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  • 5 things to expect from HogWarp, the upcoming Hogwarts Legacy multiplayer mod
HogWarp brings with it promises of a multiplayer experience in Hogwarts Legacy (Image via YouTube/The Together Team)

5 things to expect from HogWarp, the upcoming Hogwarts Legacy multiplayer mod

Multiplayer mods have always been an interesting development, and Hogwarts Legacy is no different. The latest mod from the Together Team, known for their previous work in the Skyrim Together mod, is no different to the Skyrim variant. It aims to add multiplayer functionality to the otherwise fantastic single-player campaign of Hogwarts Legacy.

#HogwartsLegacy has been quite a charming experience for us and while there have been a fair amount of performance issues, @wbgames, and @AvalancheWB Software's latest title does hit home on more counts than one.
@HogwartsLegacy @PortkeyGames

While admittedly being a work in progress, HogWarp is shaping up to be a promising release. This article will attempt to detail five such things players can expect from the Skyrim Together team for this beloved game.

Note: This article is subjective and represents the writer’s opinions.


HogWarp promises a seamless multiplayer experience in Hogwarts Legacy


While the mod is still in its alpha stage with active development, players can at the very least expect these five features from the mod:

1) 10 player co-op

For starters, players using HogWarp can expect up to at least 10 player support, as seen in this rather informational video from the Together Team themselves. This should allow for more players to join into a party and bring in the chaos.


2) Outfit Sync

One of the features of HogWarp is the presence of transmog - AKA allowing for seamless transition of gear pieces (by consequence), and cosmetic appearance between players. Outfit Sync will be sure to make the magical adventure of players in the Wizarding World more stylish than ever.

3) No major changes to the story, providing a true vanilla Hogwarts Legacy experience

It has already been confirmed by the Together Team that the base game will be largely left untouched, including the story bits, so players can rest easy knowing that there will not be any changes to the campaign progression. However, there are sure to be other transformative mods upcoming if players wish to look for such an experience.

4) Overhauled game balancing to accommodate multiple players

While not confirmed by the Together team as of writing of this article, having multiple high-ranked players in a single session of Hogwarts Legacy is sure to wreak havoc on the game’s balancing. It is therefore natural to expect a series of in-game tweaks to difficulty and quest line changes that will offer a more “balanced” and “fair” playthrough for players.


5) A unique experience that offers replayability value

If nothing, HogWarp offers a unique take on the single-player campaign, providing a transformative experience that was otherwise never intended by the developers. Players can expect a ton of replayability value in the game as a result, with each party offering a unique and fun experience.

How can players access HogWarp?

The HogWarp Patreon page

HogWarp is unfortunately locked behind a Patreon only at the time of writing of this article, costing a hefty $21 (High Otter) to $51.50 (King Otter) per month to gain access to the alpha build. Both tiers have full access, which is quite admittedly buggy and unfinished.


However, it can be rather fascinating to see the work and effort put into HogWarp, and interested players can check out lead developer Yamashi’s Pateron for more information.

Thankfully, the mod is aimed to be completely free to download and play once it is fully developed.

What are the caveats of this mod?

HogWarp, while being an impressive mod, has the following limitations:

  • Access is locked to a paid tier only at this time.
  • Players can expect plenty of glitches and bugs related to the questline as the mod is still in its alpha stage of development.
  • A persistent internet connection will be quite naturally required.
  • Performance issues owing to the added weight of additional players.
  • Compatibility issues, if any, over the base game of Hogwarts Legacy.

Hogwarts Legacy was released for the PC, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5 on February 10, 2023. A Nintendo Switch port is also in active development, slated for a release later this year.

Edited by
Sohan Dasgupta
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