Among Us, at its core, is all about having outrageous fun with a group of other people or friends. Everything in the game is all about fun, such as the cartoonish aesthetic of Among Us, the trolling caused by other players, and the hilarious arguments in meetings that always ensue. Considering the theme of Among Us, it's no surprise that plenty of players come up with some really funny names.
Among Us has garnered a lot of attention in the gaming community, and it has blown up incredibly fast. With the huge rise in popularity comes a ton of new players and plenty of opportunities for new names to come out.
Some of those names are boring, some clever, and many others cause a lot of laughs. Out of all the names out there, in our opinion, these are the funniest names that we've come across.
3 funniest Among Us names to use
#3 - Anything ending in 'sus'
Names that end in 'sus' cannot fail. Not only does using 'sus', which is short for suspect, fit Among Us perfectly but it's always funny. Everyone in the game at some point is a 'sus' or suspect, and there are plenty of different ways to spin that name.
Some of those names include 'lil sus', 'I'm sus' or something like 'Dr. Sus'. There have even been plays on words like the Pokemon DeoxSus or a play on the popular PlayStation game, 'thelastofsus'. Any way it's spun, it'll be funny.
#2 - No one

The next two names for Among Us have to do with causing the most amount of chaos for the sake of laughs in the party. A great way of doing that has already been to change the in-game name to 'No one'. In this case, if that player with the name 'No one' is ejected, the line on the screen will read, "No one was ejected."
Of course, the confusion won't last long but players are sure to be thrown off when they all vote for one player, and it appears no one was eliminated.
#1 - Random color names
Perhaps the best way of causing constant confusion is to change an in-game name to a color that is opposite of the player model's actual color. That way, when discussions are going on and players use the color to refer to the player, people will get mixed up about which player they are talking about. It's sure to bring confusion every time and is low hanging fruit for laughs.