WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes recently shed light on the involvement of students from the Nightmare Factory in the infamous brawl that took place after last year's AEW All Out media scrum.
Cody Rhodes revealed that one of his students was involved in the brawl between CM Punk and The Elite after AEW All Out. Punk launched a verbal attack against The Elite during a media scrum following the pay-per-view, leading to a physical altercation in his dressing room. Everyone involved was suspended and stripped of their championships.
On the latest episode of MMA Hour with Ariel Helwani, WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes revealed that one of the students from his Nightmare Factory was involved in separating the fighters during the altercation.
“One of my students from the Nightmare Factory was involved in pulling apart whatever the scuffle was. And I told him, he’s got a job as a driver there. And I told him ‘Well, I feel terrible, I didn’t prepare you. We taught you how to do hip tosses, and do an interview, we didn’t teach you how to break up a backstage brawl. So now when we do these beginners’ camps I always wanna be like ‘So guys, if you see two guys fighting immediately separate them’ just because he had that experience. I thought that was, that always popped me.” (H/T - itrwrestling)
Check out the interview below:
WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes slams CM Punk for damaging AEW
WWE Raw star Cody Rhodes expressed disappointment in CM Punk for causing harm to something that he, along with Kenny Omega and The Young Bucks, had worked hard to build.
In an interview with Ariel Helwani on MMA Hour, Cody Rhodes said he was disappointed when he witnessed Punk's outburst, as it went against the ideas they had for the company.
“I’m not putting any blame on anybody, but I just hated seeing that. Because, as the company grows, and I hope it continues to grow, I hope people remember the mission in the first place. Why we were there. And if you bring in people that don’t know the mission, things like that can happen. And I’m not saying he [Punk] didn’t know the mission or anything of that nature, but I was just bummed out."
WWE Superstar Cody Rhodes’ disappointment serves as a reminder of the impact one person's actions can have on a larger group and the importance of maintaining a shared vision.
What are your thoughts on Cody Rhodes' statement on the Brawl Out incident? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.