Arn Anderson was recently on his ARN podcast, where he talked about FTR and how their gimmick was similar to that of The Brainbusters (Tully Blanchard and Arn Anderson in WWE).
Arn Anderson on FTR in AEW
Talking about a possible match between FTR and The Brainbusters, Arn Anderson talked about how FTR were perfect in the ring and they had made it known that they were copying The Brainbusters.
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"I don't know, but it sure would be interesting to be in a match with those guys. They are quick studies, they are very talented and the thing about it is, that they know who they are patterning themselves after. When guys compare them to us, they are the first ones to say, 'You're a 100% right.' They have copied our thought process, more so than our actual move-set."
Arn Anderson went on to praise FTR and their tactics in the ring. He admitted that FTR was more athletic in the ring and that FTR was doing things in AEW that he could have never thought of.
"It's being in the ring and knowing where your partner is at all times. If you get in trouble, you know he's just an arm's reach away. That's ring positioning, and cutting the ring off and isolating your opponent in your half of the ring. So, if you do get in trouble, you're just a tag away. And those guys have perfected it. They are a lot more athletic than Tully and I would ever be, that's for sure. That's just the evolution of this whole crew of these young wrestlers. In any company, you look at them athletically and you just go, I could not have even thought about that or pictured that in my mind, much less pulled that off."
Arn Anderson also talked about a possible match with FTR, but said that while they were more athletic, he and Tully Blanchard were nastier in the ring.
"As far as us wrestling them, I would still like to think that the one advantage we would have had is we were a little nastier. Our thought process was a little more vicious. I have no problem in kicking a guy's knee out from under him or punting him in the head or anything we had to do to gain an advantage. These guys have a skill-set that is beyond ours but they don't have that vicious frame of mind that we had."