AEW Full Gear did not disappoint. We had a number of surprises including WWE legends making surprise appearances during the Elite Deletion match. There were also two title changes on the card tonight. Overall AEW Full Gear was one of the best AEW PPVs so far and definitely didn't disappoint.
Read on for full AEW Full Gear results:
Serena Deeb vs Allysin Kay (for the NWA Women's Championship)
Serena Deeb defended the NWA Women's Championship on the Buy In against former Impact star Allysin Kay. With the crowd behind this match from the opening bell, the two ladies didn't disappoint in a hard-hitting match.
Deeb ended up retaining the title after forcing Allysin Kay to tap out to the Serenity Lock.
AEW Results: Serena Deeb def. Allysin Kay
Thunder Rosa came out after the match and stared Serena Deeb down in the middle of the ring.
Kenny Omega vs Hangman Page (World Title Eliminator Tournament final kicks off AEW Full Gear)
Former tag team champions Kenny Omega and Hangman Page kicked off the main card of AEW Full Gear in the final of the World Title Eliminator Tournament, with the winner getting a shot at the AEW World Championship. Page took control early on hitting a Superplex before the action headed out to ringside and both men traded chops.
Back in the ring, Omega and Page continued to trade chops. Kenny followed it up with a moonsault from the middle rope. Page replied with a springboard clothesline with Omega on the apron, sending him crashing to the floor. Omega replied to a knee strike followed by a dive over the top rope. Back in the ring, Omega went to hit the One-Winged Angel but Page managed to slip out.
Both men started brawling on the elevated entrance ramp. Page went for a Deadeye but it was blocked. Instead, he hit Omega with a powerbomb onto the entrance ramp.
After further back and forth in the ring, Kenny Omega followed it up with a Tiger Driver 98 for a nearfall. Page replied with a lariat followed by the Deadeye but it was only enough for a nearfall. Another roll up from Page got another nearfall.
The finish saw Kenny Omega catch Hangman's foot and hit him with a Dragon Screw on the middle rope. Omega followed it up with a One-Winged Angel for the win.
AEW Results: Kenny Omega def. Hangman Page
John Silver vs Orange Cassidy
The second match of the AEW Full Gear card saw John Silver of The Dark Order facing Orange Cassidy. John Silver dominated the opening stages of the match. The Dark Order member was in no mood for Orange Cassidy's 'antics' and laid in the boot in the corner. Orange Cassidy went for his trademark spinning DDT but Silver reversed it in mid-air and hit a suplex.
Cassidy headed to the top rope but Silver tossed him onto the ropes with a single armed Gorilla Press. Orange replied with a Michinoku Driver, finally getting the upper hand at AEW Full Gear. Silver replied with boots to the chest but Orange Cassidy bounced back to his feet almost immediately. He went for the Orange Punch but Silver dodged it and replied with more kicks. Cassidy hit the Stundog Millionaire before Silver hit back with a Spin Doctor for a near fall.
Shades of Mr. Brodie Lee as John Silver went for a Discus Clothesline. Orange Cassidy ducked it and hit back with the Beach Break and that was enough to put John Silver away.
AEW Results: Orange Cassidy def. John Silver
A great match and a great performance from both Orange Cassidy and John Silver.
Cody Rhodes (c) vs Darby Allin
The match started off with both men feeling each other out. Darby Allin used his speed to stay away from Cody's grasp whenever possible. Allin got in a sliding dropkick on Cody early on but the champion replied with a hammerlock before throwing Darby out of the ring and onto the entrance ramp.
Darby was in big trouble as Cody locked in a modified hammerlock. Cody followed it up with an avalanche shoulder-breaker from the middle rope. Allin hit back with a Code Red.
Cody tried to set Darby Allin up for the Cross Rhodes but Allin managed to make it to the turnbuckle and buy himself some time, sending Cody face-first into the corner. Cody replied with a Cross Rhodes from the top rope, a truly incredible move, but it didn't put Allin away. As Cody went to cover Darby, his arm was under the bottom rope, breaking up the count.
Darby Allin tried to roll Cody up with a Jackknife cover but it wasn't enough. He followed it up with a modified Stunner and followed it up with a Coffin Drop. It only got a nearfall as Cody kicked out at the last second.
Both men traded roll-ups and Darby Allin ended up pinning Cody and getting the shock win. The shocked look on Cody's face was pretty priceless and the finish of the match was really well done. Darby Allin leaves Full Gear as the TNT Champion.
Darby Allin def. Cody
Team Taz came out after the match and took out both Darby Allin and Cody. Brian Cage tossed Darby through a Full Gear sign at ringside before taking Darby over to his car to do further damage. Thankfully we had Will Hobbs coming out with a steel chair at this point to make the save.
Hikaru Shida (c) vs Nyla Rose (for the AEW Women's Championship)
Fans got a fast-paced start to the AEW match and it almost immediately headed out to ringside. Hikaru Shida set up a chair but Nyla Rose took her out before she could use it. Rose went to take out a table, only to be stopped by the referee. Shida launched herself off the chair and hit Rose with a knee strike.
With the referee distracted, Vickie Guerrero took out Shida's ankle from behind. Rose then used the frame of the ring to work on Shida's knee. She followed it by using the ring post to cause further damage to the knee. Back in the ring, Nyla Rose picked up where she left off with a chop block to the knee on AEW.
The challenger then locked in a single-legged Boston Crab, causing further damage to the knee. Rose went for a Senton from the middle rope but missed. This gave the champion the opening she needed. Shida followed it up with a couple of missile dropkicks but it wasn't enough to put Nyla Rose away.
Rose flipped off the champion and hit her with her own finished. It only got a one-count. Shida hit the challenger with a massive Falcon Arrow from the top rope. However, she pulled Rose's head up before the three-count and went for her patented knee strike. Vickie Guerrero grabbed Shida's ankle giving Rose the chance to knock her off the apron. Shida shoved Rose into Vickie Guerrero.
Back in the ring, Shida hit a Falcon Arrow before hitting the knee strike for another nearfall. Shida followed it up with four more knee strikes to put Nyla Rose away.
AEW Results: Hikaru Shida def. Nyla Rose
There was clear tension in the AEW ring between Vickie Guerrero and Nyla Rose. Guerrero screamed at Rose and even slapped her. However, Rose didn't retort but there is clearly some tension between the Vicious Vixens.
FTR (c) vs The Young Bucks (for the AEW World Tag Team Championships)
FTR had a clear gameplan and focused on Matt Jackson's injured leg early on in the AEW match. Matt Jackson hit a moonsault out to ringside early on and hurt it further. He did get some revenge a little later as he repeatedly kicked Dax Harwood's right hand. Wheeler went for a splash from the top rope but Matt Jackson got his knees up, doing further damage to his injured knee in the process.
Wheeler and Harwood tried to stop Matt Jackson from making the tag to his brother. Matt tossed Wheeler out of the ring before hitting Harwood with a DDT.
More back and forth and The Young Bucks had stereo Sharpshooters locked in. Nick Jackson had Wheeler locked in on the entrance ramp while Matt Jackson had Harwood in the middle of the ring. Matt's knee gave way at this point and he couldn't continue the hold.
The Bucks then hit a BTE trigger to Harwood in the middle of the ring. Wheeler broke up the three-count but Nick Jackson took him out with a Plancha at ringside. Matt Jackson brought a steel chair into the ring and Harwood implored him to take the shot.
Wheeler powerbombed Nick Jackson through the announcer's table before FTR hit Matt Jackson with a spike piledriver. Wheeler was clearly losing his cool as he ripped off Matt Jackson's boot. FTR went after the injured leg and Harwood then locked in an ankle lock. Nick Jackson broke up the submission with a 450 Splash.
Cash Wheeler hit Nick Jackson with a Superkick before tagging himself into the AEW ring. He then booted Matt Jackson before going for a 450 Splash of his own. Matt rolled out of the way and hit Wheeler with a Superkick. Matt finally got the three-count. The Young Bucks win their first AEW World Tag Team Championships.
AEW Results: The Young Bucks def. FTR
Matt Hardy vs Sammy Guevara (Elite Deletion match)
The next match on AEW Full Gear was the Elite Deletion match between Sammy Guevara and Matt Hardy.
It started with Sammy driving a golf cart into the Hardy compound. After Matt's drone, NEO, disabled power to Sammy's golfcart, Matt ran over the cart with a monster truck crushing it on AEW.
After Matt Hardy came out of the monster truck, Sammy blindsided him and hit him with a trash can. Matt Hardy replied by throwing Sammy Guevara face-first into a tree.
The fight moved over to Matt Hardy's front lawn. Sammy caught him with a spinning kick before hitting Hardy with a snap suplex onto the lawn. Matt then took out a scepter from his fountain and clobbered Sammy with it.
The match then moved to a ring in the middle of the Hardy compound. Matt hit a Side Effect for a nearfall and then brought a table into the ring. Matt then powerbombed Sammy through the table and was about to pin him when Santana and Ortiz ran out. Private Party came out to even the odds.
Matt Hardy took out a bunch of fireworks from under the AEW ring and chased Guevara. Hardy lit one of the fireworks and pointed it into the ring. Guevara himself lit a firework but didn't have as much control over it as Matt Hardy. As Private Party battled Santana and Ortiz in the ring, Matt Hardy chased Sammy Guevara, fireworks in hand.
We got a surprise appearance from two WWE legends. Gangrel came out with Hurricane Helms who had his hands tied. Matt Hardy freed Hurricane from and freed his wrists. Matt Hardy was caught with a superkick when he turned around. Guevara tossed Hurricane Helms into the Lake of Reincarnation before hitting Hardy with a superkick. Shane Helms then came out with a mic to ask Sammy if his feud with Matt Hardy was cursed. Matt superkicked him into the lake.
There was an all out brawl in the middle of the AEW ring at this point with Gangrel joining in.
Gangrel, Santana, and Ortiz took out Private Party and went to join Sammy Guevara. However, Matt Hardy got NEO to trap the garage door, trapping Sammy Guevara inside the Dome of Deletion with him. The fight spilled to the ring inside the shed. Sammy unhooked the bottom turnbuckle and attacked Matt Hardy with tit.
Sammy tried to choke Matt Hardy out with the ring rope before placing him on a table set up in the middle of the ring. Sammy Guevara then climbed a ladder and hit a Swanton Bomb to Hardy through the table. Matt still managed to kick out on AEW. Sammy seemed to hurt his neck and Matt took the opportunity to spear him off the apron and through a table.
Matt Hardy took a steel chair and hit Sammy Guevara in the face. Sammy was bleeding by this point and Matt Hardy took him out with a Conchairto against the concrete floor. Matt finally pinned Sammy to mercifully finish the brutal AEW match.
AEW Results: Matt Hardy def. Sammy Guevara
Matt Hardy and Private Party then put Sammy inside a trash bucket and put him on the back of a pickup truck ending the AEW match.
Chris Jericho vs MJF
The mutual respect between these two men didn't last long on AEW. After a handshake was refused, they started trading blows and the match soon spilled out to ringside.
Chris Jericho went for a Judas Effect but instead of catching MJF, he hit the ring post. MJF tried to capitalize back in the ring but Jericho hit him with a back body drop before dumping MJF out to ringside. Jericho went for his patented Springboard dropkick but MJF caught his arm and drove it into the top rope.
MJF briefly took control of the match but Jericho caught him with a thumb to the eye before hitting a double ax-handle from the top rope. Jericho rolled back the years as he followed it up with a Lionsault. The Demo God then hit a Frankensteiner from the top rope.
MJF briefly locked in the armbar but Jericho managed to get out and lock in the Lion Tamer. MJF managed to crawl over to the bottom rope of the AEW ring and break the hold.
MJF managed to pull Aubrey Edwards in the way and found an opening for himself. He hit Jericho with a Codebreaker against the middle rope, followed by a Heatseeker but only got a nearfall. Jericho replied with a Codebreaker of his own.
The finish saw MJF lock in the Salt of The Eath, but Jericho crawled over to the ropes. Wardlow then gave MJF the Dynamite Diamond ring. Jake Hager came out and gave Chris Jericho a baseball bat. MJF then lay down and the referee turned around and saw Jericho holding the baseball bat. MJF took the opportunity to roll Jericho up and get the three-count at AEW Full Gear.
AEW Results: MJF def. Chris Jericho
After MJF 's win, MJF and Wardlow are now members of the Inner Circle on AEW.
Jon Moxley (c) vs Eddie Kingston ('I Quit' match for the AEW World Championship)
It didn't take long for the AEW Full Gear main event to get brutal. After brawling in the ringside area, both men were back in the ring with weapons. Kingston had a chair and Jon Moxley had his barbed-wore baseball bat. Both men were bleeding by this point as Moxley did further damage with the barbed-wire baseball bat.
Eddie Kingston replied with a series of back suplexes. He then took the chair and unloaded on Moxley before tossing the chair at his face. Kingston went and set up two chairs in the middle of the ring. He went to suplex Moxley through the table but the champ reversed it and it was Kingston who went through the chairs.
Eddie Kingston caught Jon Moxley with a back suplex but the champion immediately hit back with a clothesline. Kingston then hit Moxley with an Uranage Slam through thumbtacks in a corner of the ring. The challenger then got a bottle of rubbing alcohol and brought it into the ring. He then hit Moxley with a low blow before emptying the bottle of rubbing alcohol on it. Kingston wasn't done yet. He took a bunch of the thumbtacks in his first and punched Jon Moxley, before locking in a bulldog choke.
Moxley hit back with a Piledriver and locked in his own Bulldog Choke. Moxley then wrapped some barbed-wire on his arm and locked in a Bulldog Choke. The referee pleaded with Eddie Kingston to quit and he finally agreed. It was a brutal AEW match and an absolutely incredible performance from both men.
AEW Results: Jon Moxley def. Eddie Kingston