Following one of the greatest tribute shows in professional wrestling history to the late great Brodie Lee, AEW started 2021 off with New Year's Smash Night 1. It was a stacked card from top to bottom, ending out with two AEW Championship bouts.
AEW World Champion Kenny Omega defended his belt against Rey Fenix, one of his long-time rivals. Knowing their history, this was set to be an early Match of the Year candidate. Abadon would also challenge Hikaru Shida for the AEW Women's World Title. Abadon has taken a chunk out of Shida recently, literally. Could she take more of that tonight?
All of that, plus the return of Jon Moxley. After losing the AEW World Title, Moxley has been gone from Wednesday nights for a month. What does he have to say to the fans, and what are his plans for Kenny Omega? All that and more tonight. We kicked things off with a stellar eight-man tag team match.
The Young Bucks and SCU (Chris Daniels & Kazarian) vs The Acclaimed and TH2 on AEW Dynamite
An eight-man brawl kicks things off once Christopher Daniels went for a cheap shot on his opponents. The Young Bucks sent Jack Evans to the floor with an elevated dropkick, and Nick Jackson followed up with an incredible rolling senton, landing on his feet.
Daniels looked for an Asai Moonsault but was caught by Anthony Bowens, allowing Evans to take out Buck. The Acclaimed battered Daniels in the ring before tagging out to Angelico. TH2 hit an impressive elevated sidewalk slam/leg drop combination.
The Acclaimed followed that with a leaping neck breaker/ splash combination, with Evans hitting a second splash. Angelico teased a dive but went into a submission hold instead. Daniels was in serious trouble, but when Anthony Bowen faced off against a standing Fallen Angel, Daniels managed to turn things around with a Blue Thunder Bomb.
Fellow inaugural AEW Tag Champ Frankie Kazarian made the tag and took the fight to Jack Evans. Avoiding a kick that sent Anthony Bowens to the floor, Kaz dropped Evans with a German suplex. A reverse suplex was countered, though, and a leaping high kick took Kazarian's head off. A standing corkscrew press crushed the sternum of Kaz.
Kaz escaped some tandem offense by Evans and Bowens, leading to AEW Tag Champ Matt Jackson running wild. Taking down all four competitors, Matt followed up with a dive on Evans, then Caster. A spear cut Angelico in half. Bowens was left in the middle of the ring, and it seemed that Matt was going for the moonsault.
Matt surprised everyone, even the cameraman, hitting Caster and Angelico on the floor with a dive. The Young Bucks hit Bowens with a double splash. Kazarian spiked Bowens with a slingshot DDT, but Matt couldn't get the pin.
Frankie Kazarian joined Matt Jackson in hitting the BTE Trigger, but TH2 broke up the pinfall. An STO Backbreaker/neck breaker combination broke Nick Jackson apart. As Evans went for the 630 Senton, Nick put his knees up. Angelico ate the double superkick for his partner, but a Superkick Party broke out regardless, rocking all of TH2 and The Acclaimed.
Jack Evans nearly got a pinfall by escaping the Meltzer Driver. However, Daniels got involved, adding a little twist to the Meltzer Driver; his Best Moonsault Ever. The Best Meltzer Ever spiked Evans for the win.
Results: SCU and The Young Bucks defeated TH2 and The Acclaimed via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.
Grade: B+
The original and current AEW Tag Team Champions celebrated in the middle of the ring before SCU laid down the challenge. They've got The Young Bucks' back whenever they're needed, but they want the gold.
Jon Moxley returns to AEW Dynamite
It's been a month since Jon Moxley was screwed out of the AEW World Championship. Mox said that many assumed he'd come out upset or mad at the world, but the world is an unfair place. He's known that for years. All you can do is stand your place and grit your teeth.
Mox did that, has done that, and will continue to do that. However, he wants the gold back. So it's time to go after Kenny Omega and Don Callis. That said, Fenix has an opportunity to win the AEW World Title tonight, and Mox respected him too much to ruin Fenix's opportunity. As far as Omega goes, he'll never be safe. Moxley promised that he'll get even and more.
AEW World Champ Kenny Omega and The Invisible Hand Don Callis? They crossed the wrong guy. Jon Moxley plans on taking Omega to a whole new world of pain sooner rather than later.
Backstage, Chuckie T revealed that Trent would be out of action for four-to-five months. Miro, Kip Sabian, and Penelope Ford interrupted, leading to a challenge for next week on AEW New Year's Smash Night 2.
Miro will face Chuck in the ring, and if Chuck loses he'll have to be Miro's Young Boy until Sabian's wedding.
Jake Hager vs Wardlow on AEW Dynamite
The Inner Circle were on the stage watching their two powerhouses go to war. Jake Hager and Wardlow locked up, with Hager taking Wardlow to the mat. Wardlow managed to break things up, and nearly caught Hager in head scissors.
Back to their feet, AEW's MMA star Jake Hager battered Wardlow with some heavy hands. Wardlow met him blow for blow, though and crashed right into one another with a pair of clotheslines. Neither man would back down. Wardlow barely failed a leapfrog, and they made their way to the floor where they took each other out with more clotheslines.
During the break, they continued to beat each other to a pulp. Eventually, Wardlow caught Hager in the corner with a bullet-speed running tackle. Wardlow followed up ith more punishment to the sternum. shoulder thrusts, knee shots, and more. A trio of release suplexes sent Hager all around the ring.
Hager caught him with a clothesline, turning things around at the snap of a finger. A big slam planted Wardlow for the two-count. The Hager Bomb was countered, but Hager caught Wardlow's feet, locking in the Ankle Lock. Wardlow broke away, kicking Hager in the face.
Hager was left on the apron where Wardlow trucked right through him, launching him to the barricade. Back in the ring, an exploder suplex and German suplex dropped the undefeated MMA fighter for a two-count. Wardlow crushed Hager with the Senton, but Hager was able to turn the pin into a choke that nearly put Wardlow to sleep.
Hager tried to lock it in on the second rope, only for Wardlow to drop down, hanging Hager up on the neck. Wardlow quickly followed that with the F-10.
Results: Wardlow defeated Jake Hager via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.
Grade: A-
A good hoss fight is always worth a watch, and those two more than delivered at AEW New Year's Smash.
Private Party had the gin, and they were met by Snoop Dogg, who had the juice. Matt Hardy came up to bring them their contracts, which gave Hardy 30% per deal. After going over the contracts, The Private Party signed on.
They even got to keep their third party deals with Cameo or whatever else they wanted. Pretty generous if you ask us.
AEW TNT Championship weigh-in
Team Taz and Darby Allin were in the ring next. Brian Cage would challenge for the AEW TNT Championship next week. We got a great view of the brand new belt, as the original AEW TNT Title was given to -1, Brodie Jr., last week.
Cage weighed in first at 275lbs of pure muscle. Darby Allin? 170lbs. The difference is, according to Taz, Allin was wearing extra clothing. Darby decided that he wasn't wanting to wait any longer, he knew Team Taz was here to tear him apart. As he picked up his skateboard and Tony Schiavone left the ring, the lights went out.
Sting came out once again, making yet another save for the AEW TNT Champion. Team Taz bailed, but Taz promised that next week we'd have a new champion in The Machine Brian Cage.
MJF found Jake Hager backstage who was furious about his loss to Wardlow. MJF said that Hager should be proud of what he's able to do.
Hager appreciated the words, and it seems MJF has been able to form a bond with each member of the Inner Circle since joining.
On AEW Dark, Marko Stunt and -1 had a little fun, with Brodie Jr. calling Stunt out for not being able to win a match without Jungle Boy or Luchasaurus. FTR came in, stating that -1 was right and that Stunt was a loser. Next week, Stunt will face one of the former AEW Tag Team Champions in singles action.
Matt Sydal vs Cody Rhodes w/Snoop Dogg on AEW Dynamite
Matt Sydal took Cody Rhodes down a few times and managed to pelt the former AEW TNT Champion with a series of kicks. A springboard arm drag sent Rhodes into the corner for a running dropkick. Sydal sent Rhodes to the apron, and as Cody skinned the cat, he was hit with another dropkick.
A wrecking ball dropkick sent Cody to the barricade, and Cody accidentally hit Serpentico. Back in the ring, Rhodes countered a dive, locking Sydal in the Texas Cloverleaf. Sydal made it to the ropes, and Cody went to Snoop for some play tips.
Rhodes picked up the pace a bit, dropping Sydal with a slam for a running knee drop. Sydal responded with a running knee and step-up enziguri in the corner, but couldn't get the win. Cody took Sydal to the top, and hit an incredible reverse suplex, but couldn't get to the pin quickly. That allowed Sydal to recover enough to kick out.
Cody's moonsault missed, and Sydal rocked him with the rising knee to the jaw. Going up top, Sydal went for his Shooting Star Press. Cody put his knees up, blocking it. A reverse DDT spiked Sydal, but The American Nightmare just couldn't get the win. Sydal caught him in a tilt-a-whirl crossface. Cody quickly got to his feet and popped Sydal a few times in the jaw.
A Cactus Clothesline saw Rhodes take Sydal over to the floor. Both men hit hard on the apron. Back in the ring, Sydal avoided a pump kick but couldn't get out of the way of the Disaster Kick. Sydal kicked out and took Rhodes down with a hurricanrana pinfall. 1-2-Cody kicked out. A roundhouse and leg trapped swinging fireman's carry slam rocked Rhodes.
Still, the AEW EVP managed to secure the win with not one, but two Cross Rhodes.
Results: Cody Rhodes beat Matt Sydal via pinfall
Grade: A
After the match, Serpentico and Luther rushed to the ring. Sydal saved Rhodes from the assault, and they laid out Serpentico for Snoop Dogg. Snoop hit his splash off the top, and Rhodes counted the three count. Does that count? Is Snoop on AEW's rankings?
AEW Women's World Championship Match: Abadon vs Hikaru Shida (c)
Abadon rushed Hikaru Shida before she even made it to the ring. The AEW Women's World Champion turned it around, though, and seemed to have things in control early. Still, that wound that Abadon had left on Shida's neck last week was evidence enough that Abadon can turn things in her favor when it's least expected.
Almost on cue, Shida rushed in for a knee lift on the apron, but Abadon caught her. She bit Shida's thigh before tossing her into the barricade. Abadon pulled Shida under the ring, and when they emerged, Abadon was covered in blood.
Shida's blood, specifically, as the champ's neck was gushing once again. Back in the ring, Abadon battered the champ and hit a Bret's Rope X-Factor. Shida kicked out, still grasping her throat. During the break, Shida did her best to cut down the unstoppable monster, but AEW's zombified wrestler just kept on coming.
When we came back, Shida bounced off the ropes and hit Abadon on the floor with a crossbody. The AEW Women's Champ bashed Abadon's head into the barricade, then dragged her up top for a second rope superplex.
Abadon quickly rose up and nearly decapitated Shida with a clothesline. Shida countered a Gory Bomb with a roll-up and was able to lay Abadon out with the Tamashii No Three.
Results: Hikaru Shida defeated Abadon via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.
Grade: B
The Dark Order's Tay Conti challenged Serena Deeb for the NWA Women's World Championship on AEW Dynamite New Year's Smash Night 2.
AEW World Championship Match: Rey Fenix vs Kenny Omega (c)
The AEW World Champion had the Invisible Hand, Don Callis, by his side tonight, while Rey Fenix took on the challenge on his own. Kenny Omega spiked Fenix with a high-angle hurricanrana. As Omega bounced off the ropes for a dive, Fenix responded with the same move, sending Omega to the floor.
Omega rushed the apron but was rocked with a boot, and a slingshot hurricanrana launched Omega into the guard rail. In the ring, Omega avoided the rolling savate kick. Fenix bounced up from a tornado DDT, using his hands to save himself some pain. A shocked Omega was able to catch Fenix mid-springboard with a chop, sending his challenger tumbling to the floor.
On the floor, Fenix's rolling cutter was turned into a snap dragon suplex, spiking Fenix on his neck. A back suplex dropped Fenix's spine first on the apron. Back in the ring, they traded chops, and AEW's Best Bout Machine won that war by turning Fenix inside out.
Fenix began to build up speed, hitting a springboard headbutt on Omega. The top rope arm drag was countered by Omega, but Fenix quickly changed it into a double springboard dropkick that shot Omega right through the ropes. A tope crushed Omega between Fenix and the barricade.
Back inside, Fenix turned Omega over with a springboard Chaos Theory German suplex. Somehow, someway, Omega was able to kick out. The diving double stomp on the apron left Kenny Omega nearly out cold on the floor as Fenix warned Callis not to interfere.
Omega took over again during the break and countered a 916 with a knee to the jaw. Fenix fell backward but kipped up into a superkick. Fenix stunned Omega, leaving Callis cowering in the corner. Fenix went for a tornillo, only for another knee from Omega to nearly take his head off.
V-Trigger connected, but again Fenix kicked out. Another V-Trigger hit, but Fenix countered the One Winged Angel with the reverse frankensteiner. Callis distracted Fenix, giving Omega enough time to counter a dive with yet another knee.
An insane outside-in double jump cutter spiked Omega, but Fenix couldn't get the win. A Fire Thunder Driver followed that, and Omega still kicked out. Fenix moved up, looking to the sky and going for the Frog Splash. Omega's knees shot up, breaking up the crash.
Fenix fought off Omega, but a dive was countered into a catching Tiger Driver. As Fenix sat up, the V-Trigger connected. Still, Fenix refused to quit. It was time for the One Winged Angel, and that was all she wrote.
Results: Kenny Omega defeated Rey Fenix via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.
Grade: A
In a hard-fought bout, and an early contender for AEW Match of the Year, Kenny Omega retained the AEW World Title. Don Callis cut to the back, and Eddie Kingston's family was battering Penta el Zero M and PAC.
With the Death Triangle not able to help, Omega set up for another One Winged Angel. Former AEW World Champ Jon Moxley ran down and cracked Omega in the sternum with a barbed wired baseball bat. As Moxley looked to finally get his revenge, he was stopped by IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champs The Good Brothers. Karl Anderson and Doc Gallows drove Moxley into the mat with The Magic Killer.
The AEW World Champion had a plan, and with he and The Good Brothers united, is there anyone that can stop The Best Bout Machine? Well, Griff Garrisson and Brian Pillman Jr. tried, as did several other tag teams.
Still, this trio was too much to handle. With Don Callis calling the shots, Omega, Anderson, and Gallows absolutely dominated AEW Dynamite. The Young Bucks rushed the ring, trying to reason with Omega and The Good Brothers.
When Pillman and Garrison held onto Omega, The Bucks laid into them with superkicks, aligning with the AEW World Champion and the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champs. We ended the night with all five men throwing up the Too Sweet while Don Callis cheered on.
Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.