AEW Dark Results - Tension between top faction members, Miro wrestles, Star's sister debuts - 30th March 2021 

AEW Dark.
AEW Dark.

Last night's AEW Dark: Elevation card featured 16 matches. The regular AEW Dark returned with a 12-match card.


As always, Excalibur and Taz welcomed the fans before we went to the first match of the night.


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The Butcher & The Blade vs. Brandon Watts & Randy Summers (Milk Chocolate) on AEW Dark


Butcher & The Blade continued with their recent trend of jumping their opponents before the match began. Blade focussed on Watts on the outside while Butcher attacked Summers in the ring.

Summers showed some signs of life, but Butcher evaded a dropkick before slamming him into the mat. Butcher tagged Blade in, and they executed an assisted kick.

Blade allowed Watts to come in, and the dominance continued. Blade punished Watts in the corner with several strikes. Watts connected with a chop but missed the Irish whip. Watts, however, got a few chops in. Private Party created a distraction. Matt Hardy picked Watts and dropped him face-first onto the timekeeper's table.


Hardy sold it as if he was attacked by Watts, but the referee let the match continue. Butcher and Blade worked on Watts in the ring.

Butcher and Blade made quick tags and wore down Watts in their corner. The heels controlled the pace of the match, but Watts created the separation with a jawbreaker.


Summers got the tag, while Blade came into the match as well. Summers moved with a sense of urgency as he hit a fisherman's neckbreaker on Blade.

Watts got the tag, and Milk Chocolate went for a double suplex. Blade reversed, but he went on to eat a barrage of kicks. Bunny jumped on the apron and distracted the referee. Blade and Butcher hit their finisher on Watts for the win on AEW Dark.


Result: The Butcher & The Blade def. Brandon Watts & Randy Summers (Milk Chocolate) on AEW Dark

Grade: C+

Jazmine Allure vs. Madi Wrenkowski on AEW Dark


Allure landed a dropkick as soon as the bell rang, and she sent Wrenkowski into the corner. Madi responded with a deep arm drag.

Allure got back into the match with another dropkick. Madi reacted with a back elbow and a back body drop. Allure rolled to the outside, but Madi followed her and landed a big clothesline.

Allure hit a jawbreaker in the ring. She followed it with strikes to the back of Wrenkowski. Jazmine came in and delivered a right elbow drop for a two-count. Allure, however, was a tad frustrated by Madi's kickout.


Allure got another two-count before working on Madi's head. Wrenkowski got back with a clothesline and a dropkick. Madi connected with the forearm shimmers in the corner before dropping Allure down with a side slam.

Madi hit an ax kick (The Reality Check) across the spine of Allure for the win.

Result: Madi Wrenkowski def. Jazmine Allure on AEW Dark

Grade: C+

Chaos Project vs. Dean Alexander & Justin Law on AEW Dark


Luther flung Serpentico outside the ring onto Dean Alexander. Luther dropped Law with a back elbow in the ring. Chaos Project didn't waste any time asserting their dominance using their typically unconventional ways.

Serpentico got the tag, and he sent Law into the corner. Law reacted with a big hip toss and an arm drag. Law scoop slammed Serpentico and got a two-count. Luther accidentally dropped the elbow on Serpentico as Law moved out of the way.


Luther pulled Law out of the ring and rammed him against the barricade when the referee had his back turned.

Luther got the tag and connected with a body kick. Luther hit the Luther bomb. Taz took a shot at Luther as the move didn't seem as convincing as his previous efforts.

Chaos Project singled out Law and wore him down in their corner. Luther got a two-count from a butterfly suplex. Law finally tagged Dean Alexander, who came in and took out both Chaos Project members with clotheslines.


Alexander got a near fall from a half-nelson slam on Serpentico. Luther broke the pin and knocked Law off the apron.

He hit Alexander with a high boot before tagging Serpentico. Chaos Project executed the Creeping Death (Meteora-Spinebuster combo) on Alexander for victory on AEW Dark.

Result: Chaos Project def. Dean Alexander & Justin Law on AEW Dark

Grade: B

Sonny Kiss vs. Angelico on AEW Dark


Angelico tried to get wrist control early on in the AEW Dark match, but Kiss was quick enough to escape a few tricky situations.

Angelico had a modified standing straight jacket lock on Kiss. Angelico's technical skills were on full display, but Kiss was also no slouch on the mat as Sonny laid out the TH2 member.

Evans landed a cheap shot on Kiss while Angelico distracted the referee in the ring. Angelico had Sonny Kiss in a unique submission move that focussed on both legs. Kiss broke the hold and connected with right hands to the mid-section. Angelico stopped the ax kick and trapped Kiss in an inverted single-leg Boston crab.


Angelico followed it with a penalty kick that got him a two-count. Kiss created some distance with a hurricanerana and a dropsault. Kiss then followed it with a back spring elbow and a bulldog for a near fall.

Angelico, however, managed to trap Kiss in the Navarro Death Roll. Kiss had no option but to tap out. A big win for the criminally underrated Angelico!

Result: Angelico def. Sonny Kiss on AEW Dark


Grade: B

Max Caster cut a promo backstage ahead of his match against Alex Reynolds.


Evil Uno, Stu Grayson & Colt Cabana of The Dark Order vs. D3, Vary Morales, & Bill Collier on AEW Dark


Cabana nonchalantly laid outside the ring as Evil Uno started the match against D3.

Uno and D3 tested each other's power with a back-and-forth hammerlock sequence. Uno got a one-count following the Manhattan drop. Uno then went for a few roll-ups, but D3 kicked out.

D3 hit a dropkick and tagged Bill Collier, who made his AEW debut last night against Jon Moxley.

Collier and Uno locked up, and the giant got the better of the exchange. Colt Cabana wasn't too happy with Collier knocking down Uno.


Grayson calmed him down and became the legal man for his team. Collier showed freakish strength to deliver a delayed suplex on Grayson. Stu fought back with a hurricanerana and a corkscrew uppercut from the springboard.

Morales and Cabana got the tags. Colt lifted Morales, but Vary executed a flying mare. Cabana, however, cartwheeled and escaped an incoming strike. Cabana sent Morales into his corner, and Uno came into the match. Grayson was in next, and he hit a running frog splash.


All three Dark Order members came in and hit a three-way move on Morales. Cabana missed the flying apple in the corner, and Big Bill got the tag. Cabana and Collier matched each other blow-for-blow before D3 tagged himself into the match.

Cabana was in a rough spot, but he still hit a clutch flying apple before tagging Grayson. Stu hit a combination of strikes on Collier before dropping him with a urunage. Collier blocked the Nightfall and looked for the suplex. Uno stopped Collier and hit the assisted Flatliner.


Morales came in, and he was flattened with an assisted powerbomb.

D3 then got kicked straight in the face. Grayson and Uno placed D3 on Cabana's shoulders, who hit the Chicago Skyline for the win on AEW Dark.

Result: Evil Uno, Stu Grayson & Colt Cabana of The Dark Order def. D3, Vary Morales, & Bill Collier on AEW Dark

Grade: B

Luchasaurus & Marko Stunt (w/ Jungle Boy) vs. Adam Priest & KC Navarro on AEW Dark


Navarro flexed his muscles in Stunt's face. Marko hit a springboard crossbody and a stinging enziguri on Navarro.

Priest came in, and he also had no answer for Stunt's onslaught. However, Priest saw an opening and hit a belly-to-back suplex. Luchasaurus got the tag while Navarro and Priest had a little argument in their corner.

Luchasaurus hit double chokeslams on Priest and Navarro. He pinned them both simultaneously to get the win on AEW Dark.


Result: Luchasaurus & Marko Stunt def. Adam Priest & KC Navarro on AEW Dark

Grade: D

Vipress vs. Diamante on AEW Dark


Both women were fired up as they butted heads, talked trash, and got right into a striking battle in the AEW Dark match. Vipress almost caught Diamante sleeping with a bridged Northern Lights suplex.

Diamante hit a mule kick, followed by two brutal dropkicks, the last of which came in the corner. Diamante got a two-count, but she still somehow got dumped outside by Vipress. Diamante caught Vipress's leg and swept her off the apron.


Diamante rolled Vipress back into the ring and went for the pin. Vipress kicked out at two but ate a few elbow strikes on the feet.

Diamante hit three comebackers before locking in her submission finisher for the win.

Result: Diamante def. Vipress on AEW Dark

Grade: C

Brian Cage, Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs of Team Taz vs. Jake St. Patrick, Sage Scott & Chandler Hopkins on AEW Dark


Ricky Starks and St. Patrick got the match underway with a tie-up. Starks absorbed some offense in the early stages. Sage Scott got into the match, and Starks grabbed his pony.

Hobbs got the tag, and Brian Cage was not pleased as he wanted a piece of the action. Hobbs whipped Scott in the corner, and he continued to toy with his opponent. Scott's lower back was driven into the top turnbuckle, and he got stuck in the tree of woe position.


Hobbs connected with a nasty punch to the gut. Scott, however, created some space with a jawbreaker and an enziguri. Chandler Hopkins got the tag and got deleted with the stiffest strike of the night from Hobbs. That was nasty! Hook hit a gut-wrenching suplex on Hopkins while Aubrey Edwards was distracted.

Hobbs sent St. Patrick over the top, and Hopkins was left alone in the ring. Starks intercepted the tag that was originally meant for Brian Cage.


Starks hit the Roshambo, but Cage made the tag before the move was executed. Starks was not allowed to pin Hopkins, and he did look a little annoyed. Brian Cage walked in and hit the Drill Claw for the win on AEW Dark.

A Team Taz implosion is just around the corner. The tension between Starks and Cage could soon lead to one of them turning.

Result: Brian Cage, Ricky Starks & Powerhouse Hobbs of Team Taz def. Jake St. Patrick, Sage Scott & Chandler Hopkins on AEW Dark


Grade: B


Vertvixen, Delmi Exo (AEW Debut) & Ashley Vox vs. Red Velvet, Big Swole, & KiLynn King on AEW Dark


Delmi Exo is Ashley Vox's sister, and her first AEW match was against an exciting trios team.

KiLynn King put on an impressive performance last night in her match against Ryo Mizunami, and she began tonight's contest against Vox.

Big Swole and Delmi Exo got the tags, and they locked up. Swole hit an uppercut to Delmi's back. Swole followed with a shoulder tackle.

Red Velvet got the tag and hit the leg lariat on Delmi. Velvet, however, connected with some heavy-handed strikes before awkwardly slamming Red Velvet onto the mat. Delmi was very close to botching the move and dropping Red Velvet on her neck. A narrow escape indeed.


Vertvixen attacked KiLynn King on the outside while Red Velvet was isolated in the wrong corner. Ashley Vox connected with a running forearm strike.

Delmi accidentally hit her sister, and KiLynn King got the tag. King hit a series of chops and punches, but Delmi rolled out.

Vertvixen decked King on the outside, and Delmi rolled her back into the ring. Vertvixen was finally the legal woman for her team as she engaged in a back-and-forth striking battle with King.


Both had the same ideas, and they were on the mat after an explosive sequence. King tagged Swole, while Vox came in from the other end.

Swole took everyone out with cross chops. She then hit the cutter on Vox for a near fall. Vertvixen landed a high-flying knee strike to save Vox. All hell broke loose as the women brawled in the ring.

Delmi and Vox hit stereo tope suicides on King and Velvet. All competitors of the match brawled on the outside as Vertvixen dived on them. Chaos!


Swole chopped her way out of her precarious position in the ring. Delmi hit a shoulder capture, and Vox went up for the assisted senton. Swole got her knees up, and she made the tag to Velvet.

Vertvixen came in from the other end but ate a Chef's Kiss (corkscrew kick) from Velvet.

Velvet followed it up with a knee strike. King took Delmi out with a knee lift.

Swole came in now and hit a rolling elbow on Vertvixen. Velvet ended the AEW Dark match with another Chef's Kiss on Vertvixen.


Result: Vertvixen, Delmi Exo (AEW Debut) & Ashley Vox def. Red Velvet, Big Swole, & KiLynn King on AEW Dark

Grade: B+


Jade Cargill appeared on the ramp looking for a fight, and Red Velvet was ready to throw hands. However, Velvet was stopped by her teammates, and the post-match segment came to an end on AEW Dark.

Michael Nakazawa vs. Mike Magnum on AEW Dark


Nakazawa wrestled with his headset, and he kept taking calls at the start of the AEW Dark match. Magnum was infuriated, and he was not ready to take the disrespect.

Magnum got Nakazawa down with a Lou Thesz press. Nakazawa was having a tough time with his headset. As you may have imagined, this match had some wacky spots.

Nakazawa got a two-count with a running elbow strike. The referee finally took the headset away, and Nakazawa immediately got spiked with a DDT.


Magnum got his paintbrush out. He hit a neckbreaker and got a two-count. Nakazawa hit Magnum in the face with a laptop after distracting the referee. Nakazawa picked up the win.

Result: Michael Nakazawa def. Mike Magnum on AEW Dark

Grade: C

Baron Black & John Skyler vs. Miro & Kip Sabian on AEW Dark


Miro and Baron Black exchanged words before the match, and the former WWE Superstar snapped! He assaulted Black and complained about how his time was being wasted.

The match finally got underway, and Skyler was rocked by Miro's big punch in the ring. Sabian was shown talking to Penelope Ford in the corner. It didn't even feel like Miro needed any help.

Skyler showed some fight with a brief spell of offense but Miro no-sold a series of chops. Skyler rocked Miro with a kick from the apron, but Miro executed a backdrop.


Miro hit the leaping thrust kick on Skyler. The Best Man finished the AEW Dark match with the Game Over (Camel Clutch).

Result: Miro & Kip Sabian def. Baron Black & John Skyler on AEW Dark

Grade: C

Miro and Kip Sabian will face The Best Friends in an Arcade Anarchy match on tomorrow's AEW Dynamite.

Alex Reynolds (w/ John Silver) vs. Max Caster (w/ Anthony Bowens) on AEW Dark


As always, Caster spat out a few bars as he made his way to the ring. The Acclaimed member got the early advantage over Reynolds.

Reynolds responded by slamming Caster into the mat. The Dark Order member then hit three consecutive uppercuts and connected with a leaping dropkick from the floor.

Reynolds went up top and executed a diving crossbody on Caster. Reynolds seemed to have suffered a storyline injury to his left arm midway through the match, and Caster took advantage of his opponent's weakness.


Caster began working on the injured left arm by first delivering a wrist lock slam. Reynolds landed flush with a right elbow. Caster took Reynolds down with the ankle pick and had him in a grounded Camel Clutch.

Reynolds fought back with two right-handed strikes. Caster responded with a vicious backbreaker.

Max had Reynolds in a modified key lock, and he made full use of the five-count to hurt the injured left hand. Reynolds put together a combo of punches and kicks.


He hit a running back elbow on Caster in the corner. Reynolds built up momentum and hit a flipping neckbreaker for a two-count.

Reynolds called for a tag, but he forgot that it was a singles match. Caster reversed the Fisherman's suplex and regained control for a few seconds.

Reynolds almost got the win with a few roll-up attempts. Alex caught Caster with a knee.

Bowens placed Caster's left boot on the bottom rope, which forced the ref to break the pin. Reynolds went for the moonsault press, but Caster moved out of the way.


Caster grabbed the boombox while Bowens distracted the referee. Silver stopped Caster from using the boombox, and the ref finally turned his back.

The referee shifted his attention to Silver, who had the boombox in his hands. Bowens then handed Caster a chain, and he dropped Reynolds with the weapon.

Caster went to the top and hit the Mic Drop for the win on AEW Dark.

Result: Max Caster def. Alex Reynolds on AEW Dark


Grade: A


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Edited by Amar Anand
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