Q. Talk to us about some of your fondest gaming experiences. What was the first game you have ever played?
Gamerfleet: My first few games, which I played on my Pentium 4, were Project IGI, Age of Empire, and Age of Mythology. My fondest gaming experience has to be my PC being able to run Assassin's Creed 3 in 24-25 FPS.
Q. I am aware that your YouTube persona, "Gamerfleet," was inspired by Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag. What about the game stood out so much that it inspired you to base your channel off it?
Gamerfleet: I have always been a huge fan of the franchise, and I have played a lot of Assassin's Creed. Assassin's Creed 4 was the first game where you could take a ship and fight around the ocean, unlike the previous version where you could just send them out.
I learned the word FLEET from AC4, and I was amazed that I never knew it. So I named my channel Gamer’s Fleet but later on thought that it was a tricky name to search, so I settled on GamerFleet
Q. What’s the atmosphere like back at home? What do your parents think about your success as a YouTuber?
Gamerfleet: I used to get scolded a lot for making YouTube content back in the days. I even had to do some jobs that I didn’t like, where I had to work 21 hours a day sometimes just so that I could continue on YouTube.
But I never gave up, and now, my parents are delighted. They still can’t understand what I do, neither can they explain it to relatives, but they are happy now, especially my father.
Q. Apart from creating some of the most entertaining and hilarious content for your channel, are there any other career options that you are looking into at this moment?
Gamerfleet: I just want to keep doing what I do, evolve, and put out more and more content that no one has seen yet. So no, I’m looking at content creation as my final career.
Q. You have created content on a plethora of video games. From WWE to Pokemon Moon to Fall Guys, the genre of video games you deal with is incredibly versatile. Which game would you say was the most challenging to create videos on? And which was the most fun?
Gamerfleet: Fall Guys has to be one of the most fun games I’ve ever played, while Minecraft is the most creative one. Games that none or only a few creators have made videos on are the most challenging, as you don’t have anyone to take reference from or have just a raw idea of the game.