Today's AEW Dark featured a quadruple main event card that had a total of fourteen matches, and Excalibur and Taz did the pre-show introductions as always.
Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks (w/ Hobbs) vs. Brick Aldrige & Aaron Frye on AEW Dark
Hobbs was an immovable object in the early goings as Brick Aldridge and Aaron Frye were laid out by the Powerhouse.
It seemed like an easy payday for Ricky Starks as he just relaxed on the ramp and enjoyed watching his partner dominate the proceedings.
Hobbs dropped Frye with a powerslam for the three-count, and Taz loved his team's clinical performance.
Result: Powerhouse Hobbs & Ricky Starks def. Brick Aldrige & Aaron Frye on AEW Dark
Grade: F
Leyla Hirsch vs. Diamante on AEW Dark
Both women got in each other's faces before engaging in a classic grappling exchange. Diamante looked impressive in the early goings as she trash-talked and executed a shoulder block.
Diamante got about 85% of the Cazadora Stunner, followed by a clean dropkick for a two-count. The Hispanic star connected with a short-arm clothesline, but she almost got caught in the Gory special.
Hirsch reacted with a clothesline, a suplex, and a stiff knee strike. She executed a double knee strike and a dropkick in the corner as Diamante was hurting.
Hirsch showed off tremendous strength to hoist Diamante in the air and execute a side suplex.
Both ladies swung wildly in the middle of the ring. Hirsch, as always, lured Diamante into the cross-arm breaker, and it was game over.
Result: Leyla Hirsch def. Diamante on AEW Dark
Grade: C
Varsity Blonds vs. Liam Gray & Adrian Alanis on AEW Dark
Brian Pillman Jr. paid homage to his father by wearing special trunks tonight on AEW Dark. The Blonds started on the back foot but still managed to hit a double suplex on their opponents. A double shoulder tackle followed as Pillman and Alanis brawled on the outside.
Garrison was the legal man in the ring, and he connected with a high boot on Alanis. The Blonds delivered an elevated assisted dropkick on Alanis for a two-count.
Pillman was rocked with a cheap shot from Gray, and Alanis used the distraction to execute a sling blade-like backbreaker on Brian.
Alanis and Gray hit back elbows on Pillman, followed by three more backbreakers. Pillman's back was the point of focus in the match as Alanis and Gray followed a sound game plan.
Pillman created some separation with a powerful up-kick before tagging Garrison. Alanis got the tag, but he was taken down by two clotheslines and a scoop slam.
Griff executed a splash in the corner, followed by another big scoop slam. Gray broke the pinning predicament, but Pillman came in for an assist. Brian Pillman came off the middle rope with a flying strike on Alanis.
Garrison connected with a rolling elbow strike on Alanis in the ring, and Pillman added the final shot with a flying springboard clothesline.
Garrison covered Alanis for the three-count on AEW Dark. Varsity Blonds' AEW winning streak continues as they edge closer to the top spot in the tag team rankings.
Result: Varsity Blonds def. Liam Gray & Adrian Alanis on AEW Dark
Grade: B
SCU vs. Jake St. Patrick & Spencer Slade on AEW Dark
Frankie Kazarian and Jake St. Patrick started the AEW Dark match with a mat exchange. Frankie used a fireman's carry to get some mat control.
Patrick turned things around to get some wrist control, but Kazarian used the strength advantage to drive his opponent down to the canvas.
Kazarian has always been a smooth operator, and his fundamentally strong base helped him dominate the match. Kazarian got the first pinfall with a two-count, and he followed it with two arm drags. He dragged Patrick into his corner and tagged Christopher Daniels.
SCU hit a clothesline/back suplex combo on Patrick. Jake, however, bull-rushed the Fallen Angel in his corner before tagging Slade.
Spencer executed a belly-to-belly suplex on Daniels, but Taz wasn't impressed with the arch on the move. Daniels responded with a back heel trip. Kazarian got back into the match, and he hit a flying cross-arm strike. He dropped the leg from the middle rope.
Daniels got in and hit an assisted powerbomb on Slade. St. Patrick ran in to make the save, but he ate Kazarian's knees.
SCU executed a modified Best Meltzer Ever as Daniels came down with the Best Moonsault Ever. Daniels might be 51, but he still moves like a teenager!
Result: SCU def. Jake St. Patrick & Spencer Slade on AEW Dark
Grade: B
Big Swole vs. Megan Bayne (AEW Debut) on AEW Dark
Big Swole and Megan Bayne locked up to begin the AEW Dark match. Bayne matched Swole's power, and the AEW debutant looked good with an early shoulder block.
The Greek Goddess ate a back elbow from Swole, who used her kicks to chop down the larger opponent. Bayne reacted by catching Big Swole with a wild knee strike.
Bayne picked Swole up and trapped her in a bear hug. Old school! Swole boxed the ears to break the hold and rolled through from the tilt-a-whirl attempt.
Swole ricocheted off the middle rope to execute a cutter on Bayne. Swole then lit up Bayne with a big kick, but Megan got back with a destructive high boot.
Swole got wiped out, but she still kicked out at two. Swole got back up and connected with a roundhouse kick.
Big Swole locked in the cloverleaf, forcing Bayne to tap out.
Result: Big Swole def. Megan Bayne (AEW Debut) on AEW Dark
Grade: C+
Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss vs. Kit Sackett & Justin Law on AEW Dark

Joey Janela dropped Justin Law with four clotheslines to start the match. The Bad Boy was fired up as the final clothesline sent Justin Law outside the ring.
Law awkwardly bumped out of the ring, which cracked the announcers up. Taz had never seen anything like it before.
Sackett came in and was also dumped outside. Sonny Kiss got into the match and flipped around before connecting with a European uppercut and a basement dropkick.
Sackett responded with a big headbutt. He brought Kiss to Law's corner and made the tag. Justin and Kit had no team synergy whatsoever as Sonny Kiss quickly tagged Janela.
Justin Law had a terrible night as he took a German release suplex and three thrust kicks from Joey. Janela and Kiss executed the reverse DDT-split leg drop on Justin Law for the win.
Poor Justin. He got buried in the ring and on commentary.
Result: Joey Janela & Sonny Kiss def. Kit Sackett & Justin Law on AEW Dark
Grade: C
KiLynn King vs. Julia Hart (AEW Debut) on AEW Dark
King used her height advantage to assume control of the AEW Dark match with a side headlock. King quickstepped Hart and dropped her down with a shoulder tackle.
KiLynn followed it with a hip toss, two arm drags, and a scoop slam. The sequence of moves gave her a two-count. King blocked a cradle and kicked Hart in the chest.
Julia Hart evaded a kick in the corner and delivered two of her own to King's stomach. Hart executed a handspring clothesline and a running split leg drop.
King went back to a vertical base and connected with chops to Hart's chest. King used all her power to drop Hart on the top rope.
Hart continued to take some big shots, and the most brutal was a release German suplex bump. King ended the match with Kingdom Falls.
Result: KiLynn King def. Julia Hart (AEW Debut) on AEW Dark
Grade: C
KiLynn King picked up a nice little win on her birthday, and she seems set to be the next big thing in AEW's women's division.
PAC (w/ Penta El Zero M & Rey Fenix) vs. Serpentico (w/ Luther) on AEW Dark
Serpentico took the fight to PAC with a big dropkick in the AEW Dark match. PAC shut down the Chaos Project member with a brutal til-a-whirl backbreaker.
Taz tipped PAC as a future world champion, and the former WWE star executed a clean snap suplex to continue his unrelenting dominance in the contest.
PAC toyed around with Serpentico as Luther barked orders from the outside with his squeaky voice. He executed The Undertaker's Tombstone Piledriver before locking in the Brutalizer for an easy win.
Result: PAC def. Serpentico on AEW Dark
Grade: D
The Bunny vs. Leila Grey on AEW Dark

It was good to see The Bunny, aka Allie, in a rare singles AEW match. Bunny avoided contact and kicked her opponent in the gut.
She stomped away on Grey in the corner before moving to chops. Bunny mixed up her strikes and even got into referee Aubrey Edwards' face.
Grey used the time to recuperate, and she got back with a few overhead shots, followed by a lifting uppercut. She snapmared Bunny out of the corner to set her up for the running dropkick.
Bunny threw Grey's face into the bottom rope, and she ran through for a sliding clothesline. The momentum took Bunny outside, but she stayed there and throttled Grey's throat on the bottom rope.
Back in the ring, Bunny attacked Grey with some vicious knee lifts to the face. Leila almost got the victory with a roll-up, but Bunny reacted with a thrust kick.
Bunny delivered the 'Down the Rabbit Hole' finisher for the win.
Result: The Bunny def. Leila Grey on AEW Dark
Grade: B
PAC cut a backstage promo and put the entire AEW locker room on notice.
The Acclaimed vs. Vary Morales & David Ali on AEW Dark
Vary came flying in for a clothesline, but Anthony Bowens wasn't home at the start of the AEW Dark match. Acclaimed executed a double Irish whip-dropkick combo on Morales. Bowens had recently returned from an injury, and he didn't show any signs of ring rust.
Morales, however, vaulted off the ropes for a dropkick. David Ali got the tag, but he got driven down with a back suplex. Bowens went to town on Ali with multiple punches, followed by a hard Irish whip in the corner.
David Ali, though, responded well with a springboard uppercut. Vary got the tag, but he got laid out with a big lariat. Bowens cracked Ali across the jaw before tagging Caster, who hit The Claim to Fame for the win.
Result: The Acclaimed def. Vary Morales & David Ali on AEW Dark
Grade: C
Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky vs. Hughes Bros. on AEW Dark
Scorpio Sky and Terrence Hughes engaged in a collar and elbow tie-up to kick off the AEW Dark match, and Hughes used his power to force a clean breakup.
Ethan Page came in, but he wasn't feeling it and tagged himself out. It was just a diversion as Page returned to blindside Terrence. Sky attacked Terrell, and the heels took control of the match.
Page worked on Terrence in the corner. Scorpio Sky got into the match and continued to pick Terrence apart. Terrence attempted to fight his way out of the corner, and he successfully made the tag to Terrell.
He executed a great backdrop on Sky, followed by a clothesline on Page.
Terrell turned his attention back to Sky with a massive powerslam for a two-count. Page took him down, however, with a shoulder tackle. All Ego dropped Terrell with a knee breaker.
Sky locked in the heel hook, and Terrell Hughes tapped out within seconds.
Result: Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky def. Hughes Bros. on AEW Dark
Grade: B-
Ryan Nemeth, Cezar Bononi & JD Drake (w/ Peter Avalon) vs. Alex Reynolds, Stu Grayson & Evil Uno on AEW Dark
Reynolds and Nemeth kicked off the AEW trio's match, and the Hollywood Hunk drew first blood with a shoulder block. Reynolds got back with a dropkick.
Bononi got involved in the match by helping Nemeth to ground Reynolds. Drake got the tag, and he scoop-slammed Reynolds.
"Just Delicious" Drake pounded away on Reynolds before tagging in "Beautiful" Bononi. The giant sent Reynolds for a ride with a backdrop.
The crowd urged Alex Reynolds on, but he was in a horrible position in the match.
JD was in top fashion form tonight as he sported a really funky shirt. Drake cleared the opposite corner before running in for the Cannonball on Reynolds for a two-count.
Alex finally began a comeback with a big moonsault press from the top turnbuckle. Reynolds made a hot tag to Grayson, and Stu ran over the Hollywood Hunk.
Grayson executed an STO on Drake, a mighty feat of strength. He then flew over the top and wiped out Bononi near ringside. Uno tagged himself and hit the Senton Atomico on Drake.
Uno flatlined Ryan Nemeth, but Drake was close enough to break the pinfall at two.
The Dark Order executed a ripcord-rolling elbow combination, followed by an elbow drop from Grayson. Bononi ran in to break the pin, and he began to clear the ring.
Nemeth tagged himself in, but Reynolds reversed the Rude Awakening. The Dark Order isolated Nemeth, but Avalon tried to interfere by jumping on the apron. Reynolds scared him off while Grayson and Uno hit the Fatality on Nemeth for the win on AEW Dark.
Result: Alex Reynolds, Stu Grayson & Evil Uno def. Ryan Nemeth, Cezar Bononi & JD Drake on AEW Dark
Grade: B+
Dante Martin vs. Danny Limelight on AEW Dark
This AEW match looked great on paper as Martin and Limelight are two of the most promising young athletes in the company.
Danny pushed Martin into the corner, and the early sequences ended in a stalemate.
The pace picked up as Limelight hit the ropes and executed a shoulder tackle. Dante came around the corner with an arm drag and a single-foot dropkick.
Limelight reversed a gutbuster and caught Martin in the chest with a beautiful dropkick. Martin responded with a vicious dropkick before rolling through for a two-count.
Martin connected with a pair of boots, and Limelight was given a few minutes to get back up. Limelight offered a handshake but ended up slapping Martin across the face.
Dante came down with tiaras and sent Limelight outside. Dante soared over the top and took out Limelight.
The Radioactive Puppy used the ring to his advantage by bouncing the ropes, which wobbled Martin on the top rope.
Limelight delivered a picture-perfect back elbow. He backed Martin into the corner and came through for a clothesline, followed by a ripcord variation of the same move. Limelight kicked Dante in the spine, and he looked impressed with himself.
Martin got his boot up and connected with a forearm to mount his comeback. He sent Danny into the corner with the tiaras, followed by an enziguri. Dante got a near fall with a double springboard moonsault press.
Limelight answered with a brutal pump kick. He went for the Three Amigos, but the third suplex was substituted with a swinging neckbreaker.
Martin countered a rolling senton by putting his knees up. Dante missed the 450 Splash, and he got caught in Limelight's Triangle Sleeper. Martin flipped over to get a pinfall, which was an intelligent way to break the submission hold.
Limelight maintained control by turning Martin inside-out with a monstrous lariat. Dante fought off one knee with cuffing right-hand shots. Both men traded stiff forearm strikes, and Martin executed a furious combo, which finished with a shotgun dropkick.
He hit a gutbuster, setting Limelight up for his finisher. Martin went to the top and finally hit the 450 Splash for a massive win on AEW Dark.
Result: Dante Martin def. Danny Limelight on AEW Dark
Grade: A
Lance Archer vs. Luther (w/ Serpentico) on AEW Dark
Serpentico jumped on Archer's back during the latter's entrance, but the plan backfired as Lance Archer effectively laid out the Chaos Project member near the ringside area.
Luther and Serpentico created a distraction using the referee. The action moved to the outside, and Luther teed off on Archer. Serpentico continued to be a nuisance for Archer, but the big guy finally got back into the ring.
Archer blocked a suplex and delivered one of his own. Luther charged in but ate a back elbow. Archer trucked Luther with a shoulder tackle, followed by a knee strike and lariat. Two-count.
Fuego Del Sol came out of nowhere and began brawling with Serpentico. The Murderhawk Monster continued the match with three running back elbows in the corner.
Archer placed Luther on the top turnbuckle, but the Blackout was blocked. Luther executed a drop-toe hold, but Archer thwarted the Luther Bomb.
Luther took a ride on the Hellacoaster, and Archer got the three-count to end the show with a good win on AEW Dark.
Result: Lance Archer def. Luther (w/ Serpentico) on AEW Dark
Grade: C
Catch the latest episode of AEW Dark above. If you haven't checked out yesterday's stacked AEW Dark: Elevation, you can watch it here.