WWE Legend Jim Cornette discussed CM Punk's comments after AEW Revolution 2022 regarding Bret Hart. Cornette said he agrees Bret Hart lost out on "millions and millions of dollars."
During Revolution 2022 media scrum, Punk gave an emotional tribute to Bret Hart while taking an inferred shot at Goldberg. For those unaware, Bret's career ended when he was kicked in the head by Goldberg, resulting in a concussion.
On Jim Cornette's Drive-Thru Podcast, the legendary manager agreed with Punk's sentiment that Bret lost out on a lot of money:
"It's true Bret lost on millions and millions of dollars through no fault of his own. Number one, because Vince, you know, made the deal and then pulled it and then, you know, let him get out of the contract to go to WCW, who was going to give him more money, and then Goldberg kicks him in the f***ing head." (from 1:47 to 2:12)
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Cornette also spoke about the possibilities of Bret being around when WWE went public. He said Bret would've benefited the most from it:
"Imagine just after the WWF went public and, you know, when all of these other opportunities came up and the payoffs were pay-per-views started going from mid five figures or mid-six figures into seven figures. Bret would've been a recipient of quite a bit of that." (from 2:14 to 2:36)
Cornette's points make sense. Bret Hart's fans, like CM Punk, believe he's one of the best wrestlers of all time, and his career ended on a sour note. It boggles the mind to think of Hart going back to WWE after WCW went out of business if not for the concussion.
Will Bret Hart come to AEW?
Recently, Dax Harwood of FTR tweeted Bret Hart asking what's he up to these days. The tweet came on the heels of FTR firing Tully Blanchard as their manager on AEW Dynamite. Soon, speculation began that Bret could be their new manager.
Fans pointed out CM Punk's comments, the upcoming Owen Hart Cup, and Dax hammering the point further. Are there talks underway to bring Bret Hart to AEW? It's unclear at this point, but in professional wrestling, anything is possible!
If you use quotes from this article, please credit Jim Cornette's Drive-Thru Podcast and give a H/T to Sportskeeda Wrestling.