Tonight on NXT Heatwave, Noam Dar hit a move that looks all too familiar with Chris Jericho's finisher in his match.
The Meta-Four member hit a spinning elbow at the end of the second round as he was leading 1-0 in the Heritage Cup match against Nathan Frazer. The move was similar to the infamous Judas Effect of Chris Jericho. This was not the first time he used the move, as this was seemingly part of his moveset already.
This could seemingly be simply a coincidence, as variations of the spinning elbow strike have been done by several superstars, but that variation has been known to be Jericho's finishing move.
The match went to the sixth round with a tied score. To end the match, Dar dodged a Phoenix Splash from Frazer and hit his signature Nova Roller kick to score the winning pin.
This made Noam Dar a record-breaking three-time NXT Heritage Cup holder in its history with the promotion. The enticing affair saw Frazer put up a valiant effort but was outnumbered on several occasions as his ring companion, Tyler Bate, was taken out after an attack from Dabba-Kato.
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