AEW Tag Team Casino Battle Royale
The Natural Nightmares and The Dark Order's 5 and 10 kicked off the AEW Tag Team Casino Battle Royale. Vance and Angles put up a great fight against QT Marshal and Dustin Rhodes, with both teams going back and forth until Proud and Powerful entered. Santana and Ortiz were rocked by the four competitors.
Marshall caught Angels with the cutter and sent him to the floor. Vance ran after him, nearly eliminating him a few moments later. The Sydal Brothers were next, and a series of kicks from Matt and Mike left Vance dazed on the mat.
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Who was out next? More Dark Order members, as the OGs Stu Grayson and Evil Uno entered. The Dark Order took over and gave Preston Vance much needed time to recover. Santana and Ortiz eliminated Mike Sydal.
The Dark Order demolished Ortiz with a pop-up powerbomb and spinebuster combination, but were all knocked down by Santana. Austin And Colten Gunn emerged next, with Colten's incredible agility on display. Matt Sydal was eliminated by Santana and Ortiz, making The Sydals the first team to be officially eliminated.
Pretty Picture, "Pretty" Peter Avalon and Cezar Bononi, came out, with Bononi doing a lot of the heavy lifting while Avalon showed off. Varsity Blondes emerged next, but were both taken down by Bononi. The Gunn Club focused on Bononi, and Marshall took the opportunity to eliminate all three, though Bononi saved himself. Dustin asked what happened, as The Gunn Club were a part of the Nightmare Family.
Marshall eliminated himself before spitting in Dusti's face. Bear Country were next, and the big beefy brutes bowled over everyone in their way. Stu Grayson was eliminated by Bear Country. Jurassic Express were next up, with the crowd chanting along to Jungle Boy's song.
Jungle Boy faced Santana and Ortiz two-on-one, eliminating Ortiz in the process. Bononi rocked Jungle Boy, leading to the Tail Whip from Luchasaurus. At some point, Avalon was eliminated. Luchasaurus tossed Grif Garrison over and Stu Grayson, and Marko Stunt helped to eliminate Evil Uno.
The Blade and The Butcher, with The Bunny, joined the fray. Brian Pillman Jr. and Preston Vance were eliminated by The Butcher, with some help from Jack Evans. Dustin was left in no-man's land against Bear Country and The Butcher and The Blade. The Bunny helped eliminate him before Private Party entered.
SCU followed shortly, taking out Private Party and Bear Country. Luchasaurus battled them two-on-one, nearly eliminating them. They avoided Luchasaurus's grasp, and Bear Country sent him packing. Butcher returned the favor, tossing out Bear Country, but they got some quick revenge on the big man before tossing him in the ring.
Death Triangle were next, sending Blad and Marq Quen to the floor. The final members of The Dark Order, John Silver and Alex Reynolds, came out and eliminated Isiah Cassidy with the Dark Destroyer. SCU tossed out Butcher.
The only remaining teams were SCU, Death Triangle, The Dark Order, and Jungle Boy of Jurassic Express. Fenix eliminated Daniels, and Jungle Boy sent Reynolds over the ring post, eliminating him as well. At this point, Death Triangle was the last team standing. PAC tossed Kaz onto the floor with a back suplex. It was John Silver and Jungle Boy vs Death Triangle.
Silver and PAC battered one another with a series of strikes, leading to Silver getting the better of The Bastard. That was until Silver ran into the ropes for a rebound German for PAC. Death Triangle managed to send Silver down with a big running kick from Fenix. Could Jungle Boy overcome these heavy odds at AEW Revolution?
PAC's momentum allowed Jungle Boy to drop the ropes, sending him out. It was Jungle Boy and Fenix in the end. Jungle Boy slid to the floor where he was hit with a tope through the ropes. Back in the ring, Jungle Boy rocked Fenix with a superkick, clothesline, and poison rana. Fenix was seemingly out on his feet, but rebounded with a kick off the ropes, sending Jungle Boy over the top and claiming the win at AEW Revolution.
Result: Death Triangle won the AEW Tag Team Casino Battle Royale.
Grade: B-