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  • Which Naruto Hokage are you, based on your zodiac sign?
Comparing all the Hokages to some of the zodiac signs (image via Pierrot)

Which Naruto Hokage are you, based on your zodiac sign?

Naruto is arguably one of the most successful shonen anime and manga series. Naruto has introduced various characters, some of which have had the honor of becoming the Hokage of Konohagakure.

This title is given only to the village's strongest and most able shinobi. They will be responsible for the protection and the overall progress of a village. Let’s look at all of the Hokages and compare them to some of the traits belonging to some of the zodiac signs.


Naruto: Which Hokage are you based on your zodiac sign

1) Naruto (Aries)

Naruto Uzumaki (image via Pierrot)

The Aries are pretty competitive and aim to be the best at what they do. They're fierce in competition and always strive to be number one in their fields. They dive headfirst into some of the most challenging situations, and Naruto is no different. He had his eyes set on becoming a Hokage and fought against all odds to become one. He never backed down from a challenge and never went down without giving a fight.


2) Hashirama (Libra)

Hashirama Senju from the Naruto series (image via Pierrot)

Libras give a lot of importance to balance and harmony since it allows them to be the best versions of themselves by achieving this balance. Hashirama was a great Hokage, and just like him, Libras are great at launching new initiatives. Hashirama was able to achieve peace and create a village. By doing so, he was a reason for many new initiatives that were important in creating Konohagakure.


3) Tobirama (Scorpio)

Tobirama Senju from the Naruto series (image via Pierrot)

Scorpios can be misunderstood, much like Tobirama in the Naruto series. Many people thought that Tobirama was just a Senju who resented the Uchihas and had many anger issues. However, he is pretty level-headed, has launched many administrative initiatives, and was credited with creating some of the most critical and advanced jutsus of all time. Scorpios are also said to be a little calculative, which can also be applied to Tobirama.


4) Hiruzen (Capricorn)

Always watching over my village. http://t.co/cuXgixaKXt

Capricorns are considered some of the most talented individuals, just like Hiruzen Sarutobi. He was the only person other than Hashirama to receive the title of God of Shinobi. Capricorns are visionaries and leaders. They are always trying to set a new path for the upcoming generation to follow, which can also be seen in Hiruzen Sarutobi from the Naruto series.

5) Minato (Pisces)

Congrats to Naruto for being the only Anime series to have Minato Namikaze

Pisces are said to be quite empathetic towards others and constantly try to uplift those around them. They love to explore and are constantly putting themselves in situations that force them to learn and adapt, which plays a vital role in a person’s growth. Minato is someone who was always trying to be a better shinobi and was quite empathetic to those around him.

6) Tsunade (Virgo)


Virgos are pretty logical, and they’re always trying to use rational thought processes to solve any problem. Tsunade is a character who may seem quite laid-back. But she is someone who has strategized on numerous occasions and saved Konoha from a lot of trouble from radical elements present in the shinobi world. Virgos also want to help others and attempt to solve problems for others if things are getting out of hand. Tsunade’s supportive nature was seen when she trained Sakura to become a better medical ninja.

7) Kakashi (Taurus)

People of this zodiac sign genuinely enjoy relaxing in a serene environment. They can be pretty laid-back but not in a manner that will affect a person's productivity or competence in any field of their choice. Kakashi is quite laid-back, but he never fails to give his best in any mission assigned to him. People of this zodiac sign can also be slightly analytical, which will help them in numerous situations both within and outside of work. Kakashi is someone who constantly analyzes any given situation and attempts to provide the best solution possible.


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