This week's episode of Dynamite was main-evented by an incredible AEW world title match between Kenny Omega and Jungle Boy. The live crowd in attendance at Daily's Place helped take the match to another level.
Also on the show, we had Hangman Page in action against Powerhouse Hobbs of Team Taz. We also saw Ethan Page in action and he challenged Darby Allin to a Coffin Match at AEW Road Rager in a couple of weeks.
WCW legend Konnan was on tonight's show as he confronted Tully Blanchard in the ring. However, The Pinnacle had an unpleasant surprise for Konnan. Kris Statlander was in singles action tonight as she faced The Bunny from the HFO.
Hangman Page vs Powerhouse Hobbs kicked off AEW
AEW Dynamited started with a singles match between Hangman Page and Powerhouse Hobbs.
Powerhouse Hobbs made a strong start to the match, powering Hangman Page into the corner. He followed it up with a series of shoulder thrusts in the corner. Page quickly turned it around and got in some shots of his own.
The action spilled out to ringside as Hobbs looked for some respite. Hobbs smashed Page's arm against the barricade before heading back into the ring. Back in the ring, Hobbs went to hit a Vader Bomb but Page got his knees up. Page followed it up with a couple of boots to the face and then a moonsault.
Ricky Starks came out at this point and went to hand over the FTW title belt to Powerhouse Hobbs. However, Brian Cage interrupted and chased Ricky Starks away. Hangman tried to capitalize and hit Hobbs with a Buckshot Lariat while he was distracted. Hobbs spotted it coming and hit a Spinebuster for a two-count. Page replied with a German Suplex followed by the Deadeye to pick up the win.
Hangman Page def. Powerhouse Hobbs
Konnan confronted Tully Blanchard on AEW Dynamite before being taken out by FTR
Tony Schiavone was in the AEW ring with Tully Blanchard of The Pinnacle. Schiavone introduced Konnan who came down to the ring. Konnan sparred on the mic with Tully and told everyone how Proud and Powerful's upbringing was different from that of FTR.
Tully replied that as great a legend as Konnan was, FTR would come out and take him out. Konnan replied that he had his boys waiting in the back and Santana and Ortiz came out to join him. Tully pointed to the big screen and we saw Santana and Ortiz laid out in the back. The two men in the ring turned out to be Dax Harwood and Cashwheeler. They took Konnan out, hitting him with the Spiked Piledriver. That was the second wrestling legend that The Pinnacle attacked in two weeks on AEW.
Dante Martin of Team Top Flight came down to the ring but was interrupted by Vickie Guerrero and Andrade El Idolo. Vickie was about to cut a promo when they were interrupted by Matt and Mike Sydal as Matt went down to the ring to face Dante Martin.
Dante Martin vs Matt Sydal on AEW Dynamite
Dante Martin made a quick start to the AEW match after Matt Sydal interrupted Andrade and Vickie Guerrero's announcement. Despite Matt Sydal's experience, Martin controlled the early parts of the match, taking Sydal down with a hurricanrana. Martin then dodged a right hand and went for a springboard, only to be caught by a spinning heel kick.
Matt Sydal worked on Dante Martin's knee before hitting a running knee strike in the corner, followed by a bow and arrow stretch. The match briefly headed out to ringside before both men headed back inside the ring. Martin hit a double springboard moonsault for a two-count, making it look effortless.
Both men were up on the top turnbuckle and Sydal sent Martin crashing down. He then hit a flying meteora for a nearfall. Dante went for a roll-up but only managed a two-count.
Dante Martin then headed to the top rope and ended p hurting his knee on the way down. Sydal took advantage and hit the Lightning Spiral to pick up the win. A good show by Dante Martin but Sydal's experience proved to be too much in the end on AEW Dynamite.
Matt Sydal def. Dante Martin
The Inner Circle ambushes The Pinnacle on AEW Dynamite
MJF was backstage with Shawn Spears and Wardlow on AEW Dynamite. He addressed attacking Dean Malenko on Dynamite last week. MJF said he should have been thanked for what he did when he sent Malenko to an early retirement. With Sammy Guevara and Proud and Powerful taken out, The Pinnacle members were then attacked by the remaining members of the Inner Circle - Jericho and Jake Hager.
Shawn Spears bought a chair into the ring as MJF had Jericho in a precarious hold. It looked clear that the Pinnacle members wanted to hurt Jericho's arm and take him out of action. At this point, Sammy Guevara's music hit. Guevara was all over The Pinnacle, taking down both Spears and Wardlow in the AEW ring.
He then managed to take control of the chair Spears had and cleared the ring, taking down Shawn Spears with a chair shot in the process. Sammy then went and took the mic, telling MJF that he would see him on Wednesday night when they faced off in singles action, where he would prove that he was the Best Ever.
Bear Bronson vs Ethan Page on AEW Dynamite
Bear Bronson had the clear power advantage as the AEW match got started, forcing Ethan Page back into the corner. Page replied by slapping Bronson across the face. Bronson replied with a series of body shots followed by right hands to the head. Ethan Page briefly wrested back control and taunted Bronson with the bear claws, only to be taken down with a powerslam.
Ethan Page was forced out to ringside for a brief respite. Bronson went for a suicide dive and Scorpio Sky pushed his tag team partner out of the way. With the referee distracted, Scorpio Sky hit Bronson from behind. The match then headed back into the ring and Ethan Page was pretty much in control. Bronson hit back with more right hands but Page hit back with a boot to the head followed by a shoulder charge. Bronson hit back with a series of clubbing blows before taking Page down with a spinebuster. The big man then went for a senton but Page rolled out of the way.
Ethan Page then hit Bear Bronson with a superplex for a nearfall. He went for another shoulder charge but Bronson took him down with a modified Sidewalk Slam. Bear Bronson headed to the middle rope but Scorpio Sky made the distraction. As Sky and Bear Boulder brawled, Ethan Page hit Bear Bronson with a low blow before hitting him with the Ego's Edge for the win on AEW Dynamite.
Ethan Page def. Bear Bronson
After the match, Ethan Page took the mic and said that his beef with Darby Allin wasn't over. He then challenged Allin to a coffin match at Road Rager.
The Bunny vs Kris Statlander on AEW Dynamite
Kris Statlander took control of the match early on AEW Dynamite, taking down The Bunny with a series of armdrags. The Bunny replied by slapping Statlander across the face. The Galaxy's Greatest Alien was then caught by a superkick in the corner and sent crashing out of the ring. The Bunny followed her out and hit a dropkick, sending Statlander back-first against the barricade.
Back in the ring, The Bunny stamped on Statlander's hand repeatedly before tossing her face-first into the middle turnbuckle. The Bunny was firmly in control of the match at this point as she tossed Statlander out of the ring. She then headed out to ringside herself and charged at her opponent. Statlander intercepted her, hitting a powerslam out at ringside.
Back in the ring, Statllander hit a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall. She followed it up with a Blue Thunder Bomb but it still wasn't enough to put The Bunny away. Statlander headed to the top rope but was too slow getting up there and The Bunny caught her with a German Suplex. However, it only managed a nearfall.
The Blade then got on the apron to distract the referee and slipped a knuckle duster into the ring. Orange Cassidy intervened and took the knuckle duster. Statlander then hit The Big Bang Theory to pick up the win on AEW Dynamite.
Kris Statlander def. The Bunny
The Blade attacked Orange Cassidy after the match and he was joined by TH2. The Blade took the knuckle duster from Cassidy and took him down with a shot to the jaw, leaving him lying in the AEW ring.
Kenny Omega (C) vs Jungle Boy [for the AEW World Championship]
Marko Stunt, Luchasaurus, and the Good Brothers were sent backstage by referee Paul Turner before the AEW Championship match started.
The match started with both men going back and forth before Jungle Boy took brief control with a wrist hold. Kenny Omega in turn took him down by the hair and got in a few chops in the corner. Jungle Boy reversed it and got in some chops of his own before the champion hit back with a thumb to the eye. Fans came alive as Jungle Boy hit an armdrag and took the AEW Champion down with a dropkick.
The AEW title match spilled out to ringside as Omega inflicted as much punishment as he could, clearly rattled by Jungle Boy's strong start to the match. The challenger hit back with a shotgun dropkick, sending Omega back-first into the barricade.
Back in the ring, Kenny Omega went for the moonsault from the middle rope but ended up eating the mat. Jungle Boy tried to capitalize with a senton but Omega got his knees up. Omega unloaded with more chops but the challenger replied with a brainbuster. Both men were down. Omega was back on his feet first but couldn't capitalize.
Jungle Boy hit a low dropkick to the knee and forced Omega out of the ring and then caught the champion with a suicide dive. He soon hit a dive over the top rope, taking Omega down once again. Fans at Daily's Place were at a fever pitch as Jungle Boy rolled Omega back into the ring and headed to the top rope. Omega stopped him in his tracks and went for a superplex. It wasn't enough for the three-count.
Kenny Omega went to follow it up with a German Suplex but Jungle Boy landed n his feet and hit a superkick. Omega replied with a knee strike followed by the SnapDragon. Omega then went to set up the One-Winged Angel, but Jungle Boy reversed it with a spiked hurricanrana. The champion hit back with the ripcord knee. The AEW Champion went for a second knee but Jungle Boy reversed it and locked in the Snare Trap.
The Good Brothers tried to come out and intervene but Kazarian, Marko Stunt, and Luchasaurus stopped them in their tracks.
The AEW Champion and Jungle Boy traded strikes in the middle of the ring. Omega then hit one of his patented knee strikes before Jungle Boy replied with a clothesline. Omega looked to hit the One-Winged Angel once again and it was reversed for a second time. Jungle Boy locked in the Snare Trap once again and this time Omega had to pull the AEW title challenger's hair to force him to break the hold.
Omega then sent Jungle Boy face-first into the top turnbuckle and followed it up with a Tiger Driver. Once again it wasn't enough to put the challenge away. The AEW Champion then finally hit the One-Winged Angel and this time finally put Jungle Boy away on AEW Dynamite.
Kenny Omega def. Jungle Boy
Kenny Omega went on to hit Jungle Boy with the world title belt after the match but Christian Cage came out to make the save. Matt Hardy and Private Party came out and went after Christian. Christian took out Private Party and went to hit Hardy with the Killswitch when The Young Bucks hit him with a double superkick. Hardy then followed it up with a Twist of Fate to his old nemesis.