Being The Elite (BTE) was a YouTube show that created a space for The Elite in the collective mindsets of the wrestling community in the pre-AEW days. The show debuted in 2016 and was dedicated to the stable comprising Kenny Omega, The Young Bucks, and their close friends in the industry. The show is pretty important in the history of the Jacksonville-based company. The January 1, 2019, episode of BTE featured the announcement of All Elite Wrestling being formed.
BTE also helped build hype around storylines in NJPW and ROH before AEW became a dominant force in the wrestling business. Recently, news came out about the show coming to an end, and wrestling fans had mixed reactions about the same.
The show seems to have ended rather abruptly. At the time of this writing this, the last video posted on the channel was a mere 11 days ago, which featured a video of Colt Cabana and Brandon Cutler in Portland.
BTE was a unique show and stood out among the other wrestling-themed shows on YouTube that featured wrestlers. While those shows are very much about feuds and their respective characters, BTE was something else, giving an insight into the lives of wrestlers outside the ring.
Check out the fan reactions below:
Ethan Page thanks The Elite and Young Buck's Matt Jackson for helping him get a Green Card
The Young Bucks and Kenny Omega have been instrumental in the rise of AEW because of the multiple roles that they take on in the company. They were a part of the initial group that signed up with AEW in 2019. They are also Executive Vice Presidents of the company. All Ego Ethan Page, a Canadian wrestler on the roster, recently shared a story on X (Twitter), thanking Matt Jackson for making his dream of US citizenship a reality.
Page wrote about how Jackson offered him a job in AEW and how this has changed his family's lives. All Ego has been in several feuds in AEW and also wrestles in Ring of Honor.
What do you think? How much of an influence does The Elite have in AEW? Tell us your thoughts in the comments section below.