Lance Archer (w/ Jake "The Snake" Roberts) vs. Jake St. Patrick on AEW Dark
Jake St. Patrick tried to get a headstart by attacking Lance Archer with a dropkick during the latter's AEW Dark entrance. Talk about bad decisions!
Archer caught Patrick and chokeslammed him onto the ramp. It should be noted that Archer's music and Jake Roberts' chilling commentary played in the background.
The Murderhawk Monster absolutely destroyed Patrick, and that's the only way to sum up this match.
There was a point where Patrick did show some signs of revival. However, Archer swatted Patrick mid-air during a moonsault press attempt from the top rope.
Archer ended the match with a ripcord spinning urinagi, aka The Hellacoaster.
Result: Lance Archer def. Jake St. Patrick on AEW Dark
Grade: C
The Dark Order cut a backstage promo on The Hardy Family Office. Evil Uno, Stu Grayson, and Preston "10" Vance promised to be victorious later tonight in their featured tag team main event.
Diamante vs. Raychell Rose (AEW Debut) on AEW Dark
Both women locked up to begin the match, and Diamante spun Rose to the mat following a hammerlock.
The debutant tipped the scales in her favor with a headlock takedown. Rose showed off her impressive flexibility by escaping a headscissors lock.
The early exchanges were of back-and-forth nature until Diamante took control with a Russian leg sweep.
Diamante drove both of her boots into Rose's chest. Twice!
She hit a double stomp to Raychell's back from the middle turnbuckle for a two-count. Raychell turned things around with a few kicks, but Diamante executed the Cazadora stunner to stop any possibility of an upset.
Diamante hit Code Red for the three-count.
Result: Diamante def. Raychell Rose (AEW Debut) on AEW Dark
Grade: C
Lee Johnson vs. Will Allday on AEW Dark
Both men had mutual respect. They bumped fists and got down to business with a keenly-contested sequence of holds.
Johnson took Allday down with two deep arm drags. Will executed a step-up hurricanrana, but Johnson landed on his feet. That popped the crowd.
Lee followed it up with a picture-perfect dropkick. He rightfully flexed after the move. Allday, however, got back with a few punches and an enziguri in the corner.
Will Allday missed the superkick, and Johson hit two clotheslines, followed by a swinging neckbreaker. Johnson was showing off all night as he did the kip-up.
Big Shotty, however, got caught in Allday's moonsault press for a two-count. Johnson showed tremendous power to grab Allday from a hurricanrana and deliver a buckle bomb.
Johnson finished the contest with the Ushigoroshi.
Result: Lee Johnson def. Will Allday on AEW Dark
Grade: B-
QT Marshall dropped Johnson with the blindside shot after the match. The leader of The Factory hit the Cutter before Dustin Rhodes ran out to make the save.
Rhodes had the bull rope in his hands. Nick Comoroto, Anthony Ogogo, and Aaron Solow backed up QT on the ramp before the post-match segment came to an end.