AEW Dark Results - Former WWE Star sent through a wall, Big tag team debuts, Surprise appearance after main event - 15th December 2020

AEW Dark.
AEW Dark.

This week's AEW Dark featured 14 matches and some memorable moments. A tag team featuring two big, towering men debuted, and they tore the house down. Miro appeared after the main event while another former WWE Superstar was sent crashing through a wall.


As always, Excalibur, Taz, and Anthony Ogogo kicked off the latest episode of AEW Dark. Ogogo looked classy with his sunglasses on, and his fellow commentators ribbed him for it before we moved to the first match of the evening.

#1. Sotheara Chhun vs. Ricky Starks (w/ Powerhouse Hobbs) on AEW Dark


Ricky Starks played the mind games with Chhun as he offered and retreated the handshake. Chhun was triggered as he unleashed a series of rights.

Starks got the match under his control with a kick before sending Chhun crashing face-first into the middle turnbuckle.

Hobbs connected with a cheap shot as the referee was distracted by Starks. Ricky delivered a running back elbow. He continued to wear Sotheara down.

Starks paid tribute to Sting and went for the Stinger Splash in the corner, but Chhun got out of the way. Chhun delivered a diving cutter for a two-count. Starks got back up and caught Sotheara with a big spear for the win.


Result: Ricky Starks def. Sotheara Chhun on AEW Dark

Grade: C+

#2. Baron Black vs. Brandon Cutler on AEW Dark


They began the match with the collar and elbow tie-up. Cutler took Black down with a few shoulder tackles.

Black caught Cutler in a diving atomic drop. Ouch! Baron then went for the Gory Special, but Cutler got out of the hold.

Black got caught up in the ropes, and Cutler connected with a kick. The back-and-forth action continued as Black landed a rolling clothesline in the corner, followed by the Exploder suplex.


Black went for another clothesline, but Cutler moved out and hit the head kick. Cutler came over the top with a head kick followed by a reverse DDT. Brandon finished the match with the springboard elbow drop and picked up his seventh consecutive victory.

Result: Brandon Cutler def. Baron Black on AEW Dark

Grade: B

#3. KiLynn King vs. Hikaru Shida on AEW Dark


It's not every day that we get the AEW Women's Champion on Dark. It was indeed a special episode.

King asked for the Greco-roman knuckle lock, and Hikaru Shida obliged. Both women attempted to outpower each other. They canceled each other out with a series of arm drags, pinfall attempts, and holds. It was an even contest this far.

King connected with two kicks before going for a body slam. Shida reversed it by delivering a body slam of her own. Shida connected with two punches before coming in for the high running knee strike in the corner.


Shida's power was a significant feature of the match as she effortlessly picked up King and dropped her onto her knee. Shida connected with a running knee strike on King, who was laid out on the apron.

King created some separation with a few strikes, and she assumed the top mount position in the ring. The strikes continued to land. Back on the feet, Shida reversed an Irish whip. However, King got a 2-fall. She followed it up with a neck breaker with another two-count.


Shida took King down with an enziguri. The champ went for the running knee strike, but King evaded. King then went for the Kingdom Falls, but Shida fought out of it with the elbow strikes.

Shida responded with a leaping knee strike followed by the Falcon Arrow for the three-count.

Result: Hikaru Shida def. KiLynn King on AEW Dark

Grade: B+


Abadon attacked Shida after the match on AEW Dark.

The Waiting Room on AEW Dark


Britt Baker hyped up the lineup for the upcoming AEW Dynamite episode before introducing the show's first guest, Shawn Spears, accompanied by Tully Blanchard. As you may have imagined, Scorpio Sky crashed the party and attacked Shawn Spears. He sent Spears crashing through the wall.

Spears was evaluated by AEW's medical staff after the segment.


#4. Jurassic Express (w/ Marko Stunt) vs. Shawn Dean & Fuego Del Sol on AEW Dark


Jungle Boy and Del Sol started the match. Interestingly enough, this was Jungle Boy's 51st match in AEW.

Jungle Boy knocked Del Sol down with a dropkick, and Shawn Dean got the tag. Luchasaurus came in and dropped Dean with a big boot.

Luchasaurus planted the Captain down on the canvas with a suplex. The assisted senton got Jungle Boy a two-count. Jungle Boy got caught in an elbow, which sent him outside. Dean delivered two dives before sending Jungle Boy back in.


Dean got a two-count with a springboard elbow drop. Del Sol got tagged in and connected with a knee strike, followed by an arm drag slam and a standing moonsault.

Jungle Boy reversed a move into a backbreaker. Del Sol rushed to his corner to make the tag to Shawn Dean. The southpaw strikes connected on Jungle Boy. Del Sol and Dean missed their tag team spot, and Luchasaurus got the hot tag.


Luchasaurus cleared the house and delivered his patented moves. The kicks and clotheslines were out of the bag.

Luchasaurus dropped Del Sol with a big press slam. Dean came in and broke up the pin. Jungle Boy made the blind tag and cracked Dean with a lariat.

The Jurassic Express dropped Del Sol with their double team powerbomb finisher for the win.

Result: Jurassic Express def. Shawn Dean & Fuego Del Sol on AEW Dark


Grade: B

#5. Leva Bates vs. Skyler Moore on AEW Dark


It was great to see Thunder Rosa on commentary. Skyler Moore got some wrist control, but Leva Bates reversed it into a hammerlock.

Moore got wrist control once again, but it didn't last long as Bates scored a takedown. Moore got Bates down with a hip toss. Bates transitioned into a crossface, but Moore rolled her up for a pinfall.

Moore got a two-count with a gut-wrench powerbomb. She followed it up with a snap suplex for another two-count.


Bates got a two-count herself with a kick to the face and a backstabber. The pace of the match relatively slow, but both women worked hard in the back-and-forth contest. Bates got another near fall with a Northern Lights suplex. Moore got a body slam, but Bates managed to get another roll-up win.

Result: Leva Bates def. Skyler Moore on AEW Dark

Grade: C

#6. Brian Cage vs. VSK on AEW Dark


VSK tried to catch Cage off guard with some acrobatic moves. VSK did taste some success with a few kicks and elbows.

Cage pulled VSK out of the corner and slammed him into the mat. Cage looked for the DrillClaw, but VSK connected with downward knee strikes from the top.

Cage caught VSK with a big clothesline followed by a full-body lock suplex/ overhead throw. VSK went for the DDT, but Cage got the double underhooks and spun him into a DDT.


Cage looked surprised as VSK kicked out at two. VSK reversed a pump handle slam and connected with a superkick. Brian got sent to the outside, and VSK delivered two Topes. Cage then caught VSK in mid-air and drove him into the ring post.

Cage zoned in and delivered the hard way suplex from over the rope. Cage finished VSK with the Drill Claw.

Result: Brian Cage, def. VSK on AEW Dark


Grade: C+

#7. The Acclaimed vs. Louie Valle & Mike Magnum on AEW Dark


Caster's bars weren't as fire as most weeks, and that was a darn shame. However, Bowens' boombox was a substantial addition to their whole act on AEW Dark.

Max got things rolling against Magnum, who got taken down with a dropkick to the kidney area. Magnum still managed to make the tag to Valle. Bowens was the legal man, and he got rocked with a Valle dropkick. Valle went for a springboard attack, but Bowens countered.


Bowens was now in control, and he chopped Valle in the corner. Seven unanswered chops in the corner from Bowens, and he sent a message to SCU while looking straight at the camera. Caster got the tag, and he continued to punish Valle.


Bowens got tagged back in, and he drove his elbow across Valle's throat. He connected a series of elbows to the back of Valle's head.

Caster came in and dropped Valle with a big side suplex. Valle avoided an avalanche suplex and connected with a missile dropkick. Valle crawled to his corner and made the tag to Magnum.

Mike Magnum was feeling it as he laid out both the Acclaimed members.


Caster and Bowens, however, shut Magnum down with a series of strikes in the corner. They took Valle out of the equation before delivering the Claim to Fame on Magnum for the win.

Result: The Acclaimed def. Louie Valle & Mike Magnum on AEW Dark

Grade: B

#8. Dani Jordyn vs. Anna Jay on AEW Dark


Anna Jay wasn't too pleased with Dani Jordyn's burn book, and the Dark Order member attacked her opponent from the back.

Jordyn got some early momentum with a few kicks. Dani got the burn book as she walked on the apron, but Jay kicked her in the face. The burn book must have made it ten times more painful for Jordyn.

Jordyn flattened Anna Jay with a facebuster for a two-count. Anna Jay responded with a bicycle kick before locking in the Queen Slayer for the win.


Result: Anna Jay def. Dani Jordyn on AEW Dark

Grade: C

Pretty Peter Avalon joined the commentary booth before the next match of the evening.

#9. Stu Grayson & Evil Uno vs. Bear Country (Bear Bronson & Bear Boulder) (AEW Tag Team Debut) on AEW Dark


Last week it was Pandas; this week, we had Bears. Talk about diversity in AEW!

Uno and Bear Bronson kicked off the match. Peter Avalon began talking about the symmetry of Uno's face.

Bronson looked impressive as he took Uno down with a running senton. Stu Grayson got the tag and got right in Bear Boulder's face.

Grayson couldn't get Boulder down. Bear got Stu in the Gorilla press position before dropping him down to the mat. Bear Country was dominating the proceedings, but Uno made the blind tag and low bridged Bronson.


Stu created a distraction, and Uno pounded on Bronson on the outside. Bronson was now in a world of trouble as Evil Uno and Stu Grayson wore the Bear Country member down in their corner. Dark Order delivered a Russian Leg Sweep-kick combo for a two-count. The Dark Order then executed another double team move.

Bronson, however, tried to create some separation with a few strikes. He dropped both Uno and Grayson with a double back suplex. Bronson made it to his corner and tagged Boulder in.


Boulder scoop slammed both members of the Dark Order before getting Uno in the Fireman's carry. He also caught Grayson in mid-air and dropped both men down on the mat. That was insane!

Bronson got the tag, and they focussed on Grayson, who kicked both men in the head with a backflip strike; Uno got the tag and took Boulder out before targeting Bronson. Bear Country set up both Dark Order members in the corner before delivering a double cannonball! Holy sh**! Pinfall. 1...2...kick out! That was close and almost an upset.


Boulder had Bronson on his shoulder, and he dropped him down, but Grayson wasn't home. Stu then lifted Boulder on his shoulder and dropped him back-first into the knee. Inhumane strength on display! Dark Order finally executed the Fatality on Bronson for the win on AEW Dark.

Result: Stu Grayson & Evil Uno def. Bear Country (Bear Bronson & Bear Boulder) on AEW Dark

Grade: A+

I just have one thing to say. SIGN BEAR COUNTRY! The big men looked incredible on their first night in AEW, and several fans echoed the same sentiment.


#10. Ryzin & Sean Maluta vs. Sonny Kiss & Joey Janela on AEW Dark


Sonny Kiss and Ryzin got the AEW Dark match underway with the collar and elbow tie-up followed by a hammerlock exchange. Peter Avalon noted that wiggling the rear end while locking in the front chancery made the hold tighter. Taz admitted that he learned something new every day. PPA needs to be on commentary on every episode!

Back to the action, Ryzin knocked Kiss off the top rope. Maluta unloaded on Kiss on the outside.


Ryzin connected with two hard strikes, but he got caught in the ropes while attempting a crossbody. Kiss finally made the tag to Janela, who almost knocked Maluta's head off with a snap german suplex on the bottom turnbuckle.

Joey Janela was all over the place as he took Ryzin out before dropping Maluta with a brainbuster. Kiss came down with the splitting leg drop for the win on AEW Dark.


Result: Sonny Kiss & Joey Janela def. Ryzin & Sean Maluta on AEW Dark

Grade: B

#11. Tay Conti vs. Freya States on AEW Dark


Conti went for a flying cross armbar from the get-go, but Freya got the ropes and broke the hold. Tay Conti unleashed a blistering series of strikes followed by the Seoi Nage throw. Conti caught Freya at the back of the head for a two-count.

Tay Conti went for the springboard crossbody, but Freya caught her.

Tay reversed it into the front guillotine. Freya switched it herself and connected with a leg drop. She missed the second leg drop, and Conti answered with repeated knee strikes to the face.


Conti got the roundhouse kick followed by the running knee strike in the corner. This match was stiff!

Conti tried the flying armbar yet again, but Freya held on. Conti transitioned to Freya's back and locked in the S-lock grip across States' jaw for the win.

Result: Tay Conti def. Freya States on AEW Dark

Grade: B

#12. Danny Limelight vs. Matt Sydal on AEW Dark


Limelight and Sydal talked trash right in each other's faces before they got down to business. They transitioned between locks and held in the early goings of the match. Limelight executed a great move followed by the dropkick. Sydal responded with the slice, followed by the stalling mariposa.

He connected with kicks in the corner, followed by the running knee strike for the two-count. Sydal got Limelight down with the snaprana, but Danny got right back with a clothesline.


Limelight got a two-count as a result of a neck breaker. Limelight connected with a kick to the back for a one-count. Sydal rolled through for a sunset slip, and he caught Limelight in a submission.

Sydal got Limelight down again with a big leg lariat. He chopped at Danny's leg.

Sydal got the inside hooks and dropped Limelight with a brainbuster. Danny countered with a back elbow strike before going up to the top and coming down with a big clothesline. Sydal escaped the fireman's carry and delivered the Russian leg sweep.


Sydal tried the Cobra Clutch. Danny got out and transitioned to a rear-naked choke from a cazadora. Sydal connected with a rising knee strike before planting Limelight into the mat for the win.

Result: Matt Sydal def. Danny Limelight on AEW Dark

Grade: A

#13: Co-Main Event: Kaci Lennox (AEW Debut) vs. Ivelisse (w/ Diamante) on AEW Dark


Ivelisse brought Lennox down to her knees, but Kaci got back into the AEW Dark match with a dropkick.

A distraction from Diamante helped Ivelisse take control of the match. She launched off the middle rope and dropped Lennox with a swinging DDT.

Ivelisse locked in the straight jacket choke in the middle of the ring. Lennox got up to a vertical base before sending Ivelisse to the other side of the ring. She laid Ivelisse out with a cutter.


Lennox dropped Iveliise with two clotheslines before spiking her opponent's head into the mat for a near fall. Lennox had the waist lock, but Ivelisse used the rope to get out and transition into the reverse DDT.

Lennox had Ivelisse in the fireman's carry, but Ivelisse moved her legs and trapped her opponent's head. Lennox was forced to tap.

Result: Ivelisse def. Kaci Lennox on AEW Dark

Grade: C

#14. Main Event: Chaos Project vs. Best Friends (w/ Orange Cassidy) on AEW Dark


The early exchange between Chuck and Serpentico ended in a stalemate.

Chuck got a single leg Boston crab, but Serpentico reached out to Luther for the tag. Trent got the tag on the other end. Luther took Chuck off the apron before slugging it out with Trent.

Trent went over the top and crashed on top of Chaos Project on the outside. All four men brawled near ringside. Serpentico was sent crashing into the guard rail. Trent went for a spear, but Luther moved out, and Trent rammed into the guard rail.


Trent and Luther got the action back into the ring. Luther dropped Trent with a side slam before making the tag to Serpentico. The match had no order as Chuck, the illegal man, connected with punches on Serpentico.

Luther sent Chuck out before using Serpentico as a weapon to attack Trent. Luther dropped Trent with the Belly-to-Belly suplex.

Trent finally created some separation by catching Luther with a boot. Trent delivered the backdrop before rolling towards his corner. Serpentico tried to cut off Trent, but he was sent to the outside.


Serpentico pulled Chuck down, preventing Trent from making the tag. Luther continued to punish Trent.

Luther sent Serpentico flying from the top onto Trent for the assisted senton for the two-count. Chaos Project was putting on a clinic thus far as they looked for the Creeping Death.

Chuck pushed Serpentico off the top rope, and Trent got the three-count on Luther with the quick inside cradle.

Result: Best Friends def. Chaos Project on AEW Dark


Grade: B+

Luther attacked Trent after the match, but Chuck came to his partner's aid.

Miro came out and was followed by a group of officials. Miro wanted a fight, but the AEW refs kept him away from the Best Friends. The show ended with Miro urging the Best Friends to engage in a brawl.


So, there you have it, folks. Another episode of AEW Dark is in the books. Don't forget to join us tomorrow for another stacked episode of Dynamite.

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Edited by Lennard Surrao
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