Tony Khan recently took to Twitter to respond to Alfred Konuwa, who claimed that Jim Ross was wearing a bootleg AEW jacket during the recent UFC276 show. Khan then gently corrected Konuwa by pointing out that JR was wearing an AEW vest over an NFL jacket.
Khan has often commented on fan posts and questions about AEW, especially about upcoming shows. However, the AEW President has often paid more attention to trolls and critics. Khan notably made a string of Tweets where he claimed that Twitter Bots were responsible for most of the online criticism.
Check out Konuwa's original Tweet below:
"My favorite part of the below photo is Jim Ross wearing a bootleg "AEW" jacket that already has an NFL logo on his arm. #AEW sells these jackets out the back of a trunk in a Daily's Place parking lot. JR a real one. #UFC276 #UFC273 #WWE" - @ThisIsNasty Tweeted.
Tony Khan himself would then respond, correcting Konuwa and pointing out that Jim Ross was simply wearing a vest over an NFL jacket.
"My favorite part of this is that @JRsBBQ is wearing a vest." -Tony Khan Tweeted.
While the initial Tweet could have been seen as a jest, Konuwa eventually responded to Khan's reply.
After Tony Khan's response, members of the AEW roster would chime in and make fun of the original Tweet
The AEW roster would then rally to Tony Khan's aid after the original Tweet went viral. Khan's relationship with the roster has often been praised, and the gesture of solidarity could be further proof of this.
FTR's Dax Harwood would simply respond in his - now-signature - social media response, "LFG" (Let's F***ing go):
Swerve Strickland simply responded with three laughing emojis:
Shawn Spears would similarly respond with a laughing emoji and clapping hands, expressing his possible real-life reaction.
Former AEW Women's Champion Britt Baker jokingly asked for a link to the now-debunked NFL/AEW jackets.
Fans hoping for some cross-over merch will simply have to wait until the Wrestling x American Football Forbidden Door is breached by AEW.
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