The High Society Ranker Umbrella is a new customizable Ranked reward in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1. (Image via Twitter/iFireMonkey)

How to get the High Society Ranker Umbrella Glider in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1

Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1 provides competitive players with an exciting incentive with the introduction of the High Society Ranker Umbrella Glider. This sleek new reward not only acts as a mark of accomplishment, but also allows them to pick and choose variants based on the ranks they unlock during Fortnite Ranked Cup competitive sessions.

In order to embark on the journey toward the High Society Ranker Umbrella, players need to participate in Ranked Cup sessions. These are competitive events that provide a platform for players to showcase their skills and earn valuable points, which contribute to unlocking the coveted umbrella.


Unlocking the High Society Ranker Umbrella in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1

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The key milestone that you need to aim for to unlock the High Society Ranker Umbrella is to amass at least 75 points in any Ranked Cup competitive session. In these matches, points are granted based on performance, with factors such as placements, eliminations, and overall performance in matches that influence the point tally.

What sets the High Society Ranker Umbrella apart from other competitive rewards is its unique feature that provides the opportunity to select variants based on the ranks unlocked during Fortnite Ranked Cup sessions. This touch of personalized look adds a layer of customization. As such, it allows you to showcase your achievements with distinct visual variations.


Tips for unlocking the High Society Ranker Umbrella

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In order to maximize your chances of unlocking the High Society Ranker Umbrella, you should stay up to date about Ranked Cup sessions through Epic Games' social media channels and the in-game Compete tab. The developer typically announces the schedule and timings for these competitive events. This will allow you to plan your participation and aim for the 75-point threshold.


Placements can be of utmost importance when trying to score points in Fortnite Ranked and the best way to go about it is to play it smart. You don't have to engage in every fight you see, so it is preferred that you loot up and prepare for endgame rather than go for eliminations. This simple strategy of picking your fights can allow you to place better and get to the 75-point goal faster.

Additionally, you can aim to acquire the new Society Medallions to get a shield boost throughout the match, which will give you an edge over your opponents. However, it is important to note that having a medallion in your inventory marks you on the map, making it easier for enemies to track and hunt you down.

With Chapter 5 Season 1, Epic Games seem to be bringing back Ranked Cups. While the Ranked system has been a point of contention for many in the community, this new exclusive glider is sure to provide an incentive to participate in these competitive events and compete for the 75-point target.

Edited by
Abu Amjad Khan
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