Excalibur and Taz welcomed the viewers to a 'gargantuan' edition of AEW Dark! Yes, the card for this week featured 16 matches. 16!
The show also featured a big turn as Allie ended her alliance with QT Marshall to reunite with her 'family'.
#1. Shawn Spears (W/ Tully Blanchard) vs. Christopher Daniels on AEW Dark
Both men jockeyed for position in the first match on AEW Dark. They engaged in some mat work before going back to the arms and headlocks. Spears was in the mood to show off as he did a cartwheel and went out for a high-five with Tully Blanchard.
Daniels took Shawn Spears down with a big clothesline, and it was now his time to bring out the taunts. Daniels strutted in the ring as Spears rolled to the outside. Daniels took Spears out with a crossbody.
Daniels continued the assault on the outside. Spears took control after ramming Daniels into the steel barricade before following it up with a neck breaker on the floor. Spears worked on Daniels' head with the stomps and knees as the announcers highlighted Daniels' neck troubles as Spears took off his knee pad.
Daniels moved out, and he unleashed a series of punches on Spears. Shawn avoided being sent to the corner, and he slammed Daniels' head into the mat with a short DDT.
Spears got Daniels up for the Death Valey Driver. The Fallen Angel countered with a faceplant. Daniels rallied for a comeback as he took Spears down with a few strikes.
Daniels got a two count before sending Spears to the outside. Back in the ring, Daniels got a diving crossbody from the top rope for a near fall. Spears reversed an Angel's Wing's into a DVD, but his finisher was also countered.
The sequence ended with a near fall for Daniels.
Daniels went for a springboard, but Spears caught him in midair and delivered the C4 for the win on AEW Dark.
Result: Shawn Spears def. Christopher Daniels on AEW Dark
Grade: A
Spears delivered another C4 after the bell. Spears wasn't done, but Scorpio Sky hit the ring. Spears backed off before hitting one of the pyro guys near the ramp with a big left.
#2. KiLynn King vs. Brandi Rhodes (w/ Dustin Rhodes) on AEW Dark
King and Rhodes locked up in the middle of the ring as they worked on the arms.
King took Brandi Rhodes with an inverted toe hold before going for the hammerlock. Rhodes responded with a side headlock takedown. They exchanged crucifix pin attempts. More quick pins exchanged, and the sequence ended in a statement. Back to square one!
King dropped Rhodes with a big shoulder tackle. Rhodes replied with a deep arm drag followed by a running back elbow in the corner for the two-count.
Johnny Hungie in the house! John Silver showed up with a sign, and he made his intentions clear of wanting to appear on 'A Shot of Brandi.'
Rhodes picked up the win with the big pump kick on AEW Dark.
Result: Brandi Rhodes def. KiLynn King on AEW Dark
Grade: C
Another win for Brandi didn't go down well with the fans watching the show.
#3. David Ali vs. Ricky Starks on AEW Dark
Ricky Starks' theme song is a thing of beauty!
Anyway, the match got underway, and Starks wasn't taking his competition too seriously. Ali had some fire in him, but Starks shut it down with a big slam to the mat.
Taz noted that Starks' strength and power were underrated. Starks punished Ali with chops and forearm strikes.
Absolute looked comfortable despite Ali's attempts to fight back with a few strikes. Ali went up to the top and took Starks down with a missile dropkick. Starks got control of the match again with a running kick to the face.
Starks ended the match with the Roshambo!
Result: Ricky Starks def. David Ali on AEW Dark
Grade: C
Starks proceeded to join Excalibur and Taz on the commentary table.
#4. Scorpio Sky vs. Fuego Del Sol on AEW Dark
Scorpio Sky got some decent-looking pyro on AEW Dark, which is always a good sign.
Del Sol showed off his agility to get some wrist control on Scorpio Sky. Del Sol got taken down with a trip before getting caught in a front chancery. Back on their feet, Del Sol executed a head drag. He followed it up with a hard strike to the gut of an incoming Sky.
Sky executed the backbreaker and stretched Del Sol out for a two-fall. Sky got Del Sol in an abdominal stretch.
Fuego created some separation with a dropkick. Sky rolled to the outside, but Del Sol followed him with a dive over the top rope.
Del Sol got a near fall with a solid neck breaker. Both men were involved in a back-and-forth exchange, which ended with a step-up enziguri on Sky.
Fuego went up to the top rope, but he got trapped in a Scorpion Deathlock on his way down. It led to an instant tap.
Result: Scorpio Sky def. Fuego Del Sol on AEW Dark
Grade: B-
Shawn Spears' music hit after the match, but he was nowhere to be seen.
#5. Aaron Solow vs. Luchasaurus (w/ Jungle Boy) on AEW Dark
Luchasuaurus predictably overpowered Solow in the early stages of the match. Luchasaurus dropped Solow with a stalling suplex.
Solow created some separation with a Frankensteiner. He took Luchasaurus out with a swinging DDT on the outside. Solow went up to the top rope, but Luchasaurus sprang up to his feet.
Solow transitioned from a roll-up into a standing double stomp for a near fall. Solow went up high but came down only to get caught right in Luchasaurus' arm. Aaron got in a pump kick before hitting the ropes.
Luchasaurus decked Solow with a tailwhip followed by a chokeslam and a standing moonsault.
Result: Luchasaurus def. Aaron Solow on AEW Dark
Grade: B
#6. Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison vs. The Butcher & The Blade (w/ Eddie Kingston) on AEW Dark
Garrison and Blade kicked off the match. Blade cornered Griff in a corner and landed heavy-handed shots. Blade dropped Garrison with a shoulder block. Griff made the tag to Pillman. Blade got Butcher into the match, and he rocked Pillman with a crossbody.
Butcher and Blade isolated Pillman and began working on him with methodical strikes. Pillman fought back with a few rights before being sent back into the opposing corner. Butcher was back in, and he connected with kicks to the back of Pillman. Butcher executed a snap suplex.
Pillman delivered to a few dropkicks but was unable to make the tag to Garrison as Blade stopped him in his tracks. Pillman took a hellacious beating before creating a separation with the diving, rolling crossbody. The hot tag was finally made to Garrison, and he came in hot by taking out Blade with a facebuster.
Butcher broke up the pin and Pillman came in to even the scores. Pillman, however, got sent to the outside. Blade and Butcher hit the assisted powerbomb neck breaker for the win on AEW Dark.
Result: The Butcher & The Blade def. Brian Pillman Jr. & Griff Garrison on AEW Dark
Grade: B
#7. Penta El Zero M vs. QT Marshall on AEW Dark
Penta did the 'Zero Miedo' early on in the match before hitting the ropes and leapfrogging on Marshall on AEW Dark.
Penta got in the kicks as QT tried to respond with a suicide dive. Penta and QT battled it out on the outside before the action shifted back into the ring. Penta missed a top rope double stomp.
QT took advantage of the situation by taking Penta out with a diving uppercut. QT, however, couldn't capitalize as Penta hit a diving stomp for a two-count. Penta looked for the Package Driver, but Marshall reacted with a kick. Penta fired back with a superkick followed by a Slingblade for a two-count. Eddie Kingston made his to the ramp with a microphone, but he didn't influence the match just yet.
Penta and Marshall ended up taking each other out with a double clothesline. Kingston began cutting a promo microphone. Allie came out as the Evil Bunny, and she seemed to have now aligned herself with Eddie Kingston. A shocked QT Marshall looked on as Allie seemed to have completed her turn.
Back in the ring, QT got a near fall with the Sunset Flip followed by a backslide.
He got another near fall with the Michinoku Driver. QT attempted the Diamond Cutter, but Penta connected with the Destroyer, followed by the Package Piledriver for the win.
Result: Penta def. QT Marshall on AEW Dark
Grade: A
#8. Jungle Boy vs. KTB on AEW Dark
Jungle Boy started the match well as he connected with a dropkick. He leaped off the top with a head scissors and a roundhouse kick to follow it up.
KTB finally got some offense in as he caught Jungle Boy with a splash in the corner. KTB mounted the pressure with an elbow drop that got him a two-count.
Jungle Boy got a schoolboy pin before chomping away at the legs of KTB with kicks. KTB caught one of the kicks and executed the Dragon Screw, followed by the Fallaway Slam for near fall. KTB was all over Jungle Boy as he completed the Manhattan Drop and a splash. Jungle Boy responded with a knee strike followed by a lifting uppercut and a clothesline.
Jungle Boy was building up momentum as he delivered the Dragon Screw and the Suicide Dive. Jungle Boy scored a near fall with a top-rope DDT. KTB, however, hit the Black Out finisher for a near fall. KTB missed the moonsault from the top rope, and Jungle Boy took advantage by connecting with the running elbow followed by the double knee drop from the top rope for the victory on AEW Dark.
Result: Jungle Boy def. KTB on AEW Dark
Grade: A
#9. Kenzie Paige & Skyler Moore vs. Ivelisse & Diamante on AEW Dark
Ivelisse and Diamante executed a pre-match attack on their opponents before the bell was rung. Classic heel move right there! However, Paige and Moore did well for themselves before Diamante and Moore officially kicked off the match.
Diamante got things rolling with a suplex on Moore, who found herself in the wrong corner as Ivelisse got tagged in. Diamante and Ivelisse hit a double team suplex on Moore.
Ivelisse got in a strike to Moore's back before tagging Diamante back into the match. Moore created some separation as she connected with a boot to the face and a crossbody before making the hot tag to Kenzie Paige.
While Paige did enjoy some momentum, the heels shut her down, and Ivelisse ended the match with a kick to the face.
Result: Ivelisse & Diamante def. Kenzie Paige & Skyler Moore on AEW Dark
Grade: C
#10. Colt Cabana vs. BSHP King on AEW Dark
Colt Cabana tied things up with King but was sent to the corner after being caught in a side headlock for a few seconds. Colt managed to get in a quick roll-up before locking it up again with BSHP.
Silver and Reynolds appeared in support of Cabana, but they were noticeably late, which did distract Colt. King took advantage by delivering a deep arm drag. Cabana, however, took control of the match with a few elbow strikes.
Cabana was a victim of another distraction, but he somehow managed to get his knees up during an attempted Senton from King. Cabana executed the Superman pinfall for the victory on AEW Dark.
Result: Colt Cabana def. BSHP King on AEW Dark
Grade: B-
#11. 5 of The Dark Order vs. Adam Priest on AEW Dark
5 came in hot with a running dropkick on Adam Priest. Despite Priest's attempts to back off a bit, 5 was relentless in his offensive output as he rushed forward during the AEW Dark match.
Priest briefly teased a comeback, but 5 shut him down with a middle rope clothesline. Priest connected with a few uppercuts, but 5 responded with a stomp to the back.
He followed it up with a moonsault press from the middle rope that got him a near fall. Priest connected with a few kicks in response, followed by the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. 5, however, got in a few hard kicks before hitting the Twisting Fisherman Buster and the Wing Snapper for the win on AEW Dark.
Result: 5 of The Dark Order def. Adam Priest on AEW Dark
Grade: C+
Frankie Kazarian cut a backstage promo in which he hyped up his scheduled match against Jack Evans, which was up next.
#12. Jack Evans vs. Frankie Kazarian on AEW Dark
Kazarian began the match with the fireman's carry, followed by the headlock and an Oklahoma roll pinfall. Evans' cartwheel nullified Kazarian's attempt at controlling the wrists. Evans' first piece of offense was a kick to the face. He also connected with a rising knee and a Northern Lights Suplex, followed by a standing moonsault.
Evans got a two-count for all his troubles.
Evans kept up the pressure with the knee strikes. Kazarian, however, mounted a comeback with a clothesline and leg drop off the middle rope. Jack reacted with a spinning heel kick for a two-count before executing the leg sweep and a sky-twister-press for a near fall.
He connected with a back handspring elbow, but Kazarian had him scouted. Kazarian hit the reverse DDT for the win.
Result: Frankie Kazarian def. Jack Evans on AEW Dark
Grade: B-
#13. Louie Valle, Baron Black and D3 vs. Silver, Reynolds & 10 of The Dark Order on AEW Dark
Reynolds and Valle kicked off the match. After turning down Reynolds' offer, Valle unfortunately got hit with a big right.
Valle, however, delivered a shotgun dropkick before tagging Black in. Silver came into the match on the other side and leveled Black, but he got caught in a Manhattan Drop.
D3 now got the tag, and he executed the snap mare on Silver. Silver, however, managed to tag in 10.
10 delivered the powerbomb, followed by the fallaway slam. Reynolds entered the match before D3 came right back in and executed the delayed vertical suplex. Silver was enjoying a fair share of the action, and he sent D3 in the corner. D3, however, got his elbow up. He made the tag to Valle, who took Reynolds and 10 out with dropkicks.
Valle hit the crossbody on Silver but got laid out with an assisted German Suplex. 10 delivered the spinebuster before the spinning slam won it for the Dark Order.
Result: The Dark Order def. Louie Valle, Baron Black, and D3 on AEW Dark
Grade: C
#14. Wardlow vs. Vinny Pacifico on AEW Dark
This was nothing but an all-out AEW Dark squash match. Pacifico did try to take Wardlow off his feet with a shotgun dropkick, but the giant remained unfazed.
Wardlow hit the gut-wrench powerbomb, followed by the knee strike off the top turnbuckle. The referee stopped the match.
Result: Wardlow def. Vinny Pacifico via KO on AEW Dark
Grade: C
Eddie Kingston and the 'family' were shown backstage, and it was confirmed that Allie had reunited with The Butcher and The Blade.
#15. Co-Main Event: Matt Sydal vs. Shawn Dean on AEW Dark
Matt Sydal got the better of the lock-up, and he transitioned to a headlock takedown. The head scissors followed. Sydal was quick with his transitions as he went from an inverted arm drag to a key lock.
Dean got in a few arm drags followed by a dropkick. Sydal responded with a leg lariat, a few round kicks, and knee drops.
Dean got swept off his feet by Sydal, who then delivered a standing, twisting moonsault for a near fall. Dean reacted by laying out Sydal with a few uppercuts. Sydal got in the Sunset Flip for a two-count.
Sydal followed it with a submission move, but Dean broke it up before sending Matt into the corner. Dean executed the Tiger Driver. Sydal got back with the rising knee strike.
Dean got caught in a Cobra Clutch, and while he tried to escape the hold, Sydal executed the roundhouse and tightened the Cobra Clutch for the win.
Result: Matt Sydal def. Shawn Dean on AEW Dark
Grade: B
#16. Main Event: Rey Fenix vs. Sonny Kiss on AEW Dark
The main event of the evening began with an elbow and collar lock-up. The Greco-roman knuckle lock ended in a stalemate as Fenix stomped on Kiss' toes.
Sonny Kiss fired back with step-up hurricanranas followed by a single-leg dropkick. Kiss kept the offense coming with the arm drag and single-leg takedown.
Fenix tipped the scales of the match in his favor. He locked in the modified figure four submission hold before going for an armbar. Kiss almost got caught in a Death Valley Driver. He escaped a lariat attempt as well.
Fenix, however, kept up the pressure with a punt kick. He got a two-count as a result of a roundhouse kick. Kiss initiated the comeback with a tornado forearm strike before connecting with the Axes And O's, which got Sonny a near fall.
Kiss followed it up with a pump kick. However, Fenix shut Kiss down on the top rope before hitting the Muscle Buster for the three-count.
Result: Rey Fenix def. Sonny Kiss on AEW Dark
Grade: B
And that was the latest episode of AEW Dark in the books! You can check out the entire episode above and share your reviews in the comments section below.