Glitches aren't prevalent in Among Us. There was a no name glitch that showed up on Among Us a while back; however, that was sorted out pretty soon.
That was a minor glitch without far-reaching consequences, but there is a new one that's anything but minor but is not really being talked about.
Rare game-breaking Among Us glitch has players spawning with the same colors
The game in the clip was riddled with glitches from the very beginning. Upon joining the lobby, the player noticed that there were two limes in the game.

Despite there being seven players in the lobby, the count showed only four players in the game. It failed to register the three other players, who were already present in the lobby.

There were two pinks when the game started, and the number dropped to three players despite there being eight players in the lobby. It was a trainwreck from here on, but a pretty funny one.

The game failed to register any impostors. Impostors are essential for the game to function properly, but there were none in this game due to the clitch.

Once the match started, there were two pinks and two purples in the game. Blue was seen standing on the table.
Viewers will notice that lime called an emergency meeting, but the player wasn't even registered in the game when the Among Us voting menu came up.

Finally, the ending screen in Among Us registered it as a defeat, but the defeat screen was blank.

Although this glitch causes some concern, it was pretty fun to see the game behave in such a way. This glitch is pretty rare, and users haven't really complained about it so far.
This is because players cannot exploit this glitch for their personal benefit. However, if the glitch does occur more frequently, the developers will have to address it in one of the upcoming patches.