It's easy to think of Triple H and recall the many highs he has experienced throughout his career, but it was an admittedly low point that AEW Dynamite had Eddie Kingston recalling this week.
When Triple H and Kane feuded in 2002, they were a part of one of the most maligned storylines in WWE history. It was revealed during the tale that Kane had supposedly crashed a car with his friend, Katie Vick, suffering a fatality. This was, of course, all storyline and a distasteful one at that, as Triple H accused his rival of murdering Katie, among other things. The storyline remains one of the most hated aspects of either of their careers.
During last night's AEW Dynamite, MJF told a similar story of how he once crashed a car with his friend as a passenger. Friedman detailed how he had to make sure she wasn't dead, but after doing so, he pulled her onto the driver's side so that he could skirt the blame.
Fans agreed that the promo sold his villainy, but his AEW colleague Eddie Kingston made it clear that he caught the similarity to the maligned storyline as he posted on social media.
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"Big Katie Vick energy last night," Eddie Kingston via Twitter
MJF's promo spoke to the level of hatred he feels towards his current challenger, Bryan Danielson. Bryan endured an ordeal of weekly challengers before earning his shot at the title for March's Revolution event.
Eddie Kingston recently launched into a rant against the AEW World Champion
Kingston's tweet wasn't the only recent outburst towards the AEW World Champion. Speaking in an interview recently, the Mad King dubbed MJF a "real piece of sh*t" and detailed how he had been told by HR not to keep referring the champ in such a manner.
"He's [MJF] a real piece of sh*t. I'm just going to put that out there. I don't know why he's the champion. He'll cry about it to Tony [Khan], then I'll get an email from Megha [Parekh] and HR, 'you can't be calling our world champion a piece of sh*t.' Well, if he doesn't act like a piece of sh*t, I won't call him that," Eddie Kingston said.
Unphased by the warnings, The Mad King continued to say he would go somewhere and make money if he were to be fired.
Kingston has had issues with the House of Black as of late, with the group driving a wedge between him and Ortiz. Time will tell whether the verbal jibes are to establish an eventual feud with MJF.
What did you make of MJF's promo this week? Let us know in the comments section below.