AEW's internal conflict reached unknown heights in the aftermath of the Brawl Out Incident, which left fans divided between CM Punk and The Elite. Dax Harwood recently commented on his stance with both parties, which has now seemingly upset some members of the roster.
Reports last week initially claimed that Dax was in hot water with the AEW roster after praising CM Punk and urging unity between him and The Elite. After weeks of conflict in the All Elite Wrestling fanbase, Harwood's stance seemed to breathe positivity into the situation.
During his recent FTR with Dax Harwood podcast, the former AEW Tag Team Champion dismissed those allegedly upset with him.
"For some of the people that are upset with me, I wonder why they're upset? Because all I did was paint a company that I'm in love with, or that I believe in, in a positive light. All I did was paint a few people that were in the news in a positive light," said Harwood. [H/T:]
Dax continued, questioning if his detractors were upset that he was saying good things about both parties.
"At the core, I believe that they all are good people. But I guess some people weren't happy that I was maybe expressing the true human being that CM Punk is, or maybe that I was expressing the true human beings that The Young Bucks or Kenny was?” [H/]
WWE legend Teddy Long recently proposed that Tony Khan simply have CM Punk sit down with the roster and merely hash things out.
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Dax Harwood also noted that numerous people in AEW reached out to praise his podcast
Many fans believe that the All Elite Wrestling locker room is sorely lacking without CM Punk. Notably, Jim Cornette thinks that the veteran brought an "anti-thesis" to the promotion that set him apart.
During the same episode, Dax Harwood revealed that many on the roster were happy with his stance on CM Punk and The Elite, and he also recalled just how many people reached out to him with kind words.
"Apparently some people in the AEW locker room were unhappy with my podcast. It's funny that I had 20 text messages from the guys and girls that I work with who told me how much they love the podcast. They also enjoy the fact that I didn't play either side and that I just told the truth," said Harwood. [H/T:]
It remains to be seen if CM Punk will return to All Elite Wrestling or not, as well as what the future of FTR will be in the promotion. Fans will simply have to stay tuned as the controversy continues to develop.