Just a few weeks ago on AEW Dynamite, MJF introduced a new faction to the wrestling world. The group was presented as The Pinnacle, and it consists of MJF, FTR, Wardlow, Shawn Spears and Tully Blanchard.
Since then, fans have taken to Twitter to share their theories about how the stable was formed. These theories primarily referenced Shwan Spears and MJF being a part of a gambling group early on in the pandemic era.
In an interview with Will Gavin and Alex McCarthy of talkSPORT, MJF laid out his entire plan and how he gathered this group of men to beat up The Inner Circle.
"It's been in the works since me and Shawn Spears sat down and we gambled. We had a very serious conversation with one another and I'll never forget when Dax and Cash came in, we immediately gravitated towards one another and I thought to myself these guys would fit in great. Wardlow, obviously, wherever I go, he goes- that's why I pay him such an exorbinant ammont of money, and Tully was already working with Shawn and I got to talk to him that same night, the first time I got to sit down with Spears. "
"You know, Spears and my relationship started off with a bit of a rocky start because ,at the time, I was friends with a complete sociopath in Cody Rhodes. But once I got to know Shawn I realized he's a hell of a guy. He's salt of the Earth just like me. I mean this thing's been in the works for a long time. It's been a long time coming."
MJF had been part of The Inner Circle for almost five months before he turned on Chris Jericho's group by forming The Pinnacle on AEW Dynamite. This betrayal was followed by a brutal beatdown, and fans haven't seen any members of the Inner Circle in AEW ever since.
MJF also shared The Pinnacle's goals in AEW

In the same interview, MJF further elaborated on what The Pinnacle hopes to achieve in AEW.
"All you have to do is hold all the gold and that is something we plan on doing. People get a little bit confused in my profession as of late and I hate it. They go out there and they are doing it because they are trying to "entertain" the fans. They wanna make sure the fans have a jolly good time. I don't care."
The Pinnacle has proven to be a dominant faction. From the looks of it, it might achieve its goal of holding all the gold in AEW sooner rather than later.