AEW Revolution Results: Chaotic end to title match; WWE Legend revealed as big signing

AEW Revolution delivered on the carnage they've been promising for weeks
AEW Revolution delivered on the carnage they've been promising for weeks

It's time for AEW Revolution, folks. All Elite Wrestling's first PPV of the year was headlined by the "most dangerous match in the promotion" as Jon Moxley challenged Kenny Omega for the AEW World Title in an Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch. The AEW Tag Titles were also on the line, as The Young Bucks put the gold up against Chris Jericho and MJF.


All that and more took place on this highly anticipated PPV. The first match of the night was on the Buy In, as Dr. Britt Baker was originally going to team with Rebel to take on Thunder Rosa and Riho. Unfortunately, Rebel was hurt, forcing a substitution. Baker came in with one heck of a swap, though, introducing one of the competitors from the AEW Women's World Eliminator Tournament.


Maki Itoh was the one to replace Rebel and introduced herself to the crowd with a song. Itoh got a lot of shine on the Buy In, and hopefully, it was a sign of things to come for the former idol. Dr. Britt Baker got the win when Rebel caught Thunder Rosa with a crutch to the skull.


We kicked the night off with the AEW World Tag Team Title match. The Young Bucks found themselves in an incredibly personal feud with The Inner Circle as of late, with Chris Jericho and MJF attacking their father. Tonight, they looked to put Le Champion and MJF away.

Chris Jericho and MJF continue to taunt The AEW World Tag Team Champions
Chris Jericho and MJF continue to taunt The AEW World Tag Team Champions

AEW World Tag Team Titles: Chris Jericho and MJF w/Wardlow vs The Young Bucks (c)

The Bucks rushed their challengers, hammering Jericho and MJF and taking them to the floor for a pair of suicide dives. Inside the ring, we saw stereo sharpshooters, as MJF and Jericho reached for one another preventing themselves from tapping out.


Nick Jackson's feet were held on the apron by MJF, allowing Jericho to rock him with the triangle dropkick. As Jericho distracted referee Aubrey Edwards, MJF and Wardlow went to town on Nick. After taking a double flapjack, Nick was somehow able to get to his brother, and Matt Jackson came in like a house on fire.

A superkick fake allowed Matt to spike MJF with a DDT, but as he went to bounce off the ropes, Wardlow pulled them down, sending him tumbling to the floor. A double stalling suplex brought Matt down in the ring for a close two-count.


Matt finally got to his brother, and Nick Jackson lit up the challengers with a series of kicks. A running bulldog/clothesline combo took them both out. A slingshot Canadian Destroyer on MJF almost secured the win.


The Bucks held MJF in the corner for a Cheeky Nandos kick from Nick. Taking a page out of the book of the Motor City Machine Guns, a top rope neckbreaker/powerbomb combination took MJF down for another two-count.

MJF made it to Jericho, who was immediately waylayed by Matt Jackson. A Judas Effect was countered with a superkick, but The Meltzer Driver was stopped when MJF yanked Nick off the apron.


Jericho spiked Matt with a Tombstone Piledriver and locked Nick in the Walls of Jericho. Matt tagged in but met the same fate as his brother. He was able to counter, however, rolling under Jericho's leg and tossing him to the side. MJF was I next and planted Matt with a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall.

Another Meltzer Driver was countered as Jericho caught Nick with the Codebreaker. With Wardlow distracting the ref, Jericho rocked Matt with a bat to the back, and MJF hit the Heat Seeker. It still wasn't enough.


Nick tagged in, and the Bucks hit a pair of diving cross body splashes on their opponents. The inaugural AEW World Champion accidentally struck Wardlow with The Judas Effect, taking the big man out of the contest for good. The Lionsault was stopped with a pair of superkicks, and MJF broke up the pin after the Bucks hit the BTE Trigger.

MJF was battered with a superkick party, leaving him out cold. It was time to put Jericho away, as they looked for the Meltzer Driver once again. This time it connected, and Le Champion could just not kick out at AEW Revolution.


Results: The Young Bucks defeated Chris Jericho and MJF via pinfall at AEW Revolution.


Grade: B-

There were quite a lot of botches throughout the match, but overall another exciting championship bout from the AEW World Tag Team Champions.


AEW Tag Team Casino Battle Royale

The Natural Nightmares and The Dark Order's 5 and 10 kicked off the AEW Tag Team Casino Battle Royale. Vance and Angles put up a great fight against QT Marshal and Dustin Rhodes, with both teams going back and forth until Proud and Powerful entered. Santana and Ortiz were rocked by the four competitors.

Marshall caught Angels with the cutter and sent him to the floor. Vance ran after him, nearly eliminating him a few moments later. The Sydal Brothers were next, and a series of kicks from Matt and Mike left Vance dazed on the mat.


Who was out next? More Dark Order members, as the OGs Stu Grayson and Evil Uno entered. The Dark Order took over and gave Preston Vance much needed time to recover. Santana and Ortiz eliminated Mike Sydal.

The Dark Order demolished Ortiz with a pop-up powerbomb and spinebuster combination, but were all knocked down by Santana. Austin And Colten Gunn emerged next, with Colten's incredible agility on display. Matt Sydal was eliminated by Santana and Ortiz, making The Sydals the first team to be officially eliminated.


Pretty Picture, "Pretty" Peter Avalon and Cezar Bononi, came out, with Bononi doing a lot of the heavy lifting while Avalon showed off. Varsity Blondes emerged next, but were both taken down by Bononi. The Gunn Club focused on Bononi, and Marshall took the opportunity to eliminate all three, though Bononi saved himself. Dustin asked what happened, as The Gunn Club were a part of the Nightmare Family.


Marshall eliminated himself before spitting in Dusti's face. Bear Country were next, and the big beefy brutes bowled over everyone in their way. Stu Grayson was eliminated by Bear Country. Jurassic Express were next up, with the crowd chanting along to Jungle Boy's song.

Jungle Boy faced Santana and Ortiz two-on-one, eliminating Ortiz in the process. Bononi rocked Jungle Boy, leading to the Tail Whip from Luchasaurus. At some point, Avalon was eliminated. Luchasaurus tossed Grif Garrison over and Stu Grayson, and Marko Stunt helped to eliminate Evil Uno.


The Blade and The Butcher, with The Bunny, joined the fray. Brian Pillman Jr. and Preston Vance were eliminated by The Butcher, with some help from Jack Evans. Dustin was left in no-man's land against Bear Country and The Butcher and The Blade. The Bunny helped eliminate him before Private Party entered.


SCU followed shortly, taking out Private Party and Bear Country. Luchasaurus battled them two-on-one, nearly eliminating them. They avoided Luchasaurus's grasp, and Bear Country sent him packing. Butcher returned the favor, tossing out Bear Country, but they got some quick revenge on the big man before tossing him in the ring.


Death Triangle were next, sending Blad and Marq Quen to the floor. The final members of The Dark Order, John Silver and Alex Reynolds, came out and eliminated Isiah Cassidy with the Dark Destroyer. SCU tossed out Butcher.

The only remaining teams were SCU, Death Triangle, The Dark Order, and Jungle Boy of Jurassic Express. Fenix eliminated Daniels, and Jungle Boy sent Reynolds over the ring post, eliminating him as well. At this point, Death Triangle was the last team standing. PAC tossed Kaz onto the floor with a back suplex. It was John Silver and Jungle Boy vs Death Triangle.


Silver and PAC battered one another with a series of strikes, leading to Silver getting the better of The Bastard. That was until Silver ran into the ropes for a rebound German for PAC. Death Triangle managed to send Silver down with a big running kick from Fenix. Could Jungle Boy overcome these heavy odds at AEW Revolution?


PAC's momentum allowed Jungle Boy to drop the ropes, sending him out. It was Jungle Boy and Fenix in the end. Jungle Boy slid to the floor where he was hit with a tope through the ropes. Back in the ring, Jungle Boy rocked Fenix with a superkick, clothesline, and poison rana. Fenix was seemingly out on his feet, but rebounded with a kick off the ropes, sending Jungle Boy over the top and claiming the win at AEW Revolution.


Result: Death Triangle won the AEW Tag Team Casino Battle Royale.

Grade: B-


AEW World Women's Championship: Ryo Mizunami vs Hikaru Shida (c)

Ryo Mizunami dropped the AEW Women's Champion early with a pair of shoulder blocks. Hikaru Shida and Mizunami traded chops in the corner, leading to Mizunami taunting Shida. She'd pay for that, as a running knee strike laid out Mizunami.

Shida, who commentartors revealed had the most wins in AEW, looked to increase that record, setting up a chair for a flying knee. Mizunami caught her, sending her into the AEW fanbase over the barricade. Back in the ring, a series of running leg drops left Shida down for a two-count.


Mizunami countered a hip toss but was pelted with knees and kicks. Using her feet, Shida launched Mizunami headfirst into the top turnbuckle. A missile dropkick set up the AEW Women's Champ for a two-count.

They found themselves on Bret's Rope, where Shida managed to bring her challenger over for the back to belly piledriver on the ramp. Shida grinned wide as Mizunami struggled to stand. A deadlifting superplex from the outside brought Mizunami in for a two-count.


Mizunami battered Shida with a series of stiff strikes, following it up with a Michinoku Driver for a two-count. A right and and running knee from Shida only seemed to anger Mizunami, who responded with a clothesline.


Shida struck with the Tamoshii no Three, but couldn't get the cover. They stood up, holding each other up and trading elbow strikes. A uranage from Mizunami set up for the spear. Could the AEW Women's Eliminator Tournament winner put Shida away with the guillotine legdrop?

She connected, but Shida kicked out just in time. Shida rolled through a Michinoku Driver attempt, but was too worn out to get the pinfall attempt. A straight jacket German suplex connected, but Mizunami stood right back up for a clothesline to the back of the skull. A falcon arrow from Shida set up for another Tamoshii no Three.


Another falcon arrow planted Mizunami for a near fall. What did the AEW Women's Champ have to do to put her away? Shida countered a clothesline with a flying knee. A poke to the eyes set up for a roll-up. Mizunami kicked out, and countered a Tamoshii pinfall, nearly getting the victory.

A corkscrew knee strike was finally enough to put Mizunami away, securing the AEW World Women's Title for another night.


Results: Hikaru Shida defeated Ryo Mizunami via pinfall via pinfall at AEW Revolution.

Grade: B


Afte the match, Nyla Rose blindsided Shida and attacked champion and challenger. Shida attempted to save Mizunami, but they were further attacked by Dr. Britt Baker, Maki Itoh, and Rebel.

Eventually Thunder Rosa made the save, but the damage was already done.


Miro and Kip Sabian vs The Best Friends on AEW Revolution

Next up on AEW Revolution was a grudge match between Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy against Miro and Kip Sabian. Prior to the match, Miro and Kip attacked The Best Friends, with Miro sending Chuck's head through the glass.

Chuck was bleeding from the eye but demanded to start the match. He was picked apart by Miro and Kip for several minutes before Orange Cassidy finally made it to the ring. An Orange Punch knocked down Miro and tagged in to go after Sabian.


Kip dropped Orange with a falcon arrow, but Orange escaped Deathly Hallows. Chuck tagged in, setting The Best Friends up for the Beach Break. A piledriver spiked Sabian, but Miro was able to break the pin by rocking Chuck with a right hand. Orange delivered his "deadly kicks" to Miro before catching him with Stundog Millionaire. The Orange Punch rocked him, only for Penelope Ford to put a stop to Orange's momentum.


A roundhouse dazed Orange, and a swinging sidewalk slam crushed Orange Cassidy. The Accolade was locked in by Miro on Chuck Taylor, earning the submission victory.

Results: Miro and Kip Sabian defeated The Best Friends via submission.

Grade: C

Backstage, former AEW World Champion Chris Jericho vowed to bring changes to The Inner Circle on AEW Dynamite.


The Inner Circle War Council would guarantee a major change in the group.


Big Money Match: Matt Hardy vs Adam Page at AEW Revolution

The former AEW Tag Team Champion took the fight to Matt Hardy, as Hangman Adam Page brought Hardy down with a back suplex. He battered Big Money Matt with a series of chops and caught him for a fallaway slam. Hardy quickly rushed to the floor when he saw Page going for the Buckshot Lariat.


On the outside, Matt managed to injure Page's arm, kicking steel steps into the hand. Hardy twisted Page's fingers, biting whichever one was free. Hangman finally broke away and stunned Hardy with an elbow to the forehead. A right hand managed to hurt Page more than Hardy but was still able to drop Hardy with the Death Valley Driver for a two-count.

A triangle clothesline connected, though it seemed to further damage Page's arm. Hardy caught Page on the floor, planting him with the Twist of Fate. AEW's lone wolf struggled to block a back suplex, failing to grip the rope with his injured hand. He kicked out, and took Hardy over the ropes with a Cactus Clothesline.


Hardy blocked Dead Eye, dropping Page with a neckbreaker. A powerbomb followed, but Page countered the Twist of Fate for Dead Eye. Private Party distracted the ref, allowing Hardy time to recover. Hardy countered the Buckshot Lariat with a Side Effect and the Twist of Fate, but it wasn't enough.


The Dark Order rushed the ring to even up the odds, and sprung Page up on the apron for the Buckshot Lariat.

Results: Adam Page defeated Matt Hardy via pinfall on AEW Revolution.


Grade: B


AEW Face of the Revolution Ladder Match: Max Caster vs Lance Archer vs Scorpio Sky vs Penta El Zero Miedo vs Cody vs Ethan Page

In this AEW Ladder Match, the six competitors split into three groups of two. Lance Archer and Cody, Penta and Max Caster, and Scorpio Sky and the new AEW signee Ethan Page. That's right, Ethan Page is All Elite. Page and Sky were taken out with a ladder by The Murderhawk Monster.


Lance laid out the rest of the competitors before sliding back inside to batter Penta El Zero Miedo with the ladder. However, a slingblade with the ladder took Archer down. Caster took Scorpio down, and looked to the ramp for Jack Evans. Preston Vance ran out and slammed him with a spinebuster for his trouble.

Ethan and Cody were the first make the climb on the ladder, only to be attacked by Archer. All-Ego and Cody took out the big man before Page laid out Cody. Caster used his boombox to attack all competitors, standing tall above the rest.


Page repeatedly sandwiched the ladder onto Archer, and dropped Sky with a toss powerbomb on the ladder, crushing Archer. The inaugural AEW Tag Team Champion was writhing in pain while Archer struggled to get out of the ladder.


Archer lifted the ladder as Page climbed, allowing Penta to hit the backstaber. The two-time AEW TNT Champoin Cody hit Penta with a springboard dropkick but was taken to the apron.

Cody was driven into a hanging ladder with the Canadian Destroyer. Cody was taken to the back to receive medical attention while Caster and Sky fought to climb up the ladder. Archer, Sky, Page, and Caster fought at the top of two ladders, with Archer being the first to fall. Next was Page, then Caster. Penta stopped Scorpio from getting the brass ring, and brought him down for a superkick.


Lance Archer put Scorpio into the ladder, nearly allowing him to climb to the top. Archer pulled him down and with a rising knee sent him crashing through a ladder on the outside. Penta El Zero Miedo took over here, laying out the three remaining competitors.


Page met Penta at the top of the ladder, but Cody returned with his weight belt to take out Page. A Cross Rhodes planted Page, leaving the inaugural AEW TNT Champ with a great shot at the brass ring.


A superplex from the ladder saw Archer take Cody all the way down to the mat. Max Caster followed up with Acclaim to Fame from the top. Lance ran wild, laying out everyone in sight, including Caster who took a Blackout on the ladder. Page hit a low blow on Archer and followed up with a Razor's Edge. Jake Roberts came in with a clothesline for good measure.

Penta attacked Jake, but was cut off by the AEW EVP. Sky used a chair, swinging for the fences on anyone he saw. Sky finally grabbed the brass ring, securing a future AEW TNT Championship shot.


Results: Scorpio Sky won the AEW Face of the Revolution Ladder Match.

Grade: B+

Christian Cage signs for AEW

Christian Cage, The Instant Classic, emerges on AEW Revolution
Christian Cage, The Instant Classic, emerges on AEW Revolution

AEW brought in the "Hall of Fame-worthy talent" and that description was spot on. Christian Cage emerged, using a mix of his classic TNA theme song, signing an AEW contract. Welcome to AEW Christian Cage.


Team Taz (Brian Cage and Ricky Starks) vs Sting and Darby Allin on AEW Revolution


This was a cinematic match, with Darby Allin bouncing off the brick wall like spiderman. Brian Cage caught him in mid-air, hitting a German suplex and tossing the AEW TNT Champ to the floor. While Ricky Starks attacked Sting, Cage took care of the followers and "hoodlums" all the while dropping Allin on steel railings in the abandoned building.

Ricky Starks was hit with the Stinger Splash and Snake Eyes while Cage looked to powerbomb Allin through a wall. Allin tried to break away from his grip, but the Machine of AEW sent him crashing through two steel doors.


Sting stalked Starks with a baseball bat but was goaded into dropping it by Starks, who claimed he was nothing without it. We cut to Cage picking up Darby for a vertical suplex, walking up a flight of stairs with Allin overhead before dropping him through a trash can. Thanks to Sting, Darby was saved from a horrible fate. A two-on-one advantage allowed them to batter Cage into the ground.

Starks saved his partner, sandwiching Sting between a steel post and oil drum. Cage set up for a Razor's Edge through a window, but Sting sprayed him with a fire extinguisher, saving Darby. Allin hit a Coffin Drop on Starks but was attacked by Powerhouse Hobbs and Hook.


Cage took out Sting while the rest of Team Taz demolished the AEW TNT Champion. Cage and Hobbs tossed Darby through a pane of glass, leaving him out cold. Team Cage chased Sting around the building, giving Darb time to recover and toss him his bat.


Allin took Cage through some wood down two floors, leaving Starks with Sting in the ring. Sting brought Starks down with a sunset flip, but couldn't get the win. The Scorpion Death Drop connected, giving Sting and Darby Allin the win.

Results: Sting and Darby Allin defeated Team Taz via pinfall on AEW Revolution.

Grade: A-


AEW World Championship Exploding Barbed Wire Deathmatch: Jon Moxley vs Kenny Omega (c) w/Don Callis

Jon Moxley and AEW World Champion Kenny Omega both tried to drive one another into the barbed wire. Back and forth, they weaved in and out of harm's way as neither man wanted to be the one to hit that barbed wire first. Moxley sent Omega over the only side not covered in barbed wire, but drew first blood, literally, with a barbed wire baseball bat.


Omega blinded Moxley with some powder and tossed the former AEW World Champion into the barbed wire, with some explosives going off the second he hit the ropes. A kendo stick battered Mox, who was holding his leg where the explosion went off. Omega focused on that weak point, hitting a knee breaker on a trash can.


Omega locked in a Figure Four, but Mox grabbed a chair wrapped in wire, granting the legs of Omega. Still, Omega managed to toss Mox into a barbed wire table. Moxley was drenched in blood at this point, with Omega barely a scratch on him.

At least, not until Mox finally sent Omega into another side of the ring. Omega was hit by explosives, then dumped onto the barb wire table with an exploder suplex. Omega was able to avoid the Paradigm Shift, but couldn't hit that One Winged Angel. A sidewalk slam on the barbed wire chair left Omega writhing in pain.


Mox wrapped his hand in barbed wire, looking for that lariat. Omega avoided it several times and hit a pair of snapdragon suplexes. It wasn't enough to keep Mox down, who hit Omega with the barbed wire lariat. Omega blocked the Paradigm Shift, driving Mox into the barbed wire explosives, which hit Omega right in the eyes.

With Moxley blinded by blood, and Omega blinded by smoke, both stars found themselves on the apron in a very dangerous predicament. Mox drove Omega into the exploding barbed wire tables on the floor. Omega was dropped right on his head, but Mox was tangled up in the wire unable to escape.


The AEW EVP was taken to the ring where the barbed wire was driven repeatedly into his head. A ten-minute warning rang out, giving the former AEW World Champion cause to hurry up. The piledriver connected, but Omega kicked out. Omega responded with a low blow and powerbomb, but couldn't get the win.


V-Trigger connected, as did a second one. The One Winged Angel spiked Mox, but Moxley broke up the pin by hitting the exploding barbed wire, blinding Omega. It injured Moxley's leg as well, but Omega was unable to see. Moxley grabbed a barbed wire bat, but Omega was saved by The Good Brothers. Moxley battered the IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champs before getting hammered with an exploding baseball bat from Omega.


Another One Winged Angel connected and Moxley couldn't answer the three-count.

Results: Kenny Omega defeated Jon Moxley via pinfall on AEW Revolution.

Grade: B

After the AEW Title match, Omega, The Good Brothers, and Don Callis handcuffed Moxley and left him in the middle of the ring. The AEW World Champion and his cronies looked to leave Moxley in the middle of the ring.

As the timer ticked down, the former champ was left in the middle of the AEW ring. Eddie Kingston rushed the ring to help save Jon Moxley. However, he couldn't get Moxley out of the ring before the timer expired setting off an explosion.

Did a WWE Hall of Famer predict John Cena's heelish ways long ago? More details HERE.

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Edited by Alan John
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