We got a huge episode of AEW Dynamite this week. The action-packed show featured two title matches, a coffin match, and the return of CM Punk. We also had Wardlow and FTR confronting Jay Lethal, Satnam Singh, and Sonjay Dutt. Andrade El Idolo and Rush were in action against Fenix and Penta.
Read on for full AEW Dynamite results:
Brody King vs. Darby Allin on AEW Dynamite
Darby Allin leapt at Brody King from the top turnbuckle while the latter was in the middle of his entrance, coming out of the dark. Darby then smashed Brody King with a skateboard full of thumbtacks.
The match spilled to the outside as Brody King sent Darby Allin into the barricade. Darby Allin wasn't done, he charged at King as they brawled into the crowd.
Back at ringside, Brody King took out a table and slid it into the ring. King then sent Allin head-first into the barricade before taking out a second table. He set Darby on the table and headed to the top turnbuckle. The House of Black member went for a splash, but Darby Allin rolled out of the way.
The lights went out at this point as the rest of the House of Black appeared at ringside. Julia Hart distracted Allin as he was hit with a chopblock to the knee. Matthews then took out Allin as Malakai Black set up a table in the corner. Brody King then hit a devastating running cannonball through the table.
Buddy Matthews went to open the coffin at ringside, and Sting came out of it. He took out Buddy Matthews with his bat before taking down Brody King. Sting then set the weapon aside and stared down Malakai Black.
He ended up leaving the ring and walking away. Sting followed Black and faced him down on the entrance ramp. Darby Allin hit Brody King with a tope suicida, but King battered the former TNT Champion and carried him on the apron.
Brody went for the chokehold, but Darby got hold of Brody's chain and started to choke him out. When Allin let go, Brody King fell into the coffin to end the match.
Result: Darby Allin def. Brody King
Andrade El Idolo and Rush vs. Fenix and Penta on AEW Dynamite
Fenix and Andrade went down early, leaving Rush and Penta in the ring. Rush and Penta traded strikes before Rush got caught with a superkick, forcing him to roll out of the ring. Andrade took Penta down from ringside as Fenix hit Rush with a tope suicida.
Penta went after Rush, hitting the Made In Japan for a two-count. Rush and Andrade took back control, hitting a double dive over the top rope as we headed to commercial. Rush grabbed some of the camera wire it ringside and choked Fenix with it. Rush and Andrade then turned their attention to Penta. They rolled him into the ring before Andrade caught him with a boot to the jaw.
Andrade and Rush were in complete control at this point. They went to whip Penta into the corner, but he fought back. After taking Rush down, Penta hit Andrade with a boot. Fenix came in at this point and set Rush crashing out of the ring. Penta and Fenix were all over Andrade. Rush tried to come to the rescue but got caught with a double superkick.
Andrade caught Penta with the double knees in the corner, but Fenix immediately hit him with a spinning kick. Fenix then headed to the top rope, but Rush hit him with a powerbomb. Penta then took out Rush. He followed it up with a Canadian Destroyer to Andrade on the apron.
Rush with a moment of brilliance as he tied Penta's mask to the middle rope, effectively trapping him. Rush took out Fenix with a missile dropkick. He followed it up with a piledriver to Fenix. Penta tore out of his mask to break the pin.
Penta was thrown out of the ring. Andrade hit Fenix with the Hammerlock DDT and pinned him for the win.
Result: Andrade El Idolo and Rush def. Fenix and Penta
The Young Bucks apologized to Hangman Page on AEW Dynamite
The Young Bucks walked into The Dark Order's locker room backstage to talk to Hangman Page. They thanked him for saving them last week before Matt Jackson apologized to Hangman for the way he had treated him. He added that the best time of his career was when they were gunning for a revolution that led to the start of AEW.
Matt Jackson added that he watched as Page won his first world title and wanted to congratulate him but didn't because of what went down. Matt Jackson added that they wanted Hangman to be their partner in the trios tournament.
Page turned the offer down, saying that he would be in The Dark Order's corner because they had had his back throughout.
Luchasaurus vs. Anthony Henry on AEW Dynamite
Luchasaurus was all over Anthony Henry as this match began, hitting him with a German Suplex. Henry tried to hit back with an enzeguiri but was caught with a headbutt. Luchasaurus then hit the Fossilizer, and that was enough to put Anthony Henry away.
Result: Luchasaurus def. Anthony Henry
Christian Cage appeared on the screen after the match. Jungle Boy ran backstage and attacked him, only to be held off by security. Luchasaurus followed and cleared security and accidentally took out former WWE official Pat Buck.
Miro sends a message to the House of Black on AEW Dynamite
We got a vignette with Miro. Julia Hart tried to convince him to join the House of Black. Miro replied that only one woman was allowed to touch him.
He then said that he could now see his path, and that was to take him right through the House of Black.
Wardlow and FTR take out Jay Lethal on AEW Dynamite
Satnam Singh, Sonjay Dutt, and Jay Lethal were out next. Lethal challenged Wardlow to a rematch, and he didn't have to wait too long for an answer.
Wardlow came out and accepted the challenge. He was the joined by FTR, and they headed to the ring. Mr.Mayhem and FTR took out Jay Lethal, forcing the heels to exit.
Matt Minard, Angelo Parker, Daniel Garcia, and Anna JAS were backstage. Minard and Parker were looking forward to Chris Jericho potentially winning his second AEW world title later in the night.
Garcia called out Bryan Danielson, calling himself the Dragon Slayer. Anna Jay then randomly choked out someone backstage.
Ricky Starks vs. Aaron Solo on AEW Dynamite
Aaron Solo made a great start to the match, but it didn't last long. He went to hit Starks with an enzeguiri but missed and got cut in half with a Spear. That was enough to put Solo away.
Result: Ricky Starks def. Aaron Solo
Nick Comoroto ran down to the ring with a steel chair. Starks dodged him and went to hit a Tiger Driver. Solo caught him with a shot from behind. Starks tossed Solo into Comoroto and made his exit through the crowd.
Billy Gunn gave his sons a verbal dressing down on AEW Dynamite
Austin and Colten Gunn were backstage getting a verbal rollicking from their father, wrestling legend Billy Gunn. Billy said that his sons had disgraced him by losing the only match he had made famous, adding that he missed The Acclaimed.
Stokely Hathaway briefly appeared but left after Billy Gunn stopped him in his tracks. Billy then told his sons to prove themselves on Rampage this week.
Jade Cargill (c) vs. Madison Rayne [for the AEW TNT Women's Championship]
Jade Cargill started the match strong and continued to dominate. Madison Rayne did get some offense in early but didn't have much long-term effect on Jade. Madison Rayne did get a nearfall at one point.
Kiera Hogan got on the apron for the distraction, and it worked. Jade ended up booting Hogan by mistake and got rolled up. She kicked out and took Rayne out with a pump kick. Jade then hit the Jaded and finished it off.
Result: Jade Cargill def. Madison Rayne
Athena snuck up on Jade after the match and took her down with a right hand. Kiera Hogan pulled Jade out of the ring for the save.
Jon Moxley (c) vs. Chris Jericho [for the interim AEW World Championship]
Jon Moxley was all over the challenger in the opening moments of the match, but the wily veteran wouldn't be down for long. Jericho tore out Moxley's earring before booting him out of the ring. Moxley's ear was covered in blood as he climbed back into the ring. Jericho hit a backbreaker before taking the champ down repeatedly.
Jericho was in complete control of the match at this point as he locked in a submission hold. Mox broke free and hit a German Suplex. Jericho immediately got back up and hit a German of his own, Jericho then locked in the Walls of Jericho, but the champion held on. Moxley broke free, but Jericho locked in the Walls of Jericho once again.
The champ broke free again and sent Jericho crashing out of the ring. Moxley then went to the top rope and nailed Jericho with a double axe handle out at ringside. Back in the ring, Mox headed to the top rope again.
This time Jericho caught him with a Codebreaker on the way down. Moxley kicked out again as a frustrated Chris Jericho took apart the padding on one of the turnbuckles. Someone threw a baseball bat into the ring, and it turned out to be Sammy Guevara.
Jericho struck Mox with the bat as the ref's back was turned. He then sent the champion's head first into the exposed turnbuckle and followed it with the Judas Effect. Moxley somehow managed to kick out at two and a half.
Chris Jericho went to strike the champion with the title belt but went face-first into the exposed turnbuckle. Moxley tried to lock in a bulldog choke, but Jericho broke free.
Jericho tried to lock in the Liontamer but was unsuccessful and Moxley repeatedly struck Jericho across the back of the head before locking in a chokehold. Jericho tried to break free but was forced to tap out.
Result: Jon Moxley def. Chris Jericho
Sammy Guevara and Jake Hager charged the ring after the match and attacked Jon Moxley. Claudio Castagnoli, Ortiz, Wheeler Yuta, and Eddie Kinston hit the ring.
Matt Minard and Angelo Parker ran down. Jericho was about to strike Moxley with the title belt when CM Punk's music hit. Punk cleared house before turning his attention to Jericho and clotheslining him out of the ring.
Only Moxley and Punk were in the ring at this point. They faced each other off before Moxley left the ring after making a rude gesture at Punk.
What's happening between Michelle McCool and Mickie James? More details HERE