The Acclaimed vs. Vary Morales & David Ali on AEW Dark
Vary came flying in for a clothesline, but Anthony Bowens wasn't home at the start of the AEW Dark match. Acclaimed executed a double Irish whip-dropkick combo on Morales. Bowens had recently returned from an injury, and he didn't show any signs of ring rust.
Morales, however, vaulted off the ropes for a dropkick. David Ali got the tag, but he got driven down with a back suplex. Bowens went to town on Ali with multiple punches, followed by a hard Irish whip in the corner.
John Cena's father just broke his silence on his heel turn! More details RIGHT HERE
David Ali, though, responded well with a springboard uppercut. Vary got the tag, but he got laid out with a big lariat. Bowens cracked Ali across the jaw before tagging Caster, who hit The Claim to Fame for the win.
Result: The Acclaimed def. Vary Morales & David Ali on AEW Dark
Grade: C
Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky vs. Hughes Bros. on AEW Dark
Scorpio Sky and Terrence Hughes engaged in a collar and elbow tie-up to kick off the AEW Dark match, and Hughes used his power to force a clean breakup.
Ethan Page came in, but he wasn't feeling it and tagged himself out. It was just a diversion as Page returned to blindside Terrence. Sky attacked Terrell, and the heels took control of the match.
Page worked on Terrence in the corner. Scorpio Sky got into the match and continued to pick Terrence apart. Terrence attempted to fight his way out of the corner, and he successfully made the tag to Terrell.
He executed a great backdrop on Sky, followed by a clothesline on Page.
Terrell turned his attention back to Sky with a massive powerslam for a two-count. Page took him down, however, with a shoulder tackle. All Ego dropped Terrell with a knee breaker.
Sky locked in the heel hook, and Terrell Hughes tapped out within seconds.
Result: Ethan Page & Scorpio Sky def. Hughes Bros. on AEW Dark
Grade: B-
Ryan Nemeth, Cezar Bononi & JD Drake (w/ Peter Avalon) vs. Alex Reynolds, Stu Grayson & Evil Uno on AEW Dark
Reynolds and Nemeth kicked off the AEW trio's match, and the Hollywood Hunk drew first blood with a shoulder block. Reynolds got back with a dropkick.
Bononi got involved in the match by helping Nemeth to ground Reynolds. Drake got the tag, and he scoop-slammed Reynolds.
"Just Delicious" Drake pounded away on Reynolds before tagging in "Beautiful" Bononi. The giant sent Reynolds for a ride with a backdrop.
The crowd urged Alex Reynolds on, but he was in a horrible position in the match.
JD was in top fashion form tonight as he sported a really funky shirt. Drake cleared the opposite corner before running in for the Cannonball on Reynolds for a two-count.
Alex finally began a comeback with a big moonsault press from the top turnbuckle. Reynolds made a hot tag to Grayson, and Stu ran over the Hollywood Hunk.
Grayson executed an STO on Drake, a mighty feat of strength. He then flew over the top and wiped out Bononi near ringside. Uno tagged himself and hit the Senton Atomico on Drake.
Uno flatlined Ryan Nemeth, but Drake was close enough to break the pinfall at two.
The Dark Order executed a ripcord-rolling elbow combination, followed by an elbow drop from Grayson. Bononi ran in to break the pin, and he began to clear the ring.
Nemeth tagged himself in, but Reynolds reversed the Rude Awakening. The Dark Order isolated Nemeth, but Avalon tried to interfere by jumping on the apron. Reynolds scared him off while Grayson and Uno hit the Fatality on Nemeth for the win on AEW Dark.
Result: Alex Reynolds, Stu Grayson & Evil Uno def. Ryan Nemeth, Cezar Bononi & JD Drake on AEW Dark
Grade: B+