The TNT Title feud between Champion Adam 'Edge' Copeland and challenger Malakai Black took a strange yet familiar turn on the latest episode of AEW Dynamite. Adam is scheduled to take on The House of Black leader at Double or Nothing after he defeated the other members previously.
After Black faced Kyle O'Reilly, the TNT Champion played mind games with his Double or Nothing challenger. At first, the lights went black and red before pools of red liquid were dumped on Black in the middle of the ring. Black had been doused with a Copeland staple - a 'Brood Bath'. What exactly is a 'Brood Bath"?
The Brood was a WWE faction comprised of Edge (Copeland), Christian, and Gangrel, who doused their enemies with copious amounts of red liquid passed off as blood. The trio portrayed pseudo vampires, drinking the red liquid from chalices while also dressing in frilly white shirts and leather pants.
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Black made the feud personal by stealing Copeland's wedding ring last week. Copeland is famously married to WWE Hall-of-Famer Beth Phoenix. Malakai has tried to bring out the villainous side of the champion just as he tries to do with every opponent.
Adam 'Edge' Copeland is a student of the game and respects the history of the wrestling industry. He also borrows from his own past from time to time, and the 'Brood Bath' was just the latest example.
Malakai Black may have gotten what he wanted but he also may have woken up a sleeping beast from Copeland's past. WWE stars like AJ Styles and Randy Orton also found this out the hard way from The Rated-R Superstar.
The many faces of Adam 'Edge' Copeland
Throughout his career, Adam 'Edge' Copeland has portrayed several offshoots of himself. His usual face persona does things the right way but will resort to unsavory tactics when pushed too far. That led to The Rated-R Superstar version of Copeland's character who won many world titles.
This persona will do anything and everything to anyone, including the infamous Conchairto strike. Copeland has alluded to this move a few times in AEW, most notably against Christian Cage and Nick Wayne.
As a hero, he hesitates to perform the move. As the dastardly heel Ultimate Opportunist, however, he doesn't think twice about blasting a star's head between two chairs.
Malakai Black constantly tests the mettle and resolve of supposed heroes as the leader of The House of Black. Unfortunately for Black, he has seemingly poked the wrong superstar, who has his own storied past of using mind games like the 'Brood Bath.'
Will Copeland use more of his past against Black in their barbed wire cage match at Double or Nothing? Could fans see another 'Brood Bath' at the event?