AEW Rampage Results: Former WWE star challenges for TNT title, Major heel turns face, Wardlow hits 5 powerbombs on heavyweight

AEW Rampage was a packed show this week
AEW Rampage was a packed show this week

Welcome to the results for AEW Rampage that aired on February 25, 2022. This Friday's show was taped in Bridgeport, Connecticut, at the Webster Bank Arena following Dynamite.

Sammy Guevara defended his TNT Championship against a former WWE Superstar. Another former WWE name surprisingly turned face as Thunder Rosa, and Dr. Britt Baker signed the contract for their title match at Revolution.

Orange Cassidy and Anthony Bowens squared for a chance to make it to the Face of the Revolution ladder match while Serena Deeb hosted another one of her challenges.

What happened on AEW Rampage?

Let's find out.

AEW Rampage Results, February 25, 2022: Sammy Guevara vs. Andrade El Idolo for the TNT Championship

Sammy Guevara started by taking Andrade El Idolo down with a takedown and pummeling him with strikes. The former WWE United States Champion responded with a chop. Both men went for their finishers but couldn't execute and posed instead. Andrade dropped him with a shoulder tackle and chopped him into the corner.

The Spanish God hit a dropkick and tossed him outside the ring. A Spanish Fly from Sammy earned him a one-count. Both men traded strikes on the top rope, but Andrade threw him outside onto the ringside barricade as we headed into commercial.

Back on AEW Rampage, Sammy Guevara went for a roll-up and hit multiple lariats and a knee strike. The Inner Circle dodged a knee strike attempt in the corner as Andrade fell to the outside. Sammy hit a tornado suicide dive and rolled his opponent back inside the ring.

Andrade hit a huge high boot after dodging a 450 Splash and hit a DDT on the ring apron. Sammy Guevara hit a Spanish Fly from the top rope, but Andrade kicked out at two. Both men slugged it out as they tried to get up before laying flat again. Andrade tried to take the top turnbuckle pad off, but Matt Hardy did it in a different corner.

Sammy dodged a knee strike, but Andrade got a nearfall with a roll-up. Sammy Guevara hit a huge superkick and went to the top rope. Andrade stopped him, but Sammy kicked his leg, and the former NXT Champion went head first into the exposed turnbuckle. Sammy hit the top rope cutter to win and retain.

Result: Sammy Guevara def. Andrade El Idolo

Grade: B-

QT Marshall calls out Hook on AEW Rampage

QT Marshall walked out first on AEW Rampage. He called out Hook and Taz. QT spoke about training Hook and took credit for 'making' Hook. He asked the second-generation star to come out and thank QT for making him the man he is. Hook took all three of QT's students down and walked back.

Wardlow faced Nick Comoroto on Rampage

The second match on AEW Rampage saw The Pinnacle's Wardlow take on Nightmare Factory's Nick Comoroto in a battle of the powerhouses. Aaron Solo and Shawn Spears were at ringside.

Nick Comoroto hit a gutwrench powerbomb, but Wardlow kipped up and hit a belly-to-belly suplex. Comoroto went for a splash in the corner, but Wardlow caught him and tossed him outside the ring. Comoroto backed Wardlow into the steel steps after Aaron Solo interfered, and the two behemoths took the fight inside the ring.

Comoroto drove his shoulder into Wardlow's midsection, but the latter took the former down and clubbed him. Comoroto hit a scoop slam and a huge running elbow for a two count. Comoroto then hit a suplex as he elbowed Wardlow in the corner. We then headed into commercial.

Wardlow chokeslammed Comoroto and went for a powerbomb. The Pinnacle member hit five powerbombs and placed his foot on his opponent's chest for the pinfall win. Shawn Spears and Wardlow proceeded to attack Aaron Solo after the match.

Result: Wardlow def. Nick Comoroto

Grade: C+

Serena Deeb's 5-minute challenge

Serena Deeb faced Kayla Sparks in her 5-minute challenge. The former WWE star jump-started the match and hit an uppercut. She wore her opponent down with forearms to Sparks' kidney.

The Woman of a Thousand Holds worked on Kayla's knees in the corner. The latter tried to fight back, but Serena turned her focus to Kayla's arm but continued to punish the knee. She locked in the Serenity Lock for another quick win.

Result: Serena Deeb def. Kayla Sparks

Grade: C

Dr. Britt Baker and Thunder Rosa contract signing on AEW Rampage

Dr. Britt Baker will face Thunder Rosa to defend her AEW Women's Championship at Revolution. The champion and challenger met in the ring for a contract signing.

The Doctor took all the credit for making their Lights Out match memorable. She stated that the Mexican star was bitter that Britt Baker got all the attention after the match. The latter stated that Thunder Rosa will never be the face of the company and will never be the star that the Pittsburgh native is.

Thunder Rosa jumped Britt Baker and attacked the champion, but Jamie Hayter allowed the champion to take control. Mercedes Martinez made the save, turning face in the process as she powerbombed Jamie Hayter through the table.

Orange Cassidy vs. Anthony Bowens in a qualifying match for AEW Revolution

Orange Cassidy drove Anthony Bowens out of the ring and hit a suicide dive. Bowens dropped him face-first on the ringside apron, and both men rolled back inside the ring.

Anthony Bowens took control as he manhandled the Best Friends member. Cassidy bounced Bowens' head on the turnbuckle and hit a top rope crossbody. Bowens hit several combination strikes, but Cassidy countered a vertical suplex with a stunner.

Bowens flattened Cassidy with a spinning slam and hit a huge knee to the face for a nearfall. Orange Cassidy hit a Michinoku Driver for a nearfall of his own. A distraction from Max Caster allowed Bowens to gain the upper hand, but Cassidy fought back with body shots.

The latter hit a top rope dash on both members of the Acclaimed on the outside and got a nearfall with two DDTs inside the ring. Danhausen stopped Max Caster from interfering as Orange Cassidy got the win following an Orange Punch to secure his place on AEW Revolution.

Result: Orange Cassidy def. Anthony Bowens

Grade: B-

Episode Rating: Grade C+

It was a fun show overall with good matches as we build to AEW Revolution and the card takes shape.

An unexpected name just challenged Randy Orton RIGHT HERE.

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