AEW Dark Results: Former WWE Talent debuts with a massive performance, Big Star threatens to stop wrestling and more (13th October 2020)

AEW Dark.
AEW Dark.

Excalibur and Taz welcomed the fans to the latest episode of AEW Dark, which featured 14 matches. The stacked show also had the AEW debut of former WWE NXT talent Nick Comoroto, who looked impressed in his first match on Dark.


Elsewhere on the show, Vickie Guerrero revealed that her client Nyla Rose won't wrestle until the former AEW Women's Champions gets a title match against the current title-holder Hikaru Shida. Will the threat work out?

The 56th episode of AEW Dark; however, kicked off with a massive four-way showdown.

John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE

#1. The Blade vs. Evil Uno vs. Frankie Kazarian vs. Jungle Boy (Four-way Match) on AEW Dark


The show kicked off with a massive four-way contest featuring representatives from four of the top teams of AEW. All men engaged in a brawl as Uno and Jungle Boy got things rolling. On the other side, Kazarian and Blade mixed things up with strikes.

Frankie Kazarian and Jungle Boy dumped the other two opponents out of the ring and engaged in a back-and-forth exchange, which ended in a stalemate. Blade pulled Jungle Boy out of the ring as Uno caught Frankie in a cradle pin.


Kazarian connected with a shot to the midsection followed by a knee lift on Uno. Blade came in and attacked Kazarian.

Jungle Boy got into the action as he took out Uno and Blade with some eye-catching athleticism. Kazarian and Jungle Boy were now in the ring, but Uno broke it up and sent Frankie near the apron. Uno connected with a chop followed by a splash in the corner. He delivered a vertical suplex, followed by the lateral press. In the meantime, Kazarian and Blade fought on the outside. Blade and Uno were in the ring, and Blade took Uno off his feet with a crossbody. The two men exchanged rights and lefts. Jungle Boy and Kazarian came in, and all hell broke loose. Uno and Blade worked in tandem for a few seconds, but they got taken out by Kazarian's double clothesline.


Jungle Boy picked up the pace as he took Uno out on the outside with a suicide dive. Kazarian laid out Jungle Boy before all four men got involved in a series of quick moves. Evil Uno delivered a nasty neck breaker on Jungle Boy for a near fall.

Blade dropped Uno down with a powerbomb followed by a pump kick. Kazarian took Blade out with a DDT. Jungle Boy and Kazarian countered each other with a double crossbody. All four men were down again.


Kazarian and Jungle Boy were perched up on the top rope; however, Blade took Kazarian down before going up himself. Uno knocked all three men down to the mat.

Jungle Boy sneaked in and caught Uno in a jackknife pin for the win on AEW Dark.

Result: Jungle Boy def. Frankie Kazarian, Evil Uno, and The Blade on AEW Dark

Grade: A-

The Dark Order came out and attacked Jungle Boy after the match. Butcher hit the ring to pull Blade to safety. Marko Stunt rushed out with a kendo stick. Christopher Daniels was also in attendance as the babyfaces looked to level the playing field.


Luchasuarus came out last, and The Dark Order finally retreated. SCU and The Jurassic Express ended the post-match AEW Dark segment on a high.

#2. Lee Johnson & Cezar Bononi vs. The Lucha Brothers on AEW Dark


Pentagon kicked things off with Cezar Bononi. The Lucha Bro rocked Bononi with a low kick. He got taken out with a big shoulder tackle before Fenix tagged himself into the match.

Cezar was on top as he dropped Fenix with a big slam. Lee Johnson got tagged in, but The Lucha Bros got the advantage with a double team move.

Bononi came in and showed off his freakish power by dropping both the Lucha Bros down to the mat at the same time. Lucha Bros tipped the scales in their favor with The Punisher on Bononi.


Johnson got back into the match, and he took Fenix out with a dive on the outside. Bononi slammed Penta into the corner for a near fall. Pentagon was in a bad spot as Johnson was back in, and he had him in the fireman's carry position.

Penta countered with a sling blade. Fenix neutralized Bononi before the Lucha Bros focussed on Johnson. They hit the spike package driver on Johnson for the win on AEW Dark.


Result: The Lucha Bros def. Lee Johnson & Cezar Bononi on AEW Dark

Grade: C

#3. Peter Avalon vs. Brandon Cutler on AEW Dark


Avalon attacked Cutler before the match began before taking the mic and demanding the referee to declare him the winner by forfeit on AEW Dark, which would have been his first win in AEW.

Cutler still had some life in him as he crawled his way into the ring, and the match kicked off. Avalon continued to dish out the punishment. He took Cutler out with the martinis from the middle rope.


Cutler was laid out on the outside, and Avalon wanted the referee to count his opponent out. Cutler came back in and went back down to the mat with a side suplex.

Avalon seemed to be enjoying putting Cutler through all the pain as he had him in a single leg Boston crab. Cutler broke the hold by reaching out for the ropes. Cutler created some separation with an enziguri. He followed it up with a few chops as Avalon see-sawed in between the ropes.


Avalon used Leva Bates to get control of the match. Cutler, however, soared through the air and took Avalon out with a suicide dive.

Back in the ring, Cutler delivered the springboard elbow for a 2-fall. A few countered moves ended with Avalon dropping Cutler with a urinagi for a near fall.

Cutler got another near fall with an impressive reverse DDT. However, Peter poked Cutler in the eye before driving him into the mat for another near fall. Avalon then took a hardcover book in his hand. Cutler ducked, and the referee got caught in the scuffle. Cutler connected with a big gutbuster move, but a dazed Rick Knox wasn't in the right state of mind to execute the pin.


Cutler ripped off pages from the book. Avalon and Cutler attacked each other with the polyhedral die and the book at the same time. The match ended in a double DQ on AEW Dark.

Result: Peter Avalon vs. Steve Cutler ends in a double DQ

Grade: A


Sonny Kiss cut a backstage promo ahead of the match against Matt Sydal, which was up next on AEW Dark.

#4. Matt Sydal vs. Sonny Kiss on AEW Dark


Matt Sydal and Sonny Kiss locked up to begin the AEW Dark match. The exchanges were fast and intricate, including kicks, armdrags, snapmares, and a few pinning combinations. Sydal finally got the better of Kiss with a leg lariat.

Sydal flattened Kiss with a side slam. That looked brutal as Kiss landed on his head. Sydal stretched out Kiss for a s-grip submission hold. Sonny, however, transitioned into a pinning predicament. Sydal executed an insane standing corkscrew moonsault for a 2-count.


Matt continued the dominance with a fisherman's buster before floating over to a quick pin. Kiss fought back with kicks and forearms followed by a discus forearm strike. Kiss laid out Sydal with a flatliner. Kiss got a few near falls before going for the diving leg drop. Sydal moved out before locking in the cobra clutch. He didn't let go of the hold and executed the Russian leg sweep before going back to the cobra clutch with a hooked leg. Kiss tapped out. That was a great sequence at the end.


Result: Matt Sydal def. Sonny Kiss on AEW Dark

Grade: B+

#5. Aaron Solow, Angel Fashion & M'Badu vs. 3, 4 & 10 of The Dark Order on AEW Dark


John Silver was sporting a bandage on his head due to the attack from Cody on Dynamite. He started the match with a single leg takedown on Sollow.

Aaron tried to get in an arm breaker, but Silver broke the grip. M'Badu came in, and Silver had a tough time taking down the massive Nigerian star.

M'Badu tagged in Angel Fashion. Reynolds connected with a strike on Fashion, who connected with a basement dropkick followed by the running knee strike. Dark Order got the momentum with the high low on Fashion.


Reynolds was on song as he executed a perfect neck breaker on Fashion. Dark Order members kept Fashion in their corner and made quick tags. Fashion countered and made the quick tag to M'Badu.

M'Badu got cracked with a double team german suplex-pump kick combo. Solow tagged himself in, but he got isolated by The Dark Order, who hit a triple team move for the win.

Result: 3, 4 & 10 of The Dark Order def. Aaron Solow, Angel Fashion & M'Badu on AEW Dark


Grade: B-

#6. Red Velvet vs. Elayna Black on AEW Dark


Brandi Rhodes was on commentary to take a closer look at Red Velvet. Elayna Black came out with a spooky mini coffin, and Rhodes wasn't a fan.

Velvet and Black got things rolling with a few hammerlock exchanges. Velvet hit a single-leg dropkick followed by an elbow drop for a 2-count. Velvet put her boot into Black's face in the corner.

Elayna took out Velvet's knees. Velvet fired back with a clubbing strike. Black connected with a running knee strike before kicking Velvet in the back for a 2-count. Velvet began the comeback with a few kicks and crossbody attacks.


Red Velvet ended the match with a running kick to the side of Black's head.

Result: Red Velvet def. Elayna Black on AEW Dark

Grade: C

#7. Fuego Del Sol vs. Ricky Starks on AEW Dark


Taz looked pumped up about Ricky Starks entrance theme song. Starks was equally charged up as he drew first blood with a kick to Del Sol. It was all Starks in the opening moments of the match.

Del Sol created some distance with a dropkick, but he got sent flying to the outside with a backbody drop.

A cocky Starks came over to the commentary booth and took the mic to give a 'lowdown' of 'AEW Starks.' Del Sol made his way back into the ring. Starks followed him and rocked Del Sol with a colossal spear followed by a Roshambo for the 3-count.


Result: Ricky Starks def. Fuego Del Sol on AEW Dark

Grade: B+ (Would have been a C had it not been for Ricky Starks' performance)

#8. The Gunn Club vs. Ryzin & Maxx Stardom on AEW Dark


Ryzin dropped Austin Gunn with a right-hand punch. Maxx Stardom came in and hit a nice springboard elbow to get into the AEW match.

Austin got some offense, too, by snapping Stardom's neck.

Billy Gunn tagged himself in, and he ragdolled Stardom down to the mat. Austin returned, and he unfortunately found himself on the receiving end of some more punishment. Stardom and Ryzin looked solid together as they worked in tandem to deliver a sequence of moves on Austin.


Austin created some separation with a clothesline before tagging in his father. Ryzin rocked Billy with a thrust kick. Billy somehow made the tag to Austin Gunn, who came in and hit the hip toss-neck breaker combo for the win.

Result: The Gunn Club def. Ryzin & Maxx Stardom on AEW Dark

Grade: D

#9. Darby Allin vs. Nick Comoroto on AEW Dark


Comoroto's power overwhelmed Allin in the early goings of the match. The former WWE talent taunted Allin before taking him down with a back elbow. Comoroto was all over Darby Allin with big power moves.

Allin made a few spirited kick-outs from pinfalls, and he attempted to fight against the onslaught.

There was a notable spot in the match in which Comoroto hoisted Allin up in the air with one arm. A fantastic showcase of power!


However, Allin dug in deep and ended the match with the coffin drop to the back of Comoroto.

Result: Darby Allin def. Nick Comoroto on AEW Dark

Grade: B

Former NXT Star Nick Comoroto put on a strong display, and the fans were quick to call for his AEW signing.

Allin and Starks brawled near the announcers' table after the match as the AEW officials came in to break things up.


#10. Colt Cabana (w/ Evil Uno) vs. Griff Garrison on AEW Dark


Garrison and Cabana exchanged holds to kick off the match. Griff got Cabana down with a snappy kick.

Colt Cabana saw Griff rushing into the corner, and he moved out just at the right time. Cabana bounced Garrison with a few kicks before sending him out. The referee checked on Cabana while Evil Uno sent Garrison back in the ring and told Colt to focus on his opponent.

Cabana was in control of the proceedings. Colt hit Garrison with a big right, but Garrison responded with a stiff rolling elbow strike.


Both men exchanged punches in the middle of the ring. Garrison gathered some steam as he went up for a big move. Colt got his feet up before going to the top turnbuckle himself for a diving splash.

Cabana connected with the jabs. He caught Garrison in the Billy Goat's Curse, and that proved to be the end of the match.

Colt Cabana def. Griff Garrison on AEW Dark

Grade: B-


#11. Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. KiLynn King on AEW Dark


Nyla Rose muscled King to the mat, but KiLynn had some fire in her belly as she sent Rose down to one knee with a pump kick in the AEW Dark match.

Rose, however, caught King in midair before launching her across the ring with a fallaway slam. Rose delivered a late release German Suplex. She connected with the Beast Bomb and got the three-count.

Result: Nyla Rose def. KiLynn King on AEW Dark


Grade: D


Vickie Guerrero took the microphone and cut a promo about how the 'powers that be' have been giving her client only 'broken barbies' to destroy.

Guerrero sent an ultimatum that Nyla Rose won't enter the ring until AEW Women's Champion Hikaru Shida doesn't publicly accept her challenge for a title match.

#12. Joey Janela vs. D3 on AEW Dark


D3 and Joey Janela engaged in quick back-and-forth exchange of holds and pinfall attempts. Janela sent D3 down with the shoulder block. D3 took Janela down with a head scissors.

Janela spun D3 around in the air before dropping him face-first into the mat. D3 had some success with two really well-executed moves, but his momentum was shot-lived.

Janela executed the airplane spin on D3, followed by the Death Valley Driver on the outside. Joey then hit the ropes a few times before connecting with a nasty strike to D3's face. He executed back-to-back-to-back brain busters. Three nasty brain busters! Janela looked like a man possessed as he pinned a lifeless D3 for the win.


Result: Joey Janela def. D3 on AEW Dark

Grade: B

#13. Elijah Dean vs. Wardlow on AEW Dark


Dean and Wardlow locked up to begin the co-main event of the evening. Wardlow just swept Dean aside as his power was on another level.

Elijah slapped Wardlow in the face a few times, and MJF's muscleman looked miffed. He dropped Dean down to the mat. He delivered a slap too for good measure before connecting with a vicious clothesline.

Wardlow drove Dean into the corner with thrusting shoulder strikes. The towering giant then positioned Dean up on the top turnbuckle before knocking him out cold with a knee strike. The ref stepped in to stop the match.


Result: Wardlow def. Elijah Dean via KO

Grade: C

#14. Baron Black vs. Eddie Kingston


The Mad King looked extra focussed as he came straight into the ring. He meant business!

Eddie Kingston showed off some tremendous in-ring awareness to get out of a tricky situation before taking control of the match.

Black responded with a discus clothesline, and he looked to get something out of the match. Kingston, however, shut him down with a spinning backhand.

Kingston locked in the front chancery for the win.


Result: Eddie Kingston def. Baron Black

Grade: C


So that was it, folks. The latest episode of AEW Dark is in the books, and the number of squash matches was higher than usual. It was a good show nonetheless, and you can watch the full episode above.

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Edited by Lennard Surrao
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