Labours of Jericho: Chapter V - Chris Jericho vs MJF on AEW Dynamite
Chris Jericho was serenaded down to the ring by the AEW fans, with one of MJF's stipulations backfiring even before the first bell. MJF's second stipulation was that Jericho couldn't use the Judas Effect.
The crowd was revved up as MJF and Jericho squared up. Jericho went for the Liontamer early, forcing MJF to roll out of the ring. MJF got back on the apron, and Jericho caught him with his patented Springboard Dropkick.
MJF briefly got back in control and took the camera, taking a page out of Jericho's book. When he turned around, Jericho was waiting for him.
MJF finally took firm control of the match back in the AEW ring, going after Jericho's arm. MJF was in firm control during the commercial break, working on Jericho's arm.
Back from the break, we saw Jericho and MJF hitting simultaneous clothing lines, with both AEW stars going down. Jericho recovered quickly and headed to the top rope, hitting a double axe handle. MJF wasn't down for long, and he continued focusing on Chris Jericho's left arm. Jericho hit back with a couple of right hands before hitting a Lionsault for a near fall.
It was all Jericho at this point as he chopped AEW's Salt of the Earth in the corner. He then headed to the top rope, punishing MJF with more right hands, following up with a top rope hurricanrana.