The Dark Order's John Silver & Alex Reynolds (w/ Negative One) vs. Sean Carr & Marcus Kross (AEW Tag Team Debut) on AEW Dark
Alex Reynolds grabbed Sean Carr's hands but still ate a few punches in the early goings of the AEW Dark match. Reynolds casually walked out of an incoming splash and landed a stylish dropkick followed by a kip-up.
John Silver hit a double drop toe hold followed by a double dropkick with his partner. "Johnny Hungy" chants echoed inside the Universal Studios as Silver flexed his muscles.
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John Silver caught Carr in a Hurricanrana and a dropkick before tagging Reynolds back in. Alex continued the dominance for his team with a few kicks. Carr, however, found an opening and tagged Marcus Kross, who leaped off the top rope and stunned Reynolds with a crossbody.
Reynolds blocked Kross' suplex and sent him flying to the corner. Silver got the hot tag, and he executed two biel throws on his opponent. He completed a snapmare on Carr onto the turnbuckle and shifted his attention to Kross, who got laid out with two German suplexes.
Reynolds connected with a high boot before Silver sent Cross crashing into Sean Carr in the corner with a release belly-to-belly suplex. Great combination offense!
Reynolds hit the Dark Destroyer DDT on Kross, and Silver covered him for the win.
Result: The Dark Order's John Silver & Alex Reynolds def. Sean Carr & Marcus Kross on AEW Dark
Grade: B
Negative One kicked Kross out of the ring to end the post-match segment.
The Acclaimed vs. Ishmael Vaughn & Dontae Smiley (AEW Tag Team Debut) on AEW Dark
Max Caster's latest verse on AEW Dark had some amusing references, such as Harry Potter and Revenge of the Mummy. The Acclaimed's opponents for the night laughed in the ring as Max Caster and Anthony Bowens carried on with their entrance.
Bowens went for a kick to the mid-section and wasted no time in gaining control of the match. Caster came in fairly quickly, and the Acclaimed worked in tandem against Ishmael Vaughn.
Caster was relentless as he dropped Vaughn with a back suplex. Bowens used the springboard for an elbow drop, and he proudly declared that 'everybody loved the Acclaimed.' The crowd seemed to agree with him as well!
Vaughn finally created some space as he dropped Bowens down to one knee and tagged Dontae Smiley.
Smiley showed off his quick hands and feet with a furious combo on Bowens. Anthony stopped Smiley in his tracks with a cross chop and a thrust kick across the jaw.
Caster received the tag, and the Acclaimed hit a double Russian leg sweep, followed by a penalty kick from Bowens. Vaughn entered the ring to help his partner, but the plan backfired as Caster was alerted of the danger.
The Acclaimed isolated Smiley and Caster executed the Mic Drop to end the match.
Result: The Acclaimed def. Ishmael Vaughn & Dontae Smiley on AEW Dark
Grade: B+
The Bunny (w/ The Butcher) vs. Santana Garrett on AEW Dark
The Bunny didn't let Santana Garrett settle down as she viciously assaulted her with a series of punches.
Bunny jammed Garrett's neck into the turnbuckle with a dropkick from the back, and she talked trash at her opponent. Big Butch looked on as Bunny urged Garrett to fight back.
Santana couldn't catch a break as Bunny landed a knee lift and scratched her back to inflict more pain. Garrett got back into the match with a big-time shot across Bunny's jaw. She kept up the excellent work with a handspring elbow in the corner followed by a thrust kick.
However, Garrett missed her backflip splash, and Bunny capitalized by taking her down the rabbit hole!
Result: The Bunny def. Santana Garrett on AEW Dark
Grade: C