Skyler. Angels got the tag from Uno, and the Dark Order took on multiple opponents.
Angles was the MVP as he hit a flurry of high-impact moves on all three members. It seemed like a one-person show until Skyler hit a big kick.
Ryzin finally got the tag, but Cabana and Uno were quick to scout danger. Ryzin was sent crashing into Uno's knee, and Uno's finisher then flatlined him on AEW Dark.
Result: The Dark Order def. Levy Shapiro, John Skyler & Ryzin on AEW Dark
Grade: C
#9. Max Caster vs. JJ Garrett on AEW Dark

Garrett went for a high crotch takedown as the commentary team continued to focus on his mullet. Garrett started strong with some hard strikes on Caster.
JJ hit an area code shot, followed by a spear in the corner. Caster countered Garrett's explosivity with a massive arm drag. Max wrenched back on Garrett's arms, and it was The Acclaimed member who enjoyed a dominant phase.
Garrett escaped a top rope suplex and hit a moonsault press. He followed it with a few chops, but the Irish whip attempt failed due to his injured left hand.
Garrett, however, still managed to execute a cannonball senton in the corner. Caster kicked out of a jackknife pinfall, and Bowens slipped in the boombox to distract the referee.
Caster hit the brainbuster and the Mic Drop from the top rope for the win on AEW Dark.
Result: Max Caster def. JJ Garrett on AEW Dark
Grade: B