Matt Hardy & Jora Johl vs. Baron Black & Prince Agballah (AEW Tag Team Debut) on AEW Dark
Matt Hardy grabbed the full spotlight during his entrance with Jora Johl for the 13th match on tonight's AEW Dark.
It's always great to see the technically proficient Baron Black on Dark. He started the match with Jora Johl, who quickly secured a headlock.
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Black got a one-count with a Manhattan drop-exploder suplex combo. Matt Hardy barked orders from the apron as Prince Agballah came in and outpowered Johl in the corner.
Jora landed a headbutt on Baron Black and sent him in the H.F.O. corner with a belly-to-belly suplex. He showed some intensity before tagging in Matt Hardy.
Big Money Matt delivered a big elbow strike across Baron Black's spine. Johl landed a massive powerslam for a one-count, but Black managed to escape the fireman's carry to hit a backstabber.
Black made the tag to the Prince, who executed an insane spinning lariat on Jora Johl. Agballah suffered a hard landing, however, from Jora Johl's facebuster.
Jora took the Prince down with a high boot. Matt Hardy demanded Jora tag him in, and the H.F.O. boss hit the Twist of Fate to finish the match.
Result: Matt Hardy & Jora Johl def. Baron Black & Prince Agballah on AEW Darl
Grade: B+
Jora Johl did all the hard work only for Matt Hardy to get the all-important pinfall. Jora didn't look too happy as Hardy gave him some pep talk after the match.
AEW Dark Co-Main Event: Ethan Page vs. Fuego Del Sol
Fuego Del Sol got the loudest pop of the evening, which says a lot about the Luchador's popularity in AEW.
Ethan Page didn't let Del Sol complete his entrance as he landed a high boot. The action spilled over to the ringside area as Page dropped Del Sol over the barricade.
Fuego launched off the stage with a moonsault and somehow landed on his feet despite taking out Ethan Page. Fuego lit the crowd up with another high-flying move off the top rope.
Ethan Page avoided the Tornado DDT by sending Del Sol into the barricade once again. Page executed a backbreaker and exchanged words with the crowd for some heat.
The match finally resumed in the ring as Page dropped Del Sol with an aggressive hammer throw. Fuego created some space with a roll-up but got hit by another big clothesline.
Page kept Fuego grounded for a few seconds until the masked man broke free. He couldn't capitalize as Page executed a back-body drop.
Page punished Del Sol's lower back before focussing on the chest with a series of chops. Fuego Del Sol initiated the comeback by reversing the Ego's Edge with a Hurricanerana.
Del Sol landed a springboard moonsault, followed by a double-footed stomp to the back of the head. He got a near fall before calling for the Tornado DDT.
Ethan Page avoided contact and responded with a massive power slam for a near fall. Fuego escaped out of the Ego Edge again to connect with an enziguri.
This time, he executed another foot stomp on the top rope, but Page kicked out at two and survived an upset loss. He absorbed another kick at the top but stopped Del Sol's Spanish Fly attempt. Ethan then body-slammed Fuego down to the mat and trucked him down with a shoulder tackle.
Page hoisted Fuego up and delivered the Ego's Edge finisher for a hard-fought victory.
Result: Ethan Page def. Fuego Del Sol on AEW Dark
Grade: A
AEW Dark Main Event: Adam Cole vs. Anthony Greene
Adam Cole made his AEW Dark debut against fellow ex-NXT star Anthony Greene.
Anthony was impressed with how the fans welcomed Adam Cole as they prepared for the final match of the episode. Cole masterfully baited the crowd into thinking he was about to toss his shirt towards them. The former WWE star dumped it near the turnbuckle and got a chorus of boos in return. Classic pre-match heelwork!
The main event finally got underway with a collar and elbow tie-up. Adam Cole used his experience to get the early advantage as he was a step ahead of his opponent.
However, Cole wasted a lot of time showboating and didn't see Greene's incoming dropkicks, the second of which sent Adam out of the ring.
Greene grabbed Cole's shirt and finally threw it into the crowd. Cole recuperated on the outside as the referee started the 10-count. The Elite member landed a pump kick and retained control of the contest.
A brutal hammer throw saw Greene bounce off the opposing turnbuckle. Cole slowed down the pace of the match with a chin lock in the center of the ring. Greene broke free but was sent back down with a running back elbow.
Anthony couldn't deal with Cole's explosivity, but he showed resilience by making the match a legitimate boxing fight. Greene fired off in the corner and executed a jawbreaker-neckbreaker combo. Cole reacted by shutting Greene down with the Ushigoroshi neckbreaker.
Cole set the stage for the superkick and cracked Greene's jaw with the famous strike. Adam looked for the Panama Sunrise, but Greene avoided it and landed a massive kick. Cole kicked out but couldn't evade the Michinoku Driver. He escaped another upset by kicking out of the subsequent pinfall attempt.
Cole got back with an enziguri and a backstabber for a near fall. Greene was a tough competitor as a frustrated Cole was desperate for the finish. He almost got caught in a cradle pin and was laid out with a flapjack.
Greene delivered a giant Crucifix bomb, but Adam Cole kicked out yet again. Anthony seamlessly transitioned to a single-leg crab as Cole was close to suffering a shocking loss.
Adam Cole tried to get to the bottom rope, but Greene pulled him back to the center. Cole turned his hips, got to his back, and fired off three up-kicks.
Both men proceeded to put together an intense back-and-forth sequence. Greene attempted the spinning splash from the top, but Cole amazingly caught him with a superkick in mid-air. Fans, commentators and the referee were left stunned by the impact as Adam Cole picked up Greene and delivered the knee strike to the back of the head. Pinfall...1...2...3!
Result: Adam Cole def. Anthony Greene on AEW Dark
Grade: A+
That was a phenomenal main event to end another AEW Dark episode. Anthony Greene is a star to watch out for after his latest performance!