Nyla Rose (w/ Vickie Guerrero) vs. Leila Grey on AEW Dark
Vickie Guerrero insulted Justin Roberts and told him to exit the ring before the AEW Dark match. Vickie introduced her client Nyla Rose and ordered the crowd to stand and applaud.
Rose ran through Grey as soon as the bell rang. The former AEW Women's World Champion power-slammed her opponent.
Leila tried to knock Rose off her feet with a dropkick to the knee and a follow-up high knee. Nyla, though, responded with a clubbing shot. Rose looked at the camera and stated that she owned the ring before continuing to dominate the proceedings.
Nyla Rose sliced Leila Grey in half with a massive spear, followed by the Beast Bomb for the win.
Result: Nyla Rose def. Leila Grey on AEW Dark
Grade: D
Varsity Blonds vs. Will Allday & Prince Kai (AEW Debuts) on AEW Dark
Brian Pillman Jr. and Allday began the match with a robust lock-up. Pillman showed great arm-control before tagging Garrison, who continued to focus on the hands.
Garrison executed a leaping leg drop, and Pillman was back in the match with a key lock on Allday. Brian delivered a loud chop, but he got kicked by Kai while hitting the ropes.
Allday connected with a high forearm for a two-count. Kai tagged himself into the match and stomped away on Pillman in the corner. Prince hooked the far leg following a hanging neckbreaker.
Pillman faked a thrust kick and tagged Garrison. The commentators were quick to highlight Kai and Allday's inexperience as a team.
Griff used his long legs to kick Kai. He sent Allday flying with a backdrop. Kai reversed a move and got a two-count on Garrison with a roll-up.
Pillman made the blind tag and decked Kai with a flying clothesline from the springboard for the win.
The miscommunication between Kai and Allday was eventually the beginning of the end for the duo.
Result: Varsity Blonds def. Will Allday & Prince Kai (AEW Debuts) on AEW Dark
Grade: C
Co-Main Event: Lance Archer (w/ Jake 'The Snake' Roberts) vs. Cole Karter on AEW Dark
Lance Archer kicked his opponent square in the face during his entrance. Jake 'The Snake' Roberts was on commentary, and he was in awe of Archer's intensity and rage. It was all one-way traffic in this match as Archer punished Cole Karter.
Archer delivered multiple running back elbows on Karter in the corner. Lance made it look easy as he showed Karter no respect by smacking him in the face.
Archer hit the patented Jake The Snake short-arm clothesline. Cole managed to block the blackout with a few downward elbow strikes and even used his speed to land a few subsequent strikes.
Archer came back with a big forearm, followed by a chokeslam. The Murderhawk planted Karter with the ripcord uranage/ twisting blackhole for the win.
Result: Lance Archer def. Cole Karter on AEW Dark
Grade: D
Main Event: Ryan Nemeth (w/ JD Drake) vs. Alex Reynolds (w/ -1) on AEW Dark
John Silver joined Excalibur and Taz in the commentary. Calibur noted that he paid Brodie Lee Jr. money to prevent him from coming to the commentary booth.
Nemeth started the headliner strong with some punches and shoulder thrusts in the corner. Reynolds responded with a clothesline. Nemeth, however, sent his opponent outside.
The Hollywood Hunk used simple offensive moves, but they were effective. Reynolds reacted smartly by trapping Nemeth in a modified Texas Cloverleaf. Ryan broke the hold by reaching out for the ropes, followed by a beautiful dropkick.
Nemeth executed the headstand hammerlock before transitioning to the claw on the jaw. Reynolds moved out of a few strikes and delivered a back elbow and a dropkick. Alex paid tribute to Brodie Lee by hitting the Big Ol' Bomb and a leg drop for a near fall.
Nemeth cracked Reynolds with a clothesline but was unsuccessful with the Rude Awakening Neckbreaker.
Reynolds executed a swinging slam, aka the 'Hong Kong', for the win on AEW Dark.
Result: Alex Reynolds def. Ryan Nemeth on AEW Dark
Grade: B
Check out the complete AEW Dark episode above.